Real Calls and Real Deals: Wholesaling Real Estate LIVE (EPISODE 2)

What is going on? My good people, it is Nathan Payne and we got Benson. Juarez, how you doing? Benson,
awesome, bro. What’s going on in your world?
I’m having a great day today. Man, I woke up early. Read some books. Working. Yeah. Man, how about you? How’s your day been? How many books did you read today?

I probably read, probably for, uh, 30 pages. If you want to know the exact amount, I can tell you, but it’s no, that’s
good. I just like how you said it. I read some books. I
read a couple different books, but I didn’t finish any of them.

That’s good, though, man, you’re doing 99% more than the rest of us out there who want to read books. I
know it can be tough guys. I know, I know I was there, but now I’m consistent with it, thank goodness. And that’s what we’re going to be doing today, is we’re going to be showing you how to be consistent with using privy, not only using privy, but calling seller leads, and how to talk to them. So Benson, just to let everyone know who you are and who I am, I’ll start. My name’s Nathan Payne. Been in the business for about six years now, wholesale, tons of deals, and my desire is to help you guys close more deals, because I know how painful it can be to get leads and not be able to convert.

And you’re sitting there like, man, what did I do wrong? That’s what these calls are for. So you guys can learn how to convert more and do better. Benson, who are you? Yeah.

Benson Juarez, industry vet, been around a long time, done all kinds of different strategies, been in the real estate game for 20 years, prop tech, angel investing, got my hands in a little bit of everything. Probably too much, right? You need to probably focus a little bit better. But I love these calls, right? Because we get to do real stuff. We really get to get in the weeds and talk to leads and agents. And that’s what’s so great about these calls, exactly

100% so today, we’re going to be going through the process of, how do you start that? Let’s say lead comes in. What does that look like? Because I know it privies a lot of on market. That’s usually what we use it for, but it also has a great comping tools.
You can pull lists, you can do so much with it.

So we’re going to be showing you guys how I look at it quickly before I make a call, just so I kind of have a good idea. Now the plan, that’s what the plan is for today, is we’re going to call a lead specifically, but I’m going to show you what I look at to kind of be ready for that call. And our promise is always, is we’re going to make a call.

We’re going to make live calls so you guys can see, you know, am I going to freeze? Am I nervous on the phone? How do I talk? Let’s see how it really goes down. All right, so Benson, today, we’re going to kind of go in depth and looking at deals. But I really don’t look too much at the information before I make a call, mainly because they might not answer.

So I don’t want to waste my time like looking too indefinite information. I usually pull it up while I’m on the phone. Yeah, I’m curious for you, if you ever get a lead, do you do you kind of try to analyze it a lot, or do you just make the call?
You know what? For on market? I do analyze it a little bit more in depth than something that’s off market, because it’s not so much a volume game on market. It’s really more about the numbers, right? So with off market, like you could turn every every lead into a deal with the right price. And I guess the same could be said for on market, but with on market, we already know they’re motivated, so you don’t have to search for the motivation, and we already know the price, so we don’t have to worry about the process of doing all the partial closes along the way, right, right, to get to a point where you can actually make an offer.

You get rid of all that with on market, so it’s easier to spend more time on the numbers and really make sure you’re submitting an offer that has a high chance of being accepted. I
like it. I like it. You know, there’s a lot of different ways to skin a cat, right? And there’s a lot of different strategies. But for me, right now, we’re going to show you guys what I look at. But if you’re one of those guys that are brand new in this business, don’t just let the analysis paralysis stop you, where you’re like, Well, let me look at it really good, you know, let me make sure I understand everything about it, because that can stop you.

I know it can stop a lot of people that I’ve worked with, they just want to be 100% sure they know everything. And that’s honestly impossible, because, you know, you got to get on that phone. So I am showing you guys what it looks like, but don’t get it twisted. I’m not just doing this, and it’s not taking hours. It’s literally taken minutes, right? Maybe even, like, one minute. So let’s share my screen. Benson, can you see my screen right here? I
got it. Okay,

so this is a lead that got submitted, and hey, it is actually, according to this it’s active, so isn’t that funny? It’s a lead that we paid for that came in, but it’s listed, right? So this happens a lot.
A lot of sellers who haven’t been able to sell their homes actually list their properties. Sorry that a lot of sellers who have their homes listed on the MLS will submit a form to like, a service where we buy houses for cash, because they’re like, Man, this isn’t moving. Let me see if a cash buyer can do it quickly.
Oh, 100% they’re just looking for multiple channels to get that thing off their books, right? They don’t care if it sells through the MLS or if they have to sell it to somebody else.
Now, it says it’s been active for 215, days.

Now, that sounds like a lot. You know, if they’ve been on the market for that long, they’re probably extremely motivated. But maybe they can’t drop it lower. I’m just assuming that maybe they can’t drop it lower than any lower, because they probably have a mortgage they have to pay off. They have the fees listing it with the agent. There’s got to be something going on if it has been listed for 215, days, right? And it hasn’t moved? Yeah, there’s

something going on there. I don’t know what it is. Obviously, it’s price, that’s the main thing, right? So they haven’t met the market price yet for what, where the real demand is for that kind of price. Property Exactly.

So for me, that’s pretty quick. I can look and say, hey, it’s been on market for a long time. It hasn’t moved. And the cool thing about is a townhome, so comps are pretty easy to come by.

You can see in the solds, if we go down here to the comparables, we can kind of see, yeah, most of these homes that are selling these townhomes, are going to be in the 240 to 260 range ARV, you know, because they’re not going to vary too much, since they’re all the same. And these look like newer builds too. 2021 that’s two years old.

So this is not usually something. Where I’d see this Benson, I’d be like, Oh my gosh, this is an amazing opportunity, because where we have to add value when we buy homes for cash, whether that’s fixing it up or providing value to the seller, where we can get it at a good deal. So let’s call the seller. Let’s see what we can do.

But I’m not too hopeful on this one creative,
right? Like there may be, depending upon the rents, like this might be a good property for subject to or seller finance. Well,
you actually, yeah, you took the words, I’m out. That’s actually the play that would be here, right? Is, I’m assuming they, you know, they owe pretty close to what they’re asking for. So maybe there isn’t a lot of equity for a cash offer, but there’s still play on creative. So let me call this lady. Her name’s Jacqueline.

Let’s see, see what we can get done. Alright, alright, let’s do it. Let’s see. And we already know that a lot of people don’t answer the phone when they don’t know who’s calling. So I usually already expect to call two or three times in a row. Okay, then little hang up action. No problem.
It wouldn’t be the first time you called a woman and she hung up. No,
not even my wife will hang up on me. Sometimes, you know, if she’s busy. Let’s see. So this number that I’m calling, they hung up twice, but this time it’s ringing,
Your call has been forwarded. Interesting Message System 401,
I was starting to think the number didn’t work.
559, is not available

at the tone. Please record your message. When you have finished recording, you may hang up or press one for more options. Hey, Jacqueline, my name is Nathan.

I’m calling because you submitted some information about the property on brigade, brigade trail in Pensacola, Florida. If you give me a call back, I’d appreciate it. Also send you a text and an email just so you have my contact info.

Okay, thank you. Yeah, that’s interesting. Benson, uh, she didn’t answer. Well, hung up twice, but then it went through on the third so looks like it’s a real number.
Yeah, that’s, that’s very interesting. Yeah. So what did you say her name was?
Her name is Jacqueline.

Okay, would that be? Let’s we can actually look in privy and see who the listing agent is. Let me see. Well,
so based on public records, that is the owner of record. Okay, that’s in, that’s in the public records section, if you get on the bottom of that. CMA, oh, okay,
got it? Well, yeah, then it is the the right owner. Jacqueline, yep, that’s it.

Cool. Cool. Well, guys, so at this point, you call three times, you send a text and you send an email, and if they don’t respond, you follow up, right? You you do another hour or so now, what would the game plan be? Right for me? Just kind of let you guys know, because, you know, we can’t. I’m not going to be on here for an hour with you guys when I call her, my goal would just be to see hey, you know, I’ve noticed this is information.

I’ve seen you filled out some information you want to sell the house. What can you need let me know a little bit more about the situation. That’s what. That’s my goal is. I don’t really want to talk too much about the house. I don’t want to talk too much like go to in depth. I want to know what’s going on and how can I help and that’s kind of how I approach conversations, because you’re always looking for the win, win. When I’m trying to talk to sellers, I’m always looking for what is your end in mind, what’s the goal? And obviously, they want to sell, and how can I help you get there? I might not be your best option, but I can, for sure, talking to me is going to help you get there, or at least closer to there, even if we don’t do business together. So that’s how I approach my conversations.

There’s like zero pressure at all. Because you know, if you treat everyone with love and respect and you want them to succeed, even though that might not be doing a deal with you, it what goes around comes around. Maybe they have a referral, maybe they have a friend, or that’s just the right way to do business. In my opinion, you can’t strong arm someone into accepting it working with you, right? Because it’s all about trust.

So yeah, Benson, that was a, this is that was kind of a quicker call today, because we didn’t, don’t want it to go too in depth, really.

I just want you guys, everybody that’s on here, to know, using privy, which I’ll go back and I’ll show you. Let’s see, you can find out a lot of good information just immediately, just by looking at the the property right like, okay, it’s active, yeah, we’ve already priced, dropped it. You can see that who filled out the form? You were saying, Benson, the information is down here under, did you say assessors records? Is that where you’re saying that was, yeah.

So you can see right here who it is. And on this one we can just, I’m assuming we’re going to have to go creative, just because cash is they’re probably not going to be able to get it low enough, because if we ran the cash a cash offer on this thing, I’ll show you guys how I run a cash offer on this pretty, pretty quickly calculator.
And also, too, with the rents.

And there we I saw the rental data. It’s going the exact same, units going for 19. 95 on the rental comps. So that’s where the rents are going to be for a property that’s exactly like this one, right?
And it really would depend on just what the mortgage is, right? Like if it cash flow on it, or if it makes sense. But a lot of people, they don’t need the cash flow necessarily. So that’s a good point.

So for this one, let’s say the ARV is 260 just from what we’ve been seeing, and they’re asking 254, I’ll just show you guys that obviously, you know, that’s not a deal, but just so you guys can see what it looks like if you were to pay cash for this, you know, put the money down 12% two points, and list it with a real estate agent. And let’s say just needed $5,000 of, you know, light paint and carpet. That’s not really going to get you too far.

5000 but let’s just say that if you bought it, obviously you’re going to lose 28 you’re going to lose money. So you would need, in order for you to make money on this deal, you’d have to get it. Let’s see. I’m just assuming. Okay, so if you got a 180 and you just flipped it yourself, you’re going to have a great return.

But let’s see if we got it down to 215 Okay, so that’s a 5% that’s nobody’s getting excited about that. So let’s go 200 okay, I could see a flipper being willing to do this, if it’s such a light rehab or just basically a whole tail deal. And you could stick in, let’s see five. Yeah, someone would probably do that.

A lot of flippers are willing to do something between like an eight to 10, if it’s not a lot of work. But if they’re not even able to go that low, then, you know, obviously a wholesale offer or flip is is kind of be out of the question. So you’re going to have to take it and go creative, and you’re going to have to run the numbers like Benson was saying, where you got to see if the rents are going to enable you to cash you have a cash flow or cash on cash return. So anyway, that’s, that’s how I do it, Benson. Do you have any anything you want to add to that? No,

no, I think that because it’s such a new mortgage, there’s not going to be any equity chances of them putting down 20% or something like that is, you know, that’s not real. Actually, know what I wanted to see something real quick. It doesn’t say it. I’m going to see if it said owner occupied or non owner looks like it’s owner occupied. So, yeah, she probably didn’t have to put down a bunch of money on it. But if $2,000 would be what the rents were going to be would be. So if you can get it, the mortgage to be lower than that, then there might be a reason for doing it.

But I don’t know if this is an area that’s appreciating it at a higher rate, or if it’s just a cash flow scenario. Obviously you can get the depreciation, but you know, cash flow and appreciation are gonna be the two main revenue drivers
love it well. Benson, thanks again for being here with me as we do these calls. It’s always kind of fun to show people what the real business looks like, versus like the flashy checks that everyone sees. Well, this is what gets you to those points you gotta go through. You gotta look at deals, you gotta make calls. You gotta figure out how what’s your extra strategy so, Benson, thanks again. Is there anything you wanna say to the to our people, before we we take off. No,
just, but just like what Nathan was saying, you guys, consistency is the key.

You know, make those calls. Don’t distract yourself with the numbers. That’s why Nathan made the point earlier that he doesn’t run numbers on off market deals until after he’s made the call. Right? A lot of times, people will distract themselves with running numbers. They don’t have to make calls. And they like, Oh, my God, I ran out of time. I can’t make any calls today because you spend a bunch of time in the system not talking to people.

100% you get the deals from talking to people and seeing how you can you can help them achieve their end. In mind, you’re right, how you can help them get what they want. All right? Benson, well, we’re out of here. Everybody, thanks for coming, Benson, and we’ll see you next week. All
right. Sounds good? Bye, everyone. Hey,
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