Join us on our mission to help people succeed not only in their businesses but in their personal lives. Earn monthly by referring people to the Payneless Flipping Academy.

What The Payneless Flipping Academy Includes

Unlock all the secrets we’ve learned from 0 to 4,000+ deals – whether you’re just starting or a seasoned real estate investor, the Payneless Flipping Academy gives you everything you need to build the life and real estate business of your dreams.

You’ll Get Access To:

  • Payneless Flipping Mastery…
  • Payneless Profit Pipeline…
  • Payneless Paperwork Vault…
  • Community of ACTIVE Real Estate Investors and Entrepreneurs…
  • New Real Estate Constraint Solved Every Month…

The more customers you refer to, the more commission and promotional material you will gain access to. We have a whole team of Investor Thrive professionals that are here to help you with educating your audience on how to invest in real estate and providing approved promotional materials for you to use. We really try to make this as easy as possible for you!

Mission Statement


To empower individuals to succeed in real estate and in their personal lives, through creating a thriving community of successful, ethical, and prosperous individuals.

Key Characteristics


1. Ambitious: We embrace failure and pursue greatness through consistent daily imperfect action.  

2. Loving: We strive to develop the attributes of faith, virtue, knowledge, temperance, patience, kindness, charity, humility, & diligence. We know as we develop these attributes, they will help us provide better customer service, quicker response times, and give us the desire to go the extra mile to help our customers win.

3. Relentlessly Optimistic: We strive to be positive and look for the good in any situation. Although we are realistic, we speak positively out loud and avoid complaining or stressing about things we can’t control. 

Critical Actions


1. Constantly Learning: We are always looking for ways to improve and innovate. We actively invest in real estate so we can be up to date on the current market and any updates. We aren’t afraid to change and pivot whenever necessary.

2. Be the servant: We are always looking for ways to serve our community and be go-givers. We do this by being accessible, answering questions, giving expert advice, and providing the best resources available. Our goal is to put the needs of others in front of our own. 

3. Encouraging: We are always looking for the positive and good in others. We never miss an opportunity to give praise, recognition, or compliment someone on the actions they have taken to progress in their journey.

Your Story Pitch

Most aspiring wholesalers start their journey to financial freedom through real estate by consuming the free content they can find online. With the endless amount of information out there, and much of it outdated, many wholesalers are left feeling confused on what to do to get deals consistently. They struggle to know exactly what activities will be worth their time, energy, and money to pursue. If they don’t give up, they end up getting stuck in analysis paralysis for years or waste tons of their money trying to get a deal without success. 

At Investor Thrive, we solve this problem by providing an interactive life changing mentorship that helps new wholesalers learn the how to get deals without spending money. We teach beginners how to establish a firm foundation of investing skills so they can avoid wasting their time and money taking the wrong actions.

When you join Investor Thrive, you become a member of the greatest interactive real estate investing community full of go-givers dedicated to helping you succeed. You no longer feel discouraged, frustrated, or alone in your journey towards financial freedom. You feel the clarity and confidence you have been looking for as you get all the support, training, and resources you need to see the results you want. We specialize in teaching you the right actions to take daily in order to shorten your learning curve so you can see results quicker. Your journey to financial freedom through real estate starts here!


Every wholesaler deserves to know how to wholesale the RIGHT way.

The Investor Thrive Guide to Success for Wholesalers


Every aspiring wholesaler wants to do deals consistently in order to make money to provide for themselves and for their families. The problem is that most wholesalers have learned how to do it the wrong way. They lack the fundamental understanding of what actions to take daily and how to get deals consistently. They waste tons of time, money, and energy trying to find motivated sellers before they have a solid foundation and understand the most important part of the business. They find it hard to be confident when making offers to sellers and question if they are wasting their time. At Investor Thrive, we got tired of seeing tons of wholesalers lack confidence and fail by wasting their hard earned money and time trying to figure things out on their own. That’s why we created the most interactive mentorship program that teaches wholesalers how to get deals without spending money. We specialize in teaching wholesalers the right actions to take daily in order to shorten their learning curve so they can see results quicker. Join our family at where you become a part of an investing community so you don’t feel alone in your journey to financial freedom. Don’t let the fear of failure or self doubt stop you from taking action and reaching your full potential. You were meant to make an impact in this world so join the mentorship today and become the person you were meant to be by surrounding yourself with other action takers.