Training: Offer Options

Welcome back. I’m extremely excited that you’ve made it this far. If you’ve come to this point, you are crushing it, and I am proud of you. Today we’re going to be talking about offering multiple options to the seller. And notice that we haven’t gone over structuring deals offering options until this point, because you don’t really need to worry about this stuff. Until now, you’re talking to sellers. Now you’re you’re having conversations, you’re building trust, you know who you’re reaching out to, you’re staying focused, you’re staying consistent. Now is the time when you’re talking to sellers then you can start bringing up how you’re going to buy the property. A lot of people focus on this too early.

That focus on, well, I’m just going to make tons of offers. That’s not how this works. Maybe if you’re buying homes on the MLS for yourself, and you just make a ton of offers, and you just cross your fingers hoping that you can get a deal when you’re buying a home for your family yourself. That’s how that works. But when you’re doing this, it’s about building trust and gaining the relationship with the seller or the agent or whoever you’re working with. It’s this a relationship business guys, it’s it’s sales and marketing. You got to get the leads, and you got to build the relationships, the structuring that’s important, but which we’re going to get into right now. But I just want to emphasize how important it is to build the relationships and have good conversations with people right so now we’re going to get into offering multiple options, because this is what’s happening.

You’re talking to sellers now you’re noticing that they have different wants and desires and needs, and now it’s your opportunity to understand, and your job to understand how we can construct offers to meet their needs. Okay? Because sometimes they’re going to want too much, but they’re going to have a really distressed property, so you need to be able to understand how to navigate that situation and say, hey, well, you know, you’re wanting a lot. This is what we can do. Okay, that’s not, that’s not an option you like. Okay, well, this is what we can do. You want to understand your options, and that’s why we’re here in panels flipping program, and these guys are set up because this takes time. Okay, you’re going to be able to figure it out. I promise you guys, it just takes time. So we’re here all the step of the way. And the next guide we’re I’m going to explain a little bit more of if you don’t feel comfortable with this step yet, you’re talking to a seller, and you see that there’s motivation, but you don’t know how to construct the offer. We’re here. That’s why you can submit deals once you get to step guide nine, and we can help you with the constructing it, forming it, making, doing, whether it’s a wholesale, wholesale fix and flip, it doesn’t matter.

Creative Novation, we’re here for you, and we can partner on the deal, or we’ll tell you what we would do. And you can go ahead and take it all the way. That’s up to you. But let’s get into the different options you can offer sellers. Let’s go right in here. Offer options. Okay, so I’m not going to go over the whole thing. I have it kind of broken down for you guys. But basically, the objective is to equip you guys with why sellers, the knowledge of why sellers would pick, pick specific options, and knowing what those options are. Okay? So if a seller wants to sell for speed, convenience and ease, they just want to sell fast. There’s a couple options that you can offer. When someone wants to sell fast, you have a cash offer, or you have an owner carry back program, that’s what we call it. But or you can call a creative financing. You can call subject to there’s all a bunch of different variations, but really it’s a creative way. You can buy a house creatively very fast. Okay? You can buy a house very fast with cash. You cannot buy a house very fast if you put on the MLS, or if you Yeah, if you want, you’re at the highest price ever. Okay.

So if you want speed, the seller’s gonna have to give away a little bit the price they want if they want to sell it fast. Okay. So those are the options. You can offer. The options for offering if someone wants to make the most money possible. Well, you can say, Hey, have you thought about fixing up yourself and flipping it? You’re gonna make the most money that way. Or we can innovate the property. We can work with you on our full service program where we take care of everything. And we’ll get more deeper into how to pitch all these but right now, we’re just doing an overview, and then in the trainings and videos we’re gonna have you can see exactly how to pitch it a little bit more in depth, but this is just the overview, so you guys can see what options sellers get depending on what their needs are. Owner carry back. You can also offer way more if you do a creative deal, you can offer more money, and you can just have them listed as is. And you can offer to list if you’re a real estate agent, or you can refer it out to somebody if you’re dealing with listed properties that are on the MLS and you’re trying to make a deal happen, cash offer. You can’t No do a Novation.

It’s already listed, so you can’t put on the market. It’s just cash and it’s creative. Those are the two options you have. If you’re dealing with someone wants to sell and their properties already listed, it needs a lot of repairs, a lot of repairs, managing property. Properties needing repairs. This is what you would do. It’s cash, or you can do innovation, where you put it on the market, you do a little bit of work, just so it qualifies for a loan. Those are what you can offer the seller. Number six. Part Six is minimal. If it doesn’t need a lot of repairs, you can still offer cash. Cash is always available, but usually cash is the lowest offer. So you want to have multiple tools in your tool belt, in your toolbox. You want to be able to offer multiple options, because if you just stick to a cash offer, good luck. You’re not going to get a lot of deals, because not a lot of people are in that situation. But you can get more deals. The more you know, okay, the more options you know how to construct and offer owner carry back if it’s got minimal repairs.

That’s exactly what creative people want. They want something you know, on a creative deal, where they can just get it and rent it out. You can still do deals if it creatively, if it needs a lot of work, but most people don’t. Usually. Like to do that, but it still can be done. And then Novation, obviously, if it’s minimal repairs, you can do Novation, and you can list it as is, of course. So guys, be patient with yourselves to understand how to offer these options and how to construct it. We’re gonna have more videos on how to have that conversation with sellers. There’s tons of videos that I have that I’ve done, where I’ve done it live. So in the comment section, if you were like, hey Nate, I like that. But can you show me specifically how to have the conversation about Novations or anything? We’re going to get that to you. If you don’t know where to find it. I’m going to put some more information as we go and build this out, because it’s always improving. We’re always putting new videos as we have better conversations. We’re going to have those conversations for you guys so you can see what it looks like. But basically, if you go to the painless offer calculator if you want to know how the numbers work. This is how I do my flips. Okay, and I’m not going to go super in depth on how to use the calculator. Come to the trainings for that. That’s how you can learn. And we’re going to have some more training on how to run the numbers on these. But basically, this is how you analyze if you want to flip the deal, if you’re or if they want to flip it, you can show them. These are the options it populates to show them on a spreadsheet like this.

Like this is my cash offer. This is what it would look like if you this is how much you’d make if you flipped it yourself. This is, if we were to do innovation, that’s what you would get. And if we do seller finance, which guys, this is, I can’t do a whole training on seller finance on right now. This is just an overview, but it’s going to take time, and we’re going to be able to work on it at it as we go. But don’t get overwhelmed by all these options. I’m just showing you and listing as is. I just present these options to the seller depending on what they want and to show them what they would get. And if you guys like to see it a little bit more structured, like on a tree, this is basically the offer option tree. If they want speed. These are the options they get if they want the highest price.

This is what you can offer if their house is listed. This is what you can offer if the house needs tons of repairs, this is what you can offer, and if the house needs minimal repairs, this is what you got. As you can see, cash is usually always available, but not except for this one, because cash will never really give people the highest price as an investor, okay, now, as you can see at the very bottom, as you can break down the numbers, you could do a wholesale to find out what your wholesale fee is, what Novation what it would look like for you to make money on a Novation deal. There’s Burr, there’s the 1% rule on a rental. The creative calculator. You do not need to understand all this to go out and do deals. What I would recommend, if you guys are like, well, dang, I want to know how to do all this. I would start finding people that have the specific situation that we just went over. I want the highest price. Okay, well, this is what we can do, and just present the option, not the offer, but the option. And if they’re like, yes, I’d like to learn more about that one. Then we will go, you submit the deal guide nine. We’ll talk a little bit more, and we can help you, guide you through that. Okay, because this is it’d be too much for me to teach you every single strategy and how to do the numbers. You don’t need to know that yet. All you need to find is a situation. And we’ll help you. We’ll teach you as you go.

You just have to get good in this guide at understanding when to present the option and see if they’re interested. And then we’re there to support you. The rest of the way, wholesale offers are pretty easy. It’s just you got to get it at where your buyer would buy it, and that takes the skill, kind of skill, understanding what buyers would be. But we’re not trying to jump the gun and get you Okay, well, let’s talk to buyers and blah blah. We’re just trying to get you to understand when you’re talking to a seller, it’s not about the offer in the beginning, it’s about the relationship. Do they trust you? And then you’re like, Okay, well, hey, I have a couple options. Do you mind if I present them to you? Yes, okay, well, you said you want speed, but what I can do for you is we can pay for by cash, or if you give me time, I can close on it quickly, but I’ll have to pay you over time. And that’s the creative, right? So you have those two options depending on what they want. They want speed. They say, Well, I just want to get it done. I don’t want to hold the loan. I don’t want to do anything creative. Then you say, Okay, well, let me run the numbers. The numbers and let me get back to you. You’ve built the trust you beat. You built the understanding you don’t need to give them that offer immediately. You can just say, Hey, give me a chance to run it. Then you can ask me, I’ll run it for you. I’ll guide you through it, and we can partner on it.

Or you can just go and take the negotiation all the way. But that’s what I want to explain you guys. This is what we’re going over on guide eight, is understand when to present the options, and then as you get better, as you keep going, you’re going to understand how to run the numbers, and you’re going to get that through experience by us working with you. Check out guide nine, and that’s where you’re going to get that experience hands on in this apprenticeship style. Okay, so you don’t have to just again, get overwhelmed, be like, I gotta figure all this out myself. This is nuts. No, you don’t have to do that, guys. We got your back. So going back to the options in the guide, the actions that I need you guys to do is analyze some deals. Okay, you’re talking to some sellers. You’re going to analyze with them what options they want, and then you’re going to go through the painless offer calculator, and you’re trying to run the numbers on a wholesale deal. What would it look like if I did creative? What would it look like if it innovation, or if they flipped it? If I flipped it, you’re going to do your best. There’s some videos on that we’re
going to be able to provide for you guys, on what you know how to go through and what are the steps to use the painless offer calculator. Also, again, keep checking this section. It’s always going to be improving as we come up with better you know, conversations that we have alive so you can see what they look. Like, but I’m excited.

I’m excited for you guys, because this is we’re piecing it together. You’re talking to sellers. You’re having those conversations now you’re presenting options they’re picking. Then you’re presenting the options that they pick with the numbers and coming to a conclusion or an agreement on the offer. And we’re here for you every step of the way. So number one is on the action plan is analyze five deals. Post a screenshot of you analyzing some deals, and post it and say, Hey guys, this is a deal I broke down. All you gotta do is take a screenshot. As you take a screenshot, just post it in the Facebook group. Bada, bing bada, boom, easy. And once you complete all these steps, I’m really proud of you guys for being this far. So once you complete all these steps, take the quiz, and the bonus is I want to shout you out. I’m proud of you. I want to give you a shout out. I want to highlight you.

Do a spotlight on my social media, and if not on the social media, you don’t want it all over my social media. I’m going to spotlight you in the group. I want to say, Hey, I’m proud of you. Your name. Who’s ever watching this? I’m proud of all you that are watching this, but I’m proud of you, and I’m going to say something nice, because I appreciate you, and I want you to succeed, and especially if you’re in a specific market, I’m going to say, hey, you need to reach out to this guy. He’s working hard for this girl. You need to reach out, do some deals, work with them, because they are an asset to have in your market. So I got your back. Let me blast you out. Let me, let me try and get more people to do business with you and put you out there, because that’s how you can do deals. And I want to use my platforms to help you succeed if you want, and if not, let’s just shout you out in the group. That’s it. So guys do that for me. Go through this, familiarize yourself with the different options and strategies and play around with the numbers, analyze. Don’t feel like you have to master this. This is not something you have to master immediately.

We’re just getting into it. But this is important, because depending on what the seller needs, you got to construct an offer for them and an option with the right options available to them. So looking forward to your growth, can’t wait to show you guide nine how we’re going to help you in this apprenticeship style and have this be the done for you, wholesaling service that you guys want, where you have the opportunity to work with us and partner with us and see the deal go all the way through. Or we’ll tell you what to do, and you do it yourself. That’s the done for you. Model. And we want you guys to go out there and either do it yourself or we can do it for you. All right, so we will see on the next one again. Comment if you have any questions, all right, guys, and I’ll get to them all right later.


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