How to talk to a seller in pre-foreclosure?

You’re gonna see how saucy This is. Are we gonna get a hold of them or not?

Hello, Vicky, yes. Vicky, hi. My name is lane. I am calling about the property you sent over to us that you’re looking to sell on. San robor, yes. Which area with I am with 123, closed. You filled out some information on one of our sites online. I did. I’m just making sure, because you’re not the only one that I just want to make sure it’s a person with the right company totally understand good to hear. I don’t blame you. I would be reaching out to multiple companies too. You always want multiple offers, right? Well, Vicki, as I’m getting your property pulled up good time. Yes, okay, as I’m getting your property pulled up here, tell me a little bit about what you got going on there.
It’s a four bedroom, three bath. Has a garage. We have there’s a carport, and I have some storage sheds in the back that I probably have done. I don’t think that that’s part of what y’all do. I don’t know. It’s only I’ve only been doing this for maybe the last 45 minutes. Oh, Okay, gotcha. Yeah, I have appointments for people. But I guess, because it’s so late in the afternoon, I saw you, you’re actually calling from Florida, yeah, yeah, and yeah.

So we’re, I’m actually calling you from a different state, in Arizona, but that’s where we make all of our calls from. So it’s a little bit earlier here, but you know, we have boots on the ground there in that area of where you’re at. Well, yeah, because they’re just making a point. I guess everybody’s gone. But anyways, the house is in foreclosure. So I just, I just can’t, I was raised in this house with my parents, and they both have passed, and my brother passed, mother and my brother passed the same year. And I just, I’ve got to get asked underneath it, okay, so when you say it’s in foreclosure, is there a date? Is there an auction date already set? Yes,
the 28th of August.

Okay, so right around the corner, three weeks, have you had any communication with the trustee or with the bank to see if they would entertain a postponement if you got an offer? No, I didn’t know that there’s something I could do. Yeah, they actually, you can. You can reach out to them, get a hold of it’s, it’s mostly the trustee who you need to talk with. That’s who’s been sending you the paperwork. And just talk with them and be like, Hey, I’m, I’m expecting an offer to come in. Can I get a postponement? You know, an extra 30 and usually they’re pretty good about at least giving you another 30 days. And I can help you through that process. We deal with it all the time. Okay,
so it’s just a trustee that I need to contact and try to get I spent for 30 days.

Yeah, and they might, they might want to see an actual offer in hand that would help a lot to be able to do that. Okay, I’m trying to pull up this address, and I’m having some difficulty. Vicki, can you help me out? Is the address, 688, sand roller drive? No, I sent back. I guess it was. There was a Stu the text, man that I got you. But anyways, it’s the Google image. Is actually from a dirt road, and there’s property between the fence line and the dirt road that’s overgrown, and that is what the picture is the back that’s not even the house. You can actually see more, like you can kind of see the chimney on my neighbor’s house and then a little bit of my roof, Gotcha, okay, not really. I don’t. I don’t know why the picture is like that. We are at the very end of the road and on a on a circle. So I think there was an issue. Well, we won’t, we won’t go off of that Google picture and hold you to it. That’s for sure. Okay, I found it now. So it’s a three bedroom three bath, about 18 162 square feet. No, it’s a four bedroom three bath, one guard car, garage. And I don’t know what, I don’t know square feet, but I believe it’s over 202,000 square foot. It’s pretty it’s a big house, okay? And has a lot of land. I mean, it’s, it’s not, this isn’t, you know, what is your lot size? What is your lot size? You know, I have no idea. Like I said, just been doing this for 45 minutes. I was putting it off. I’ve just been, I Well, very difficult.

Yeah, no, I understand. Vicky, I’m here to help. I promise you that we deal with this all the time and we can help. I’ve been buying real estate for the last 15 years. I’ve dealt a lot with foreclosures. I understand the process. I understand how to communicate with the trustee and the bank. So I’m here to help. So we you are under a time crunch, that’s for sure. There’s, you know, you can’t get around that. So we. Would need to move quickly, like in your best case scenario, what are you hoping for? Are you doing that money? I went for it. Best case money timing. Do you have a place to go? Do you need to stay there after we buy it, to find another place? Just the whole Yeah, in your mind, best case scenario, what does that look like?

I don’t even know. I just know I need to sell the house, I don’t have a clue. My whole family is by and they buy it out of this house. So that’s why I’m probably where I am, because there’s just nobody, and I’ve just completely shut down. But I’ve gotten offers. I mean, you know the check, a ton, a ton of the you know, we buy your house that I have thrown away. Yeah, I don’t even know.
Well, yeah, I understand foreclosure notices are public information, and so people find that, and they start reaching out like crazy to try and buy your home. So I that’s understandable, right? I know that the house is, it’s worth 300,350 I mean, it is no damage to the house. No, tell me about the damage it.

There’s a window pane missing in the front bedroom, and that’s all I could really think of. There’s no other damage that. Oh, you said there’s no damage. Oh, okay, I misunderstood you. There’s one when the pain missed in and that’s because of knuckleheads. But you know it, it’s not dire need for a paint job. But you know they could definitely do we upgraded the kitchen, the master bedroom. You know how long ago? Four months father died, so it’s probably been within seven years, and like it just happened, but yeah, within seven years. So it’s got an ICER cabinet with a new top in the kitchen, and it’s got the one king countertop, the carpet I’ve been taking out slowly. It’s been here for four years. There’s really, there’s nothing else that’s wrong with that.

How’s the roof? Do you know?

Oh, the roof is within my so I would say it’s probably only about six years old. Okay, you said that you upgraded the kitchen and the master Did you? Were you saying the master bathroom was updated when you updated the kitchen the bathroom, new tile down and our No, it’s not towels. Took the towel, plastic towel, whatever all that, took that up and put in a new vanity, and I changed. I’ve changed all the commodes in the house within the last 10 years. Well, it sounds like it sounds like you’ve done a wonderful job of keeping this house Vicky. Honestly. Tell me about the loan that’s in place. What kind of a loan is it and how much is owed? Like to bring it? Currently,
I don’t even know I am.

I don’t, I don’t know who’s whose name is the loan in, it’s in my parents, because they both had their name on the on the mortgage. And when my mother had my my father dies, and my mother died, and I could not, I could not reach out to anybody because she had it through her phone, and I couldn’t get into her phone and to even pay the mortgage. And I’ve tried topics. I went to the bank, I went, Yeah, well, I thought it was through. I don’t know. It was just the whole big thing. And then I had major surgery and was down, and then the Depression hit me, and I’ve been out, just been sticking my head in the sand.

Gotcha? Okay? Well, so do you know that I got the final judgment is here, and I do have this company, but it’s like $30,000 for the mortgage and 20 700,000 for the best for the foreclosure. So it’s got a it’s, let me just repeat that it has $127,000 balance. And it’s, there’s about $30,000 in back payments and fees and penalties and stuff.

No, I think that that is the actual back payments for the property. It’s all right here, attorney fees, escrow, I don’t know how they did property inspections. Nobody came in.

Yeah, they’re just charging you for that, because they sent somebody buy, probably to take pictures from the on the outside. What’s the total that it says there? $127,318.46 Okay, so that’s the total amount that they would need to pay every your pay your mortgage off, pay all the back payments and interest and fees and all that. That’s what it sounds. Like to me, yeah, this is the final judge. But okay, and does it have the, well, I guess there’s a, there’s a bunch of line items. I’m saying is, is there an amount that would reinstate the loan? You’re saying? Does it look like it’s around 30,000 that is from the company principal or the No, just what’s the total of all the all the back stuff that they’re charging the back payment for? It is, like 30,000 because our maybe they send it to my parents, and I don’t open it, and I have opened them, but they’re in I can’t get it to the other room. It’s for the property, and I think that she took over the mortgage. The mortgage was through Bank of America. But then I guess somebody over the merit, over the mortgage, really, that’s the first time I’ve even talked about it without completely losing it.

Yeah. Well, you’re doing great. You’re You’re doing great, yeah, Bank of America probably just sold it to somebody else. Now tell me your your mom passed away. How long ago?

November, 2022

okay, and did you have to go through probate in order to change title into your name and that you’re authorized to sign and sell it and all that? I went through legal aid. And during that time, I lost a phone, the internet, power, water, I had nothing, and I had no idea what was going on. And they sent me a letter and the final judgment that, yes, it was, it was done through probate, and the name has been changed from Jim and Betty Schultz to Vicki Sprague. Okay, so as far as you know, you do have authorization to sell the home.
Yeah, I have Lee. I have a case number from Yes, perfect. Okay, let me see here real quick and just verify. Okay, so I show that the home is in the estate of Nell e Schultz, yes, and you’re probably the director of the estate or the controller of the estate.

There’s no paperwork for that, but yes, I am.

Okay. So I think what would be best here, let me see what the best number that I could come up with and be able to pay cash and be able to let you stay in it for a little while afterwards, so you’re able to comfortably find another place I know that I can get that proved like without even talking to my office for 30 days. So say, you know, if I can come in here and get this closed before the foreclosure date, I could give you another 30 days to remain in the home to be able to find something else. Is that doable? Is that something you think is fair? Yes, it’s very doable. That’s perfect, because I figured I would have to have, you know, I would have to use a big chunk of whatever I got a movers to come in, yeah, move it all as fast as they could. I mean, based on 15 people that live in this house, it’s just, I’m just buried in it, and that’s understandable. You’ve been there a long time. So let me ask you this total that is owed as 127,300 How much are you needing, or hoping to get on top of that? I’m getting, I want as close to 300 as possible. Okay, I mean, the houses are going for 400 around, and there’s a ton of and they’re they the house that went around the corner from us, and it was right at right under 400 doesn’t have half of the yard that we have.

How long ago was that? You know, I think I talked to this my other neighbor was around last December. I think this one, it was sold, okay, or maybe that’s when I talked to the neighbor about what they sold it for, and the last time I did anything, okay, well, I’m on, I’m looking right now, I’m looking at all the stuff that is sold in the last six months. And I’m only going back six months, because that’s all an appraiser is going to do. Anything past six months is no longer, you know, a comparable anymore, because that’s just too long. And I don’t see anything that is sold over 400 it’s all like what you said in the beginning, you know? And, yeah, it was right under 400

Yeah, the highest one I see is 385 and it was almost 3000 square feet. So quite a bit bigger. So I think your initial, your initial number was accurate in the mid threes. You know what? This thing is, worth it. It’s all fully updated and turnkey, right? Somebody comes in here does the updating on it. I understand that. I do so.

And again, we’re going to have to move quickly, right? I mean, time is not your friend right now, because if we do not, if we do not get a postponement from your. SD, like that is a very, very fast close. Typically, our fast closes are like 30 days. And those are pretty quick. One
of the reasons why I even contacted y’all because it said that you could do it within seven days on the internet, but that’s here, nor there. I understand you can only do what you can do. I have this is, this is not something that I want, but it’s something that I have to do where I’m just going to be. I mean, they’re going to put me to the curb with nothing, yeah.

Well, we’re here to make sure that does not happen. Vicki, so let me just kind of tell you, without seeing it, kind of where I would be, and if the title company can get done within, you know, 14 days, seven days, we can close it that quick. A lot of the delay that happens is with the title work. You know, we have to open escrow with the title company they run to make sure I can get title insurance, make sure that loan is paid off. It just takes a little bit of time, which is a lot of it is out of our control, right? Sure. Sorry. I’m just kind of crunching some numbers here to kind of tell you where we would be with this, with all this information in mind and the condition that it’s in, we could probably be right around 230,002 30 to 235 and that is a quick close we’re going to pay all the costs. So that’s a net number to use. So after your mortgage is paid off, which, if that’s all correct, if it’s 127, 300 you will walk with about $104,000 okay, so

All right, is that something you want to do? Vicky, well, I have all these other people that are coming. I have Monday appointments, and I guess I need to talk to the trustee. I have to do that. Start trying to get a hold of them first thing in the morning. As far as, yeah,
I would, I would recommend doing that, get a hold of them as fast as you can, right? And as far as, as far as meeting with all your other people, you do what you need to do. I’m just telling you, My offer is good today. I know that I can get that approved. We’re buying houses every single day, so come Monday, I don’t I’m not going to know if my offer is still good. You know, I might have bought three other houses and spent a lot of our money, and now our money for the month is kind of running up. And I know that with our budget and everything. I can get that approved today, you know, and maybe, obviously, you don’t have to sign it today, but if we could get it signed before the weekend, I know that I could press forward and get involved and help stop the foreclosure with your trustee.
Okay, well, like I said, this is the very first time that I’ve talked to somebody, so I can’t, really, I really can’t commit. I have to, I have to do due diligence and at least talk to other people, totally understandable, and it’s, you know, if you can’t do it on Monday, you can’t do it on Monday. You know, it wasn’t meant to be, yeah, well, I would recommend just, this is just a simple recommendation. Tomorrow’s Friday, right? And you have the whole weekend. Whoever you have an appointment with on Monday, I’d give them a call and just say, Hey, I’m up against the clock here. Can you get out here any sooner? Can you kind of give me numbers over the phone? You know, try and filter out as many of these people as you can so that, so that we can meet this timetable, is what I’m saying. Does that make sense? Because
I’m impressed for time. Yeah, okay, you’re right. You’re right. I don’t need to wait. I need to have an offer. I need to make my decision by Monday at the latest.

Yeah, I would really try, and I would hope you can have a decision by tomorrow, end of day, so we could open escrow on Monday morning and start that process right away, whether it’s me or whether it’s somebody else. Vicky, honestly, I’m just, I’m just shooting you straight. I know how. You know things can get delayed. When you open escrow and the title company takes a little bit longer to get the payoff from your lender, and that delays things. I just, I see it all the time. You’re
talking complete foreign sorry about that. Anything about I mean, I know these words that you’re saying, and I know enough to get into big trouble. Sorry, sorry about that. Yeah,

I’ve never done anything like this, and I’m scared I know what I’m doing. So, you know, I just need to educate myself. And definitely I thank you very much for telling me about the trustee. I will try to contact them. Well, I’ll start trying to contact them now. Awesome.
Well, Vicki, I’m here to help. I’m completely here to help. We do this all the time. We save people from actually going to the foreclosure and because at the end of the day, if it does sell at the trustee sale, and it’s bought by a third party, like by an investor, they’re going to come knocking, and they’re going to want to get the house vacated and get you on your way. And this way we, at least we put money, a lot of money in your pocket, and we’re able to let you stay there for another 30 days. So whatever you need, I’m here to help. Do you have any. Is Blaine, right. My name is lane, yes. And is Peterson. Lane, Peterson, I can’t see it. Hold on a second. Eyes is all watered up. Okay? And do you have a number I need to contact you? Or you just contact me back. This number that I called you on is the best number to get me out. Do you want I can I can text it to you when we hang up here. No, I got it right here. 321234, awesome. Hey, Vicky, is there anything that I can do to help you with your due diligence that you are saying you need to do? I don’t know. I don’t think so. I’ve just had to find the trustee. Have to find my glasses.

Hey, would we hang up here? Do me a favor and take a picture of that statement that you just read off to me, and if you could just text it to me the statement, yeah, you were you read, you read off the numbers from your your last statement. Oh, yeah, from the foreclosure. Yeah, yeah. If you could take a picture that and send it to me, I’d like to look at it. It’s a judgment. It’s a couple of pages long, but there you want just the nitty gritty of it, the numbers, yeah,

I’d love to look at it. Okay, okay, Vicky, call me, text me, whatever you whatever you need. Any questions you have, we got, we got, we got to get moving. So let me know how I can help. Okay, thank you lane, thank you Vicky. Great talking to you, poor lady.


Look, that was a masterclass, everybody. As I’m writing down what questions you need to ask to someone that’s going through pre foreclosure. That was amazing. Great job. Hey everybody. What’s up? It’s Nathan Payne, and for the first time ever, we just released this insane training bundle that has literally everything that I’ve learned from doing a combined 4000 deals in real estate, all from starting with absolutely no previous business background experience or any real estate experience, plus there’s over $19,000 worth of free gifts that we’re throwing in all for insanely low, low price. If you want to get your hands on this, be sure to click the first link on the description below right now.


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