Payneless Flipping Pre-call Explanation & Breakdown

What is paynelessflipping so you want to start wholesaling real estate and start making money now, but you don’t want to do it without having to spend a ton of money on marketing. That only gets you a little bit of money back. And we also don’t want to have to spend countless hours grinding away each day to start doing deals. Well, the bad news is, what most people have been taught to do. Traditional wholesaling makes it impossible for that to happen.

The good news, though, is there is a new way that I’m going to show you in this video that solves all those problems and can literally change your entire wholesale business overnight. So if you want to change your life and take your wholesaling business to another level, make sure to watch this video to the end, because I’m going to tell you not only what’s working in wholesaling right now, but I’m also going to show you how you can have the hardest parts of wholesaling done for you. So let me share my screen here with you guys. So let’s start by taking a look at 111 Eugene Street.

This was a deal that was a five bed, four bath, 2100 square feet house, and the seller wanted 800,000 now the problem is that it was really difficult to comp and figure out an ARV. There wasn’t very many comps to look at, and none that were quite like this property. The few comps we were seeing sold anywhere is from 500 to 600,000 now, traditional wholesaling says to take the comps at 600,000 and then use the 70% formula. And the 70% formula is the magic formula that can tell you exactly at what price something is a deal for any property in any market across the entire US, no matter who the buyer is.

This is the logic of traditional wholesaling, all right. And the 70% formula is 70% times ARV, and then you minus the repairs, and you minus your wholesale fee. So traditional wholesaling would have you take 70% times 600,000 which puts you at $420,000 then traditional wholesaling says to just use a generic formula to calculate repairs. Use $40 per square foot for medium rehab, which gives us an estimated repairs of $85,640 we’ll say 85,000 to keep things simple. So we have 420,000 minus 85,000 in estimated repairs, and then minus another 15,000 for what we want to make. And that puts us at a maximum allowable offer of a whopping $320,000 and traditional wholesaling says you should make your initial offer even lower than that, so that you can hopefully end up at your max offer of just 320 again, the seller was initially asking $800,000 and traditional wholesaling says to offer around or less guys.

The reason it’s called the 70% formula is because it makes wholesalers miss out on 70% of the deals. Now, instead of getting cursed out and hung up on Well, what we did was we flipped it the painless way, which allowed us to know exactly what buyers would pay before we even made the offer or had it under contract. Some buyers said they could offer around 610, 630, after the seller went through the painless process, she saw what prices the investors were coming in at, so after knowing and understanding more, She now said she would accept a cash offer price of 652,000 and that’s not because we told her, Oh, you’re wrong for wanting 800,000 or, you know, using cheesy sales tactics like, oh, well, you know, there’s this house over here that sold for only $10 No, she was willing to come down on price because she saw the proof from the buyers themselves.

Without us being the bad guy, she would have never come down on price, or even talk to us again if we tried initially offering her 250 to $300,000 and just think about how lousy someone feels after making an offer like that and getting hung up on speaking for personal experience, I can say that it makes it really hard to want to stick with this business when doing things the traditional way. And guys, I didn’t even tell you the best part. The best part is the investor that we sold this deal to paid $739,000 and we made over 80 grand on this one deal, and that investor went on to flip that property for over $900,000 if we were traditional wholesaling, that seller would be stuck with the problem.

The investor wouldn’t have made a nice profit. The new homeowners wouldn’t have a beautiful new residence, and we would have lost out on over 80 grand. This is happening every single day to traditional wholesalers. Let’s talk about King Street. King Street.

We just had the buyer tell us what he wanted the terms to be, and that’s how we set it up. And we made $10,000 $10,000 on a deal no other wholesaler could sell, and we did it with minimal time and effort. So what’s the big point here? The big point is traditional wholesaling doesn’t work, because it doesn’t matter how good of a deal I have under contract, if I don’t have a buyer that is ready, able and willing to pay me for it, I don’t make any money. And I can’t know if it’s a deal or not, unless the buyer tells me, because it’s the cash buyer, the investor, that’s the one who’s buying the deal, that is the one who is paying us.

That’s who we need to go to for answers. Traditional wholesaling doesn’t work, because it’s a completely backwards way of doing things. If you’ve been actively wholesaling, or at least trying to, I can guarantee that you’ve come across this problem to where you look at a property or you talk to a lead, and what happens 99% of the time. 99% of the time, we look at the deal and we go, well, it might be a deal if the ARV is up here and the rehabs only this much, but it might not be a deal if the ARV is really only down here and the rehabs really this much, right? And the answer on if it’s a deal or not is, well, it depends.

It depends on who I’m talking to and what that buyer thinks and what they’re planning to do with it. I can’t use a single generic formula like the 70% formula to tell me if something is a deal or not a deal, because every market is different. Every buyer is different. Because I can have a number of different buyers go and look at the same property, and I can have one guy who he’s looking to buy the property, move into it himself, fix it up and then sell it. I’ve got a second guy who has his own crews that are going to fix up the property and then sell it. I’ve got a third guy who listened to one podcast, and then he went out and got all premium subcontractor quotes, and he’s telling me, I’m absolutely crazy, and the rehabs twice what I think it is, right? And he’s looking to fix it up and sell it. And then I’ve got a fourth guy. I’ve got a fourth guy to where, not only does he have his own crews that are going to fix it up, but because he does so many flips in volume, he buys materials in bulk at a massive discount, and he’s able to do that same project for a fraction of the cost of anybody else. And guys that’s not including, well, what if someone’s looking at this property as a rental property?

What if they’re looking to turn it into an Airbnb? What if they’re looking to do a pad split and rent it out by the room? What if someone’s going to put an addition onto it and convert it into something different? What if someone’s going to convert it into an assisted living facility? Guys, you get my point right, and that’s the great thing with real estate, is there’s so many neat things somebody can do with the property, as far as whether, what price is it a deal at? Well, it’s going to be different for each one of those people, and that’s why I have to go for the I can’t possibly know that answer without them. Again, it depends on who I’m talking to. So let’s go back here. Lastly, we have Lund circle. So this was a type of deal that can literally be found in minutes. There’s such an abundance of these opportunities. But the thing is, they can’t be done by traditional wholesalers.

See, this was a deal that was being sold through a big wholesaling company, and their company policy is that they are unable to work with other wholesalers. They cannot work with a wholesaler even if they wanted to, because the company policy will not allow it. They can’t and won’t do any JV agreements. So traditional wholesaling, well, they can’t do it because they won’t work with wholesalers, and they have the same exact strategy, right? Because these big companies are also still doing things the traditional way, which you already know has massive flaws. See, traditional wholesaling teaches you to put the deal together in an email and then blast it out to a massive list of 10s of 1000s of buyers, and that’s how it’s done. Well, yeah, maybe that worked 510, years ago, but as you guys already know, wholesaling has become too saturated for that to work. The game has changed, and the old way of doing things, it doesn’t work anymore, because traditional wholesaling has become so saturated, buyers will see the same deal three or four different times from three or four different people at three or four different prices, and to top it all off, traditional wholesaling doesn’t know what price something is really a deal at, so they just guess and aim for the fences, trying to make these huge assignment fees, and they advertise ridiculous prices to investors that are so far from where they would need to be at that The buyers don’t even waste their time to reach out. So this was a perfect example of that.

This was a deal that literally took me 15 minutes to do on a Friday morning, because these opportunities are everywhere. I’m sure you get emails and see posts about, you know, people trying to sell wholesale deals all the time. Finding this deal took five minutes, and then 10 ish minutes to use the painless process to find the right buyer and have the right conversation. This was all done on a Friday morning, and then I decided to have a nice three day weekend after that. The crazy thing about this whole deal was that the buyer we sold it to was all ready on that big wholesalers list, and they already saw the deal. But that wholesaler had the wrong strategy, and when you flip the painless way, it opens you up to a world of opportunities that weren’t available before. Now you don’t need to pull these huge, expensive lists to market to and have this crazy expensive marketing budget each month or spend endless hours prospecting and trying to find leads. When you flip the painless way, you’re able to do so much more with very little, because you’ve plugged all the holes in that leaky bucket.

You no longer have all these money making opportunities going to waste, and you’re now able to use channels that you weren’t even available to you before, fast, inexpensive, high profit channels. So if you want to be able to change your life, change the way you wholesale. This is it. This is what it actually makes the difference. We used to do a 90 minute masterclass teaching this. You Well, watched our masterclass on a Thursday, found a deal the next day, and a buyer, and he got paid money in his pocket seven days later, seven days later. So if you know somebody that wants to wholesale, hates their life, hates their job and wants to be a full time investor with a thriving wholesaling business, this is it.

This right here, they need to go do what Yoel learned, what Henry learned, what Nelly learned. Nelly started out with traditional wholesaling and was struggling to get any kind of momentum or make any progress. For over a year, we taught her how to flip the painless way, and we helped her close over six figures and assignment fees in less than six months. And one of the reasons she was able to do that is because we helped actually do the hardest parts for her. See inside the painless flipping apprenticeship. We don’t just give you this huge book or course of information and say, Here it all is. Here you go. Just let us know if you have any questions. No, we don’t leave you hanging, feeling overwhelmed and stuck, wondering what to do next. No, in the painless flipping apprenticeship, we actually work with you one on one, and even do the hardest parts for you. Want us to call and negotiate the deal for you, no problem. Want us to find the buyer for you, no problem.

Want us to do all the paperwork for you. No problem. Want to still do it yourself. And just want us to tell you what the ARV is, what you should offer and exactly what to do next to turn it into a closed deal. No problem. Or maybe you just want somebody to check in once in a while and see how you’re doing and how things are going. No problem. We teach you how to wholesale the painless way, and we do the hardest parts for you so that you can start closing deals. Now, if you’re even remotely looking to wholesale real estate, and if this video resonates with you at all, do not hesitate. Do not wait another second. Don’t let another month, another year, go by without hitting your goals. Click the link down below now, and book a call now, and we can see if this is something that might be a right fit for you. Click the link down below and book a call now.


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