How to Negotiate Real Estate Deals the Payneless Way?

This guy actually already talked to my intake team, and we got a little bit of information from him. Hello. Hello. Is this Robert? This is me. Robert. Hi. My name is lane. You spoke with my team a little bit ago about your property you’re looking to sell on 464, Hugh Street, yeah.

Did I catch you at a good time?

Okay, great. I appreciate it. I’m just kind of looking at some notes that you had given to our my team earlier. And is it, do you live in thisproperty, or are you renting it out? No, I’m living in Okay. And what kind of time frame are you wanting to sell in, which is possible, okay? And what’s got you wanting to sell so quick, I want to move up Alabama grandbabies.

Oh, fun. You got some grandbabies in Alabama,

huh? Gotcha, but they all coming up here with me. Awesome. One big, happy family. I can’t reach them all. That makes sense. Well, what I what I have here is you’re saying that the property needs a new roof. Is that correct? Yes, sir, okay, and you’re saying that the kitchen needs work.

The Doors falling off the hinges on the doors there’s coming off, gotcha All right. So he could just use a whole new kitchen. Yeah, eventually, try to do that, but I got hurt at work, and tore my Roku on the shoulder, and I ain’t able to do finish what I wanted to do. So okay, well, sorry to hear about that. Let me, let me just verify with you real quick. Is it about 1000 square foot, two bed, one bath, yes, okay, built 1966

Yes, and it is a manufactured home, right? What you mean by that? A mobile home? It’s a mobile home, yeah, yeah, yeah. 15 by 16 had only room, and 15 by 16 bedroom, okay, so does that make it more than a two bedroom, one bath? Well, you can’t actually where the laundry is. Now you can actually turn that back into a bedroom and put the laundry off in a living room as the door goes out to another floor where the hot water heater set. Okay, so the addition laundry set that before. So the addition that you did on it, though, what did that add a bedroom? So is it three bedroom now or still that was already added on when I bought it? Gotcha. Okay, so the square footage and the bed bath count that I told you earlier, that includes the additions, thanks. So, yeah, okay, gotcha All right. We went off to the plans that you know she showed it and all. But, yeah, but I did do, I did upgrade. I took a screw in breakers because I had to screw in fuses. I took them out and breaker boxes

Gotcha. Okay, pretty much a lot of things and Okay, good to know. Anything else updated from the time that you lived in it? Yeah, but I’ll bring you from the living room to the big bedroom. But I’ll bring you a full witch flywood In all October 6 is yours. I’ll have run you put new walls from the living room to that big bedroom. New silver fan. Straighten out some one from somebody has some mutual tie together. So my son, he’s electrician, so he went in and changed all that, fixed all that, right, got the live in the kitchen working. We got, I put $1,000 union in the window, AC, and then I spun off, got a sideburn or gas seizures, got natural gas running into it. Okay? Is that the only AC house is the window unit Gotcha? Okay? It’s one of those. It in. It’s one of the biggest units that you can buy. Okay, and it does cool the whole house. Yeah.

Okay, all right. Well, Robert, how much? How much are you hoping to excel this thing for? How much you hoping to get for a cash offer,
46 and how come you didn’t take that? I got back down home yet, the guys, they sent me a thing for me to sign. But I gotta get back up with the woman. I find it from her and her 21,300 and you know she’s gonna get her money. And then I’m getting off right stuff and
fire off. Okay, gotcha. So you bought it and she financed it for you. She did a seller finance, yeah, gotcha. 20 on the property and house, and then I owe 13 for Family Access, 1300 13. 100 for the taxes you said that makes, yeah, that makes just for three years that she’s paid. So that might owe her 21,300 Gotcha. And how much is your payment to her each month? I pay 500 a month. 500 Okay, yeah, it shouldn’t matter. I mean, you don’t need to tell her what you’re selling it for, because she’s just your she’s your lender, right? So she’s going to get paid off.

Are you one time about it before, and she told me she got her money, she she was good with it. But I think that man, that gentleman, said he had to do some kind of good, some kind of cassette, because it’s still actually her name, until I get it paid off. Well, that depends on your agreement with her. I don’t know what kind of agreement you have with agreement you have with her, but to me, it just sounds like a contract. Yeah, to me, it just sounds like she’s on a lending lender position, so she should have her pay off. And Are you behind on payments? No, I’m up to date. Okay, actually, when I get in I am going to take a payment soon as I get in Alabama right now, okay, my grandbabies, but I’m gonna come in on the third I gotta go to her house. I will take her to 500 and then talk to her about somebody’s wanting to buy it, and I won’t pay her off cash money. Okay? So that, that payment that you make her, it does not include the property taxes or homeowners insurance. That’s just to her, right? Yeah, that’s just to hurt. So on top of that, yeah, property tax ain’t new to the next year. So Gotcha. Well, where did the people that offered you that 46 cash? Is that offer still good? I told him I had to wait till I got back down to get around her, talk to her.

I know. Yeah, how long? How long ago did you get it? Yesterday or no? Okay, full yesterday. All right, well, I’ll be honest with you, if that is a truly a cash offer, and close it in a reasonable amount of time, I would take that offer. That’s a good cash offer, my offer, my offer for just as is, all cash will be down closer to 30. So I’m a I’m a little bit lower, and that probably doesn’t get you where you want to go. But I’ll tell you what. I’ll tell you what, though, if that cash offer is truly a cash offer, I would just suggest, you know, make sure they’re putting up some earnest money. You know, they’re putting up some money to some good faith, as in, paperwork that he sent on my email, on my phone, okay, yeah, I’m just making a suggestion, you know, make sure that they’re make sure they’re putting up some money so for good faith, and, you know, to make sure that they’re real if anything happens.

I love what you’re talking about, because I’ve worn off me, one, and the contract he sent me didn’t have that what she was talking about?
My daughter looked over. She said, Daddy, I wouldn’t sign that. She said, Yeah, well, I’ll tell you what. If it doesn’t work out, give me a call, because I could probably get you a little bit more money, but I want your seller, the one that sold you the home. I want her to leave that loan in place. I’ll take it over, and then I’ll pay you out the difference. I could pay you a little bit more money if we can get that done.
Yeah, we probably can. Okay, well, hey, you give me a call, because I could probably, let’s see here, how much did you say they offered you 46 give me enough to get because my son and my two grandbabies are living in I have to get them a place and pay her off and get us from now to up here and things quite as cheap as it is down there. Yeah. Well, yeah, you make sure that offers real and give me a call back if something happens, because I could probably get right close to that number. But I just need to make sure that that loan can stay in place and I can take it over.

Okay, when are you? When are you planning on making a decision? Well, the third one we go in, I got we want to talk to her about it, and then go from there and say what she says, you have, you have a third offer coming in. Are you talking about talking to the seller? No.
Woman, yeah. Okay, well, I’m gonna, I’ll tell you what you’re what are you getting back in town? Okay, do you mind if I put a reminder with myself to give you a call on the fourth and see how it see how it all worked out? Yeah, you can do that. Okay, perfect. Robert, I’m going to do that, and I’m just, I mean, just some advice before you sign that contract, make sure they put up some money so they’re putting their money where their mouth is talking about that that I got with her ain’t really alone.

I’m talking about, I’m talking about the buyer, the person that gave you a offer to buy the home. Oh, okay, make sure they’re putting up some good faith money. Yeah, yeah. Okay, Robert, I’m going to call you on the four. Earth. Hey, thank you very much.

Yeah, way to go. Lane. Get him. This thing’s in 1966 mobile home, two bed, one bath in Tallapoosa, Georgia. I could be wrong, but from the way that man was describing the property in my head, I got an image of, you know, this thing’s held together by Legos and duct tape.
You might not be there. I mean, there’s just, I was just looking around in there, and there’s, you know, there’s houses nicer than his. That one just sold for 50,000 but then there’s another one across the street that sold for 200,000 what you guys just saw was a way to make money buy mobile homes by selling them on terms to people. That’s that’s a strategy that this lady’s probably rocking. She probably owns tons of mobile homes and sells them to people on terms.

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