Creative Financing Strategies: Solving Real Estate Challenges and Exploring Cash Offers

Going in and fixing anything. Yeah, I hear what you’re saying, and that sounds from what I hear from you, and how much I just feel like this was a good option, in the sense, because you don’t have to worry about the repairs, which you know take can be pretty stressful and annoying. If someone’s willing to do it, and they give you the price you want, might as well. And the benefit is, if they don’t do what they say, you get the house back with all the repairs, yeah, even if the repairs are done, that’s what I’m saying. I’m so sick of people saying they’re going to do x, y, u, Z, and nothing gets taken care of. And that’s, you know, I don’t want to get into something, because people are funny, yeah? And, you know, things happen.

I get it right, but I be in the midst of that, so I would rather take care of the issues. My thought process, right? Even though I saying, if I can take care of the issues, I would rather, because now I know that they’re done. No, I totally get it, and that there’s a peace of mind and doing everything on your on your own, right? But sometimes, if you got a lot on the plate, it’s sometimes not worth it. So that’s why I just want to give you that option. So we thought it really is, knowing that they’re going to go in there. They’re going to everything is in their name, other than the deed, and accept the property, and then in six months, if that’s what we agreed upon, to say, here’s your other 10% I don’t paid your interest for the six months on what the total amount agreed upon.

I hear you, I really do. And a lot of a lot of people, they won’t necessarily go out and flip it and sell it on the MLS. A lot of people will just take your financing and then they’ll refinance once they fix it and they keep it themselves as a rental. So this is another way for them to be able to get in. It’s called the burr method. It’s, uh, you know, buying the house and then repairing it and then refinancing it. A lot of people do that as well. So there’s a lot of options here. That’s why I just, if you want to sell this house, I can help you, but we just have to find out the best option that makes sense for you. I appreciate you.

Yeah, and cash just, just from my experience, I don’t mean to, like, you know, be a downer, but just cash buyers, when they just pay all cash, they they always want to get a good deal, and I think it’s gonna be extremely hard to find someone that’s just willing to just pay straight cash any I don’t want anything pending. I want to be able to get up out of New York running, and when the spending thing involved, anything can fall through when they come into like you said, here’s another option here, which I do like I’m not. I’m not kicking that down because I like what you’re what you’re saying, because I just need to do a little bit more that, because I like that cash, but I don’t like pending. Yeah, and I get the pending part, I totally get that, and that’s why I think cash buyers, they understand, you know, that is not pending. So a lot of them, like I said when we reached out, we’re in the three, mid threes, right, which is not what you want, but because that’s so much easier to pick up and run with. No, I’m not going to do that, because, like I said, my backyard alone is could go for 150 to 175, right? So that I know for sure.

Okay, quarter point two, nine is over a quarter. So no, got it? Okay? Well, Theresa, I appreciate it, and let’s, let’s keep in touch, because I like that. This should be, if you don’t mind, if you can shoot me that name again, so I can look it up and kind of do some more research on it myself. Yeah, of course, then I’ll get back with you, because I’m like, okay, it sounds great. It really does, yeah, so I don’t want to do anything more than six months, right? So, yeah, so you’d have to find the right person that would be, yeah, we’d have to find the right person that’d be willing to take that, the that term, right, like that, would be willing to say, Okay, if I don’t have this flipped in six months, you get to take the house back, like that. That’s the downside, right? That someone that might be too short for some people, but, uh, you know, if you’re open to it, we could always explore it, right? Because I don’t want to be hemmed up saying, Oh, this happened. That happened. No, I that’s what I don’t want to do.

I totally, No, I totally get that too. And that’s the kind of cool thing about this too, is you, you can set the payment every month to a price that you like. So not that you want it to take longer, but it’s like, well, you are getting paid every month interest only, payments that don’t take away the principal, the home, the 90% so it’s almost like, well, you’re benefiting more and more the longer they wait, if you set it up that way. Well, Theresa, I appreciate I’m texting you right now. It’s called creative financing, and, yeah, if you need any more, like you want to talk about a little bit more. I’ve done several of these deals myself. I actually owned a couple properties where I did creative financing, and then I refinanced them and put them in my name, got my own mortgage on it, so I’ve done it, and I know a lot about it, all right?

Well, I appreciate you too, chatting. Maybe we can get together, and I don’t know where you’re located. So I actually lived in Utah, but I just moved to Canada, so I’m close to you, but I’m in Canada. Right in Canada, I live north of Toronto. Listen, I used to live in Buffalo. I used to run to Toronto all the time. Oh, it’s so beautiful here. I So my wife is Canadian, and we wanted to be closer to her family, so we decided to move out here, and we bought a farm. So I’m living on a farm now. Yeah, a lot of marijuana. No, no. Just so it backs I’m more into corn. And wheat and pumpkins, and that makes money, even marijuana. Now I’m not paying for you. Oh, you know. Oh, I know. Yes, I know. It makes money. It’s more of a hobby farm.

So it’s not that big. It’s, I got about an acre of land, and about a third of it is farmable, and then it backs on to about 1000 acres of another farmer. So, yeah, I just have a great I’ll say, I’ll send you a picture of the view so you can see what it looks like. It’s amazing. But yeah, let’s, let’s keep in touch. I just, again, I want a cash buyer to buy your house, but I just realistically, they’re, they’re going to be lower than 400 just from what I’ve seen. But we can explore the other options. Just keep me posted when you want to chat again. And I
appreciate it. Because, like, I said, even, you know, I talk to my attorney all the time when I call him when I get off the phone with you, but like, I guess, like, I like information research. I like information, like I said, when my girlfriend was telling me about what she’s going through with her house and her family. And I’m saying, How can I be so they all made her an executor, right? So I’m like, would that have nothing to do with your siblings if the house is in your name, if a judgment shouldn’t come up in anybody else’s name, right? Well, I’m
curious, did she inherit the home? Did it go through, like probate, or did someone pass away? And this is what’s happening, they just all made her the executive for her to have the house. Interesting, yeah, that’s if it was going through probate, which you’re saying it’s not, then there can be some complications there. If she inherited it, or they, you know, they received it from someone else, and there’s multiple people involved. But if that’s not the case, I’m not sure.

No, it didn’t go through probate. They just all signed off on it. I wonder if it should have went to a probate well, is that, is that the situation, did someone pass away, and now they’re trying to figure out ownership, right? I wouldn’t. Sister owned her mother and her aunt owned the home. Okay? And what is, what is she planning to do with the home, by the way, because I might be able to help too, if they’re interested in but the she’s trying to sell the home. They’re in the home. She’s trying to sell the home, but because they made her the executor, that’s where she’s running into complication that, because there’s somebody has a judgment when our siblings have judgment on them. But I said, Well, how can that be? If the house is in your name, we might have to get a probate attorney involved, because that might have been necessary, because of what I’m hearing just from the parties about being involved with the executor.

And the can’t remember the other names, not the executor, but they have other beneficiaries. I think that’s what they call them, just so maybe I can help. So if she’s thinking about selling it, is that selling it so she they, they can all get paid out. Or, how is she selling? No, because this house is hers, okay? So she’s, she’s moving into it to live in it herself. Is that right? Everybody has a home, so she’s just trying to get rid of the home. That’s what I’m saying. But she’s saying that she’s running into, well, maybe I can, maybe I can buy it, or maybe I can find a buyer for it. Look, Kyle’s is bigger than mine. She has upstairs and downstairs.

Would you think she’d be open to chat with me and I can see explore some options with her too? Maybe see what’s going on?
Yeah, I guess I can reach out to her, see what she says, because just from what I’m hearing, it sounds like there’s an issue with title, right? And the this, the process of probate probably needed to go through. And I have some probate attorneys that I can refer just to even just look into it, maybe see if they can help out. Oh, okay, probate attorneys, okay, well, let me mention that to her. I’ll give you, give her your name and she can run out. Yeah, she’s like, I am. You know, we’re trying to survive that we in this world. Well, you want to make sure you’re not making any bad decisions, and that’s where information comes in, and that’s that’s how I like to work. Like, obviously, I’d love to buy both your homes and flip them and make money, but I think for me to give you your options is the best way to go about it, right? So you know what’s the best for you? And there’s a lot of options out there, for sure.

Well, I appreciate your time. Remember my destinations? Okay, got so much to do today, so much, but we don’t you chat again. Okay,
all right, I’ll send you a picture of my farm so you can see what I’m looking at. Please, do I know it’s beautiful. Have a great day. Have a great day. Okay, now bye, and that’s how you chat. Give information, help out, see how you can be a service. Now I got a referral. Let’s go.

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