How I Helped Jacquelyn Wholesale a Pre-Foreclosure House for $10k – Payneless Flipping Podcast (1)

buyer, deal, seller, jacqueline, good, people, working, give, offer, foreclosure, richmond, talking, move, real estate, assigned, cancel, watch, learn, ended, feel

All right, Jacqueline, what is going on?

Mac in March? How are you?

It’s been a good day as you can before we hopped on you, obviously, you know, there’s issues, technology and everything. But other than that, like, you know, life’s good life I’m feeling well, everybody that’s watching this or live or that will watch this. You know, the reason why I have you on here Jacqueline, the reason why I like bring on people is because, you know, I want to talk about the real the nitty gritty of real estate, a lot of people see, you know, reels Facebook, like see a lot of social media highlighting how easy or like, you know, they just see the success. Now, luckily, we had success, we were able to do a deal together as a $10,000 deal and total on a pre foreclosure home that you had, but you know, it had ups and downs. Correct? Right. Absolutely did write, but that almost makes it feel, in my opinion, even better when it gets close, right? Like, hey, this this, we had to work hard for this, but it was worth it. I learned a lot. And you learned a lot, right?

I absolutely did. It’s a story that you know, you can one of those stories you can tell your kids about literally, yes. Well,

let’s let’s dive into that story. We want people to know that they can wholesale homes that are in pre foreclosure, you can help sellers? And I would say yes, we did help this seller because if we didn’t help them take this to the finish line, they were going to get the bank was going to take their own 100 set. Like if someone didn’t nudge them, they were just gonna lose it right? That’s exactly, exactly. Yeah. So we’re gonna dive into that story. But first, for everybody that doesn’t know you, Jacqueline, can you tell us a little bit about yourself? You know, maybe how we met a little bit about how you got into real estate?

Um, well, I started out with Jerry Norton’s program. And I met you there. I believe you introduced yourself and you I think you were teaching one of the classes and you know, said if anyone needs any assistance, you know that they can come to you or if they need, you know, to JV with anyone. So I didn’t know you at the time didn’t think that I would have to use your resources. But lo and behold, I did. Yeah,

I remember that, too. I think you had a deal. You’re talking about this specific deal that you had. And I think you were like, Hey, I think I might have to cancel it. And I when I heard that I was like, whoa, whoa, whoa, before you cancel it, let’s talk about it is Do you remember

exactly what happened? You know what the funny thing is, is that I completely forgot about that until you just said it. Okay, I yeah, I was going to cancel it. And that’s exactly what happened. You came in and you were like, give me a call.

Okay. Yeah, that’s, that’s right. So let’s start from that position of the deal. So you had it under contract, and you were like, I might have to cancel this. And I was like, well, we’ll wait, this might be a good deal. Don’t do it yet. Tell me what what was going on? At that point? What had you done to get the deal like what was going on at that point where you’re like, think I’m just gonna cancel? Well, what was causing

me to cancel it was, it took months for the and I mean, literally months for the couple to feel comfortable with start, you know, starting to talk to me about the process of, of helping them they were an older couple, they were getting tons of phone calls, and they didn’t know who to talk to who to trust. So eventually, I was able to get them to trust me, we ended up getting a contract on the deal. However, what happened was, once a title search came back, the liens ended up exceeding the offer price. So it ate up all of what we, you know, we’re expecting to make and the deal, there were a lot of a lot of them, right. And so that’s why I said, I think I’m gonna have to cancel.

Okay, so at that point you had offered, do you remember what price you had offered them for the house?

I believe it was 125 is what the initial contract was supposed to go through

for okay. And they actually owed more than that. You’re saying right,
it was? Well, at first, we were under the impression that it was $105,000 or would cover it all. But once everything came back into it up exceeding 125.

And there was an there was things popping up left and right, right, as time. They’re like, wow, that you got to pay that off and that off and all that. So when we had met, I had ran the numbers and I was like, this is potentially a deal at like 131 4150. Right? That was kind of what I was seeing because I think the ARV was like 250 to 300,000 Maybe even a little bit more. And, you know, it’s in Richmond, right. So Richmond, Virginia, is that correct? I think that’s right. So Richmond, Virginia, and that’s a you know, a place that’s a hotbed there’s a lot of good properties and flips going on. And for me, I’ve never been to Richmond, Virginia. Have you been to Richmond, Virginia? Yeah. Yeah, I’ve never been there. So that’s the kind of the cool thing about doing real estate is like you can do this from anywhere like I’m in Salt Lake City, Utah. So I saw this deal knew how to get contact buyers. And, you know, we started reaching out to the buyers in that area that were able to contact and we started finding because when we had connected, I was like, Hey, let me find somebody

So we found someone named Joe, one of my students in my program to he was able to find a buyer for he was like, one 140 I think that’s okay. So let’s talk about that. So we get the, we have some showings, we have a buyer 140. And I think we tell the seller like, hey, we’ll just pay off everything you owe. And that’ll be it. Right? Is that kind of the situation that went out? Because, and I remember, like, there being a time where the seller just like stopped talking to you. And to me, it wasn’t that like what happened and where, what happened at that point where they just like, you remember, like, they just feel like, hey, let’s just give it to the bank we don’t even care like will ruin our credit. We just whatever they just gave up is that what was happening? Well, there was

a second after I got in the first contract. There was another buyer that came in that was very, very interested in the property. However, this fire was coming through from other wholesalers, against my wishes, my partner who was working with me wanting to work with them, and ended up with just kind of making there was an actual buyer, but they were just kind of making a lot of demands. And that deal ended up not working out. It was a little Christmas holidays. And you know, rightfully so. They didn’t close. That’s right. They didn’t want to move. It was just a you know, they had a granddaughter, they were raising a grandchild. It just wasn’t a good time for them to move. And so yeah, so you’re a buyer. Yeah, in my opinion, you know, in my opinion, when we came in, and we started working with you, the reason why he stopped communicating was your buyer made an offer, but then he could not find anywhere to stay. Hmm,

that’s correct. Okay. Yeah, that’s what ended up happening. Yeah. And I remember he was they were just kind of at that point, they were like, Hey, let’s, we’re just gonna, like not do anything. Right.

Yeah, he was very excited about moving, he wanted to move, because, you know, the house was not in good condition. And he felt like as if it was going to be an opportunity for them to start over. And I was trying to find him somewhere to to move, but because of his credit, they were having all kinds of issues. So because he did not know what to do. And because he did not have anywhere to go, he completely stopped talking to

me. Gotcha. And I Okay, so this is what happened. At that point, our buyer that I had brought was, we had assigned it to the buyer, we had assigned him for $10,000, to compensate us for tidying up and saving them from you know, the, from the foreclosure hitting their credit and all that stuff and getting out of there. And then they didn’t want to move out, because this happens all the time. They just don’t want to go or they don’t they say they don’t have anywhere to go. Yes, that’s, that’s probably true. But at the same time, like they’re gonna eventually have to go somewhere when the bid when the bank takes it. So we were willing to help them, we were willing to give them, you know, move, move the pay for their moving costs. And I think that’s what the buyer that we had assigned it at that point, they kind of just took over, right? Because we had to sign that paperwork to them. And they’re like, Hey, we, you know, we want to move forward. We’ve already you know, have our interest in this property. Is that right? That’s what was going on, because I was kind of out of the loop at this point once we assigned it,

right. So he, he was working with a realtor who was helping him and so the realtor kind of, you know, took over in terms of the paperwork and in terms of the negotiating, but you know, the buyer wasn’t in touch with them either. So it was really, you know, I haven’t thought about this since this happens. And this took place months ago, but it just landed on my shoulders to try to get him to, you know, give us a call back and start, you know, the negotiation process again, thankfully, your buyer did not bail out. He really wanted the property. You know, what ended up happening is that he did he offer me he came with some really good offers he offered me because he had his he had his own crew. So he offered me and power he offered $5,000 to the seller. But like the seller didn’t have anywhere to go. So

yeah, that buyer was definitely a great buyer in the sense he wanted to help but let’s talk about how, at the very end, they kind of almost tried to cut us out but because of the paperwork, what I said we were able, unfortunately they tried to cut us out but you can’t cut someone out when they assign you the contract. You know, yeah,

well, you know what else you know, so I’m remembering things as you are talking because you did just remind me still at one point, I am not enrichment. So I am working virtually just like you. And the so I gave the rules for and The buyer permission to go and I thought it would help if they went to introduce themselves and kind of established a relationship with the seller. Then after that the realtor stopped communicating with me. And I sent you a text or you called me. And there was some kind of verbiage that you gave me it was one sentence, I can’t remember what it was. But I sent it oremember so. So for everybody that’s listening, what happened again, she connected the buyer that we had assigned the deal to, to the seller because they’re in Richmond, and they were like, kind of, you know, helping each other out. And the agent that was helped, you know, connect to this to the whole thing and the to their buyer, stop talking to us, almost like, hey, if I stop talking to them, we don’t need to work with them. And for us, we were like, hey, look like this deal wouldn’t have happened in brought to your buyer without us. And he was ghosting Jacqueline. So I said, Hey, Jacqueline. It’s unfortunate that this agent is ghosting us. But all you have to say is hey, Mister missus agent, you know, we signed paperwork, we had an agreement, I don’t want to have to call the Board of Realtors and tell them that you’re not like being, you know, working with us and trying to get around us on a deal that we did. And because he’s licensed, and he’s not trying to like have I guess any derogative marks or whatever he immediately was like, Okay, what’s up? I don’t want you to complain, is that’s kind of what happened, right? You’re just like, hey, don’t don’t make me complain. Because don’t go around me pretty much. Right.

Exactly. And I know that it was, you know, it was from that verbiage, because I had been trying to, you know, we went from talking on a daily basis. And he would always return a phone call to I think it had gone like four or five days. And he just, he just wasn’t returning my phone calls. So when I sent that over to him, he immediately called so

ver to the realtor. And he called me within like, 15 minutes. Yeah, IExactly. And I know that it was, you know, it was from that verbiage, because I had been trying to, you know, we went from talking on a daily basis. And he would always return a phone call to I think it had gone like four or five days. And he just, he just wasn’t returning my phone calls. So when I sent that over to him, he immediately called so

I love it. And someone says these are exactly the solutions and methods, the paiynless wholesaling program will help you learn and execute. I’m not sure who that is. But thank you for throwing that in there just as Facebook user. But look, Jacqueline, I’m curious to be honest, I’m not like tooting my own horn or anything. But do you feel like this scenario? Would Have you been able to do it without, you know, a little bit of guidance? Or you think you think you could have figured it out yourself?

Now I think the deal would have fallen flat, I think I would have absolutely given up because like I said, I didn’t know, even from the beginning. You know, I was working pre foreclosures. And so from the beginning, when the liens exceeded the offer price, and the buyer, you know, decided they did not want to increase their offer. I didn’t know what to do from from that point. Between you asked me to give you a call. And between that verbiage that you gave me to give to the realtor, which prompted the realtor to give me a call. I 100% know that this deal would not have gone through had I not had your assistance? Well,

I appreciate you saying and the only reason I bring that up is not just to say like, Hey, I’m mad, because obviously, we’re all improving and where we’re at. The thing is, there’s so many little details that happened. And I think a lot of people, they lose out on opportunities because they try to figure out everything themselves. And for me, that’s not the way to learn. You need to if you can connect yourself with people who have already done it, and you can just ask them, you’re going to be far you’re going to progress far faster than if you just try to learn everything on your own. It’s better yeah,
pletely agree. Because, you know, you kind of learn what you need to learn. And then at some point, you know, I hear someone say, especially when you’re getting into wholesaling, I don’t know about anybody else, but I certainly had analysis paralysis. And so at some point, you know, it’s time for you to pick up the phone and you have to start well, because of that with this job you learn as you go. And so that’s where it helps to have someone like you come in and say, You know what, I’ve had that scenario, this is what you need to do, right?

pletely agree. Because, you know, you kind of learn what you need to learn. And then at some point, you know, I hear someone say, especially when you’re getting into wholesaling, I don’t know about anybody else, but I certainly had analysis paralysis. And so at some point, you know, it’s time for you to pick up the phone and you have to start well, because of that with this job you learn as you go. And so that’s where it helps to have someone like you come in and say, You know what, I’ve had that scenario, this is what you need to do, right?

And you know, what’s interesting, like as I’m as I’ve been in real estate for several years now, but I’m still you know, when I come into, you know, multifamily and to certain seller finance opportunities, which I always reach out for advice, even though I might know how to structure it or I think I have a good idea, I kind of want to that’s done more deals than me or someone that I feel like is you know, has a little bit more wisdom in that aspect. So I think you’re always no matter where you’re at you should always be reaching for others, you know, in networking, trying to find out better ways to do stuff.

Yeah, completely agree and unfortunately, you know, unfortunately, people are not, you know, always available and that’s completely understandable. But you made yourself available and it ended up being a paynless process and the end so I’m very happy of

painful but it was a paynless process because as well, I had a good time working with you. I think you’re and I really appreciate you because you’re honest, and I knew you’re honest from the beginning, just because I felt the vibe, you can usually feel it. But you too, also could have just gotten paid that check and just not even let me know. Right? And because we didn’t have a J, I don’t think we even signed a JV agreement, did we? I just said, Hey, you know, I’ll bring you a buyer and we just went through the process. I don’t think we signed anything do we

write we didn’t, and there was a time where I think the deal kind of fell flat for about two months when you know, when the seller was not communicating. But when, you know, I kept you in the loop. And when I was able to get him to start back communicating, I did reach out to you and I wouldn’t, I wouldn’t have tried to get over on you regardless. But I knew in the future that with the type of business that he had, that I you know, if I came across a situation again, I would love to work with you. But again, even if that wasn’t the case, I still wouldn’t have tried to cut anyone out. But ya know,

I love that I respect that because the business this business is about relationships, right? So if you not saying you, but anybody that’s watching this, it’s like if you start doing kind of shady stuff, or cutting people out when you don’t need to it’s it’s what goes around comes around, right and this, you want to have a good name as you do this, especially, you know, you want to treat spellers, sellers, everyone with respect, right? But this made you want to do it right. And you did. So very interesting deal. And again, I love talking about these situations, because guys, it’s not always where you find a seller, and they say, Okay, I accept that price. And then within seven to 14 days is done. When it happens. That’s great. But there’s also ones that are tricky, and we get paid to solve problems. And we definitely did set solve that sellers problem, because, you know, they were just going to lose the house, you know, and they were offered assistance to move. They their credit was saved from getting destroyed on a bankruptcy or not bankruptcy or foreclosure. Yeah, definitely worked with them to help them out. And

can I just say shout out to Joe. I really enjoyed working with him. He was my point of contact, you know, with you. And yeah, and I appreciated his energy. He was really good to work

with Joe is awesome. I actually just had Joe on talking about how he found the buyer for this deal last week. So Joe’s a great guy. He’s doing great in Alabama. And this is the crazy thing. You said North Carolina, right? Yes, I’m in Utah, Joe’s in Alabama. And us three worked on a deal in Richmond, Virginia, a $10,000. Deal. And we never, you know, we didn’t even have to step inside the house. Yeah, yeah. Pretty fun. Well, Jacqueline, do you have anything you want to leave for our viewers, anyone that’s going to watch this or that’s Washington, you want to have any nuggets you want to leave? Before we end up in the call? Well,

I just want to say that our deal is over. But I do. You don’t want to choose from afar. And you know, if anyone is interested in the paint, you know, I love where I am. With this process, I would recommend what you have to offer to anyone because it’s not too many times where you can get the actual guru on the phone, you know, and you’re the one I mean, you have done such an incredible job. I mean, I don’t think you’ve been in this for very long, right? Like, three, four years.

Yeah, it’s been about about that. It’s five years, but you know, right there. Right.

But I mean, I mean, still, I mean, even five years to just be doing everything that you do went into have your own business, I would accept but then to be as successful as you are, and to be able to physically pick up the phone and talk to you. I think that’s unheard of. So I would 10 out of 10 recommend you to anyone who you know who was looking to get into the business,

I appreciate you saying that. Yeah, cuz that is one I would say one thing that sets me apart from you know, these other guys that have massive coaching businesses is like, that’s not sort of my goal is to have 1000s and 1000s of people that just watch a video courses and go through something and not have access to me, like I want to help people, like you get deals I want to help students and, you know, luckily, I’ve been able to do that. And it’s fun, you get to see people learn. And, you know, that’s where I’m at in my life is I can help people do deals, and I actually enjoy it more than doing, you know, 10 to 15 deals a month by myself, I’d rather help 10 to 15 people do 10 to 15,000, right, because that’s just going to do more deals, and it’s going to help people, you know, build build their companies and help them with their legacy. So that’s what I care about. And I appreciate you saying that. Thank you, Jacqueline

No problem, no problem. All right, well, we’ll wrap up if anybody else enjoyed this, you know, give it a like wherever you’re watching or follow and you know, if you need help with real estate hit me up that you know, I have a mentorship that where I work with people exclusively, it really depends. You know, we can’t work with everyone. So if you’re interested, you’d obviously have to apply but yeah, good good chat with Jacqueline, you have a good one and you know, reach out to me if you need some. All right. Absolutely. Thank you so much. Have a good day. You too. Bye.


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