How to fill out paperwork for a JV deal with 3 parties involved (Batch call)

In this video, we’re going to show you how to fill out paperwork for a JV deal with 3 parties involved (batch call).

What’s going on everybody? We’re live right now with you know what it is. It’s the batch call. What’s up Nathan? How you doing, brother? Good, man.

I’m doing well. I got my ugly Christmas sweater. We got a little Jack Frost he’s got like some arms coming out here. I don’t know it’s it’s weird. It definitely meets the ugly criteria.

Oh gosh, hey, got a treat for you got a treat for everybody on the batch call. So batch is played an integral part in to getting this deal. We actually looked for a buyer on batch on this deal. I’m going to walk you guys through batch but basically where we’re at in the deal is we have assigned it already. We are working with an attorney. That attorney has not really worked with JV agreements. And he’s kind of newer, well, I don’t want to say newer, I don’t know how old he is with this, but he doesn’t really understand. So he’s, I call them he’s asked me to change some things in my JV agreement and the assignment agreement, whatever whatever it gets it across the finish line, right? It does not matter.

So we’re going to change some stuff, I’m going to show you guys how to fill out a JV agreement in the painless wholesaling method. JV is a lot of what we do we help people, we time to buyers, so we don’t spend any money on marketing. We spend most of our time developing relationships with buyers and helping people find buyers for their deals. Let’s let’s dive right into it. But first, before we dive into how to fill out the agreements, I kinda want to show you guys around batch leads, because batch leads is what helped us find not only this buyer, but it’s helped us find tons of buyers. So what you do is you type in the address, I have a property that you’re trying to find a buyer for this is the property we’re working on. And it’s going to close in a couple of days. But we just have to tie up the paperwork. So we have this, you know, and then we looked around here and we saw okay, what agents have represented flippers, cash buyers in the area around here. So basically go to boundaries go around and you say okay, this is this is where I need to find some cash buyers in this area, you go down to quick filters, you go where it says cash buyers, and you can see that there’s already a quick filter on the cash buyers, and then you would call this and you would talk to the agents. That’s exactly what we did. And pretty cool. So actually, this is the truth. Now let’s go to find out how to fill out the JV paperwork. Now guys, I have to change this. So you’re in real time working with me. Again, I think the agreement is fine. But if the attorney that’s representing us wants us to change it a little bit so we can get it done. I don’t care, I’ll change it, whatever. Not a big deal. So if you guys are familiar with our mind map that gives away pretty much every resource and material you need to succeed. If you go to Step eight, where it goes under contracts, you can go to the part that says contracts once you get an offers accepted. So we’re going to need two things. We’re gonna need assignment to a buyer and we’re going to need a JV agreement. Okay, so contract for the JV agreement right here. I have multiple ones actually want to use a different one in this scenario. And then there is the assignment agreement, which is going to be right here assignment contract for end buyer. All right, so my time to fill this thing out. So we got ventures of that’s my LLC ventures of Nathan Payne enterprises, which is a stupid one, but I got it when I was like 20 years old. Alright, so right right here, what we have is 30 business day option contracts. So this is allowing me to work with the seller, right? But then what the guy wanted me to do, he didn’t like the fact that it said that I was a seller or a buyer. He’s like, well, she’s not technically selling you the contract, she is assigning you the contract. So I’m like, it doesn’t matter. But for him, it mattered. So what he wanted me to do is a change change where it says a seller to assign or because she thinks she’s technically assigning me the agreement, and then I’m assigning it to my buyer, but it doesn’t matter. And I’m the assignee. So again, she is assigned or she’s assigning me the contract. I’m the assignee that’s getting the contract. All right, so what again, what do you want me to do is I got my LLC the date, this is saying I’m paying her giving her some consideration. So this agreement is legit, so she can assign me the agreement payable to her name’s Jacqueline, we’re gonna put her in there towards the purchase price of 130 which we’re going to do so this is a $13,000 wholesale fee we’re giving 3k to the agent and we’re splitting 10k Okay, and this is cool because it cost me $0 And I just needed to find a buyer and fill out some paperwork to make 5k right and I’m actually splitting that 5k with a mentor someone in our mentorship because he helped me through this process he actually did a majority of it shout to Joe Joe you’re getting 2500 bucks All right good job brother. You join my club you join my mentorship you’re getting paid because I’m gonna help you out. So let’s see if we got into this right receive from ventures the sign e which is I am the assignee I’m getting assigned the agreement According this guy, the sum of $10 payable to her name towards the purchase price of I’m going to fill out the rest of this when I go to Panda doc Property assignee hereby gives grants to buyer. Again, this guy doesn’t like the name buyer. So we’re gonna go to just call it a sign to assignee for a period of blank days. This is just saying I have a certain amount of days to find a buyer, right business days, from the days from the date here have the exclusive right property address, we’ll put that in there. seller agrees to a blank of proceeds over which is 5050 6040. If you’re in the club, but she’s not in the club, I told her to join. I don’t know why she didn’t join, I would have given her more money, but she didn’t. So this is a legally binding contract assign or which is going to be her an assignee. Great. Okay, so that’s done, we’re going to load that independent doc in a second. But before I load this independent Doc, I’m going to email this over to the attorney just say, hey, is this all good? Because I’m not trying to fill all this crap out and then and be like, Nah, man, that ain’t good. Still. You know, that, which is frustrating when you fill out agreements, and they’re like, Nah, that ain’t it. One thing that

I like to do with with attorneys also is sometimes especially for like purchase agreements, sometimes, like, dude, they’ll want to pick everything apart, instead of us spending all this time trying to figure out how to, you know, work this in and out and just tell him, Hey, I’ll tell you what, I’ll send you a copy of it, you know, that he can edit, you write it up kind of exactly to your liking the way you want it, and then just send it back to me, I’ll look it over. And you know, I’m sure there’ll be no issues and we could just move forward with that. And so basically, put it on them, right make make make make them do you know, if there’s massive changes and a whole bunch of stuff, you can put it on them. And honestly, they usually prefer that because they’re going to be able to put it in their exact wording. Just make sure also, disclaimer, we’re not attorneys, you know, consult with one so on so forth. But just make sure when when you are letting them kind of edit it stuff, read through it. And if you don’t understand something just says Hey, Mr. Attorney, I was looking this over so you change the wording. Could you just unpack that for me? What exactly do you mean by that? That’s okay. You don’t need to know everything. You don’t need to be the attorney. And then lastly, Nate, one thing I want to touch on Hey, brother, bro, man only, dude, only 2500 bucks, like 2500 bucks for this deal. That I mean, that’s I don’t know, I hear people about wholesaling and they’re making like 40k 50k assignment fees. Man, why, like, why would I want to do this? You know, JV and like, if I’m only making 2500 bucks, why would that be worth my time?

So great question. And so when I originally came across this deal, I thought it was gonna be a 40k deal. That’s why we worked it right. So I thought it was bigger. But once we sent people through, we’re getting lower offers. But for me, like it’s more about making this be real to people. So this is gonna be the first deal for one of the mentors in my program, it’s actually going to be I think one of the first deals for the other person I’m J being with so I’m showing them that this is real now. My first deal was 5k. And I split it with my business partner. So my first deal was 2500 bucks is this is gonna be 2500 bucks for 5k For whoever we’re working with, at least is going to show him that this can be done. And it’s great that this is a difficult situation, because they’re learning how to overcome hard things. Because not all deals are like this. This one is in pre foreclosure, it’s behind the guy wants to stay in the house. A lot of crap going on. So it’s good for them to learn for this one.

I mean, you know, also how many hours did you spend cold calling How many hours did you spend on follow ups and renegotiating I mean, personally, I’ve spent maybe 30 minutes on this thing, boom. And that’s 100% Man and that’s that’s where I tell people guys like if you look at you know, some of some other franchises like higly that whole company is built off of and and people that do that model, you might tend to get a lower fee than if you find the deal yourself. However, when you crunch out all the numbers when you have zero marketing costs, which is huge. And B the other huge thing is you’re not on the phone with with seller, you know when when you’re doing JV agreements, and it’s Hey, these are deals that that another wholesaler brought to us or we have relationships with cash buyers, and that’s why people are bringing deals to us guys. It’s it’s a really simple conversation between Hey, yeah, let me just text this over to my buyer text back and forth with the wholesaler little little bit and yeah, man, you’re like, typically 30 minutes to like, on the long end, maybe an hour. Are you okay with making, you know, on the low end? 2500 bucks an hour? I am personally I mean, maybe there’s some people that were well, that’s not okay, but I’m okay with that.

When I because I know that this business, it’s like base hit base hit, you know, maybe a bond, whatever. And then it’s a freaking whale homerun. That’s just how this business is. You’re not going to crush it every time but as long as you’re staying consistent, that’s the key. And if I can help people be consistent, that’s what I want to do. The reason why they want me to change this crap is the fact that like, this dude is in like pre foreclosure. So they have an attorney involved and usually they do not, but that’s like, why this this guy’s been a stickler. He just wants to make sure we do it, you know, the right way right for the total purchase price of 143 including assignment fee of 13,000 with 3000 to be paid to James May A River City elite properties and okay so it’s going to be a 13,000 with 3000 to be paid to James ne of river early closing 5002 ventures of Nathan Payne enterprise enterprises let’s look at this again I think that’s it sounds about right I was gonna do this on DocuSign and Panda doc but I figured why not just do it right here right yeah man. Okay so here in reference to the contract with the Maria Adams buyer and ventures and Nathan Payne enterprises seller dated concerning the property described at blah blah and then we have a sign or ventures in Nathan Payne enterprises. Okay, so we got that 5000 will be paid within 24 hours of acceptance right now what I’m showing you guys this is more for people that are doing deals and maybe their first deal and they want to make sure they’re doing it right learning from someone who has done hundreds of deals but sometimes you get an attorney throws you a curveball and you’ve got to change your agreement and that’s all good All right, so I’m sending the attorney email with both agreements updated before I put it into panna doc and have everybody sign just emailed it to him but that’s it everybody I meant there’s there’s nothing really to it if any of you want to know where you can find this information right here and the painless wholesaling mindmap there’s a free version that shows you the process of how to go through wholesaling, reverse wholesaling how to do deals with $0 and marketing spin. If you join the painless wholesaling club, you get access to all the materials, you need contracts scripts videos of how to do this. I mean, I’m actually going to take this video I’m going to put it in the mindmap so you can watch it later if you forget how to fill out a JV. Okay, alright guys, peace out. Have a great day. Bye


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