How to generate buyer leads for real estate sales

In this video, we’re going to show you how to generate buyer leads for real estate sales. Join us in this while we find deals using the Payneless wholesaling method, and you’ll learn a lot of great things. Check out this video to learn more.

The key is just having conversations and talking to people. So thankfully, it’s deal finding Friday with privy and what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna have some conversations because guys, when you make offers to agents don’t always think you have to get that deal. Obviously you want to get that deal. A lot of it goes into networking and having that relationship and taking that agent putting them in a drip campaign following up with them. That’s how it really you get deals

Nathan, you ready to get it, bro?

Yeah, man, I just throw it what you’re preaching is literally what happened yesterday, I’ve been using for a 30 day challenge for a visa tool that I’ve primarily been using and I called an agent on a property yesterday, that is a good fit for what I’m looking for. And, you know, for me, I didn’t make an offer on the phone, I threw out like kind of some feelers to kind of get where they’re at, but they weren’t ready for kind of that investor offer yet. Okay. And so rather than like just making an offer, or just trying to get just that deal did exactly what you’re talking about, right? Set up that relationship. Hey, do you happen to have any others? Well, hey, save my number. When I do look to buy a property, it’s an all cash offer, you know, can close really quick, you know, save my number, you can call text me anytime. And you’ll set it up where I was like, Hey, I’ll tell you what, you know, I’d love to stay in touch. If for whatever reason, y’all I’ll reach back out either text or call three weeks from now. And if for whatever reason, circumstances changed, or whatever the case may be with this house, you know, maybe maybe we can revisit the conversation and figure out an offer that’s a good fit that there love it. And she likes she loved it. And so boom, that’s person out of the database. We’ll get the follow up. And yeah, see what happens. That’s it.

That’s exactly right. So we have Henry from our program, and he’s on here. He loves using privy and Benson Juarez. He just texted me who owns previz hopping on this call, too. So we’re gonna have some awesome All Star lineup. We’re gonna say hi to Henry right now. You know, Henry, What’s up, brother?

Good morning guy.

I know you had a property that you had on privy you are asking what offer you should make on it, right?

Yes. So I’m actually find this property on the MLS and then I contact my router, and then they told me that contact directly with the homeowner. Okay. So I called her yesterday. And then I offer her a city key. Okay, let’s see or deny my offer. She told me that. Her problem, her property, hair is too large or something like that. And then she won 100k for her property.

100k for your property you offered her 60 Yes, ha.

But based on this property already break now. So bass is a full rehab anyway.

Yeah, Henry. So this is what happens sometimes when you make offers to agents, they’re not always going to accept but do you know the follow up game is pretty important. That’s what me and Nathan are talking about, we’re talking about it’s not always about winning that offer it’s about establishing relationships. So you could talk to that agent say hey, look, I really am ready to go but you know, can you please keep me in mind and you want to be able to network right and that’s what I want to show you today. I want to make some calls and show you like how to network with agents and not every agent is going to going to be cool and networking with you right so it’s just looking to find those people I know I called I called the cash buyer about a deal I was trying to wholesale yesterday but I found through JV and the buyer that I tried to find he was like not trying to talk to me at all he was like man I’m busy I got stuff to do blah blah sometimes you catch people in middle some sometimes they just don’t feel like it’s worth their time it’s totally fine right?

No so I did actually I talking directly with the homeowner not to the agent anymore

That’s really interesting. So the agent that listed the property said talk to the seller yeah it’s also the seller directly it must be one of these flat fee listing places where they just list it and then they direct everything to the seller you want me to call that seller let me see if I can negotiate So Melissa, you want me to try?

Yes. So let me put her phone number and then the actress

I love how much you take action did everyone take note from our guy Henry?

I already call her yesterday and then I saw I saw her that my my partner later no will call you back today

alright and won’t always promised that because I’m not always free but I can help you out right now. Let’s do it. Let me give her a call. Benson all we got we got the goat here. We got Benson on how you guys I mentioned everyone Yeah, we’re making we’re making calls. We’re taking action.

I saw that I’m excited. This is this is what I love seeing it’s so cool. You’re just like let’s just call them

yeah, let’s do it. That’s that’s I think that’s what people what people want to see. They want to see the calls. Let me see if I can get it done guys. See if I can lock it up. Hello, hi. Hey, is this a zoo? Yes, sir. How you doing today? Good, good. Hey, I’m calling about the house that you have listed on at 10 Miles Street. Yeah. Yeah. Do you have a couple minutes to chat? Or did I catch it about time? You can talk. Okay. Yeah. So I’m looking at the property. Actually, Henry, that I work with. He told me to give you a call. I think he made you an offer yesterday. Is that sound right?

Yeah. laughable offer. Hey, oh, man, that was?

What did it. I hope it didn’t offend you. Have you been? I’m just curious, have you been getting a lot of offers that are low like that? are not really

Or they gave me a CD I reject they gave me 90, I still rejected this guy gave me $60,000. Well, flip on myself.

Oh, okay. I know the game. Is that what you were doing with this, this property that we’re looking at right now? Were you planning on flipping it?

I’m switching to new builds. So that’s why I’m not fixing it up. And I’m selling essays.

Okay, so looking at your you’re doing new build, or so I come across a lot of properties that, you know, a lot of land as well. So maybe we could network outside of this deal. And I could bring you some shoe stuff? Are you always are you looking to buy like land at the moment?

Not at the moment, they already have two projects that I’m gonna be? I’m gonna concentrate on that

curious. I like to network and find out what kind of new builds are you doing?

Are these single family thing? Go into Plexus?

Wow, cool.

Have you been doing this for a while you can use I’ve been flipping for five, six years now. But I don’t need a flip anymore. So I’m gonna go to new bills. But anyway, on this house and you guys look into fix and flip. Are you looking to wholesale?

We do both put it in primarily, I wouldn’t be looking to flip it. If I can get it the right price. If I can get it the right price, I’d probably try and give it to one of my buyers. Because I do wholesale.

Well, I just reduce the price to 100. I did see that. Yeah, I want a quick sale cash offer a seven day closing no option period. So if you are looking to get a deal and bring your buyer,

I personally live in Salt Lake City, Utah, Henry lives in Houston. So that’s why we’re looking at this deal.

An experienced flipper. If I do for you, he finds he finds a deal for me.

So I either buy it or because I work actually coach Henry. So I either buy it or I help him wholesale it right.

Okay, so most of your wholesaler, if you have buyer, send them there. Do the code for them to take a look. Okay. And then if they are interested, then we talk.

So let me ask you this because I understand where you’re coming from if we can find a buyer for it, but they they come back lower than 100. Like what what are you open to? Because I don’t want to waste your time and bring it back a bunch of offers that stink. Yeah. Waste most of your time. Like yeah, I don’t want to waste your time. Okay, well, but I’m just curious if they come in what is the lowest you would accept? I know you said you have it for 100. But I have to put my fee on there too. If I were to bring a buyer what’s the lowest that you would accept? And I can see if maybe I can get it done

the lowest I had them I would get maybe three to 5000 Maximum on this deal.

What What do you mean three to 5000? Maximum? Like three to 5000? Less than 100? Or? Yes. Okay, so you don’t have like a ton of wiggle room on like getting it down to like 82 or three

is from 190 Now to 100 That’s $9,000 out so that’s my wiggle room right there.

Okay, yeah, one last question for you since you purchased this and you’re probably going to flip it what do you have the ARV What do you believe that you could flip it 191 90

But this one if I don’t sell I’m probably gonna go ahead and do it. Okay. A lot. A lot of do a new build on the lot.

And then we have the house you know, it’s funny I use a software called privy to run my comps and 190 is exactly what I got. So do you do you use previous

Well, no, I use it to car run time on the heart. Okay. 190 If you get by the house and fix it and sell for 190 You will make a lot of profit. Yeah, yeah, I totally understand that comes from the extra lot of the house.

Yeah, no, I see that. So there’s an extra lot if you purchase this home is that what you’re saying? This house is built on two lots to lots. Okay. Well I appreciate you being open to work with me whether I buy it or I wholesale it I have a lot of wholesalers approached you already about this and tried to bring buyers to you.

They approached me they want to sign a contract to you know, 30 day closing seven days option period. The whole seller, I know the game of course, the buyer if you have a buyer, then lock it and close it because I’m not gonna do option period.

You Yeah, I totally get it. Why would you get locked up with a wholesaler? Why they bring your buyer not right? Quit wasting your time?

Yeah. And then I know what they do and I’m doing the same. So why would I want to lock up the house so they can do whatever anyway goes in and out the full rehab, not the distressed seller. Not the you know, people who face foreclosure and

I get it, you know, and I appreciate your transparency and you know, if this one doesn’t work, I’d love to continue to work with you because I do find deals in Houston. So maybe we can work together we can JV you could help me find a buyer. Who knows. Sure. Sounds good. Okay. All right. So you have a great day. It was nice talking to you. Thank you. All right. So Henry off of that conversation, I was able to find out that No wonder she’s not gonna accept your offer. She’s a wholesaler she’s a flipper she’s experienced she doesn’t want to get locked up by anybody. She’s just like, Hey, bring me a buyer and we’ll get we’re good to go throw your fee on top. So it’s interesting this easier she’s given us the lockbox code we can send this out to our list everyone that’s watching this live

We’re gonna shot Yeah, see, see see ask enough on the seventh day closing and then No, no option periods?

Well, you really don’t need an option period. Because if you can just send your buyers through and it with a lockbox code and they can just give you an offer and commit. That’s all she’s asking for. So she’s basically just saying go ahead and wholesale this thing.

Henry and also you got your first buyer. Yeah, she’s, she’s your legitimate buyer on your list. Now. Now you can say you have buyers.

She gave me exactly her buying criteria. She says I’m not really flipping I’m looking for new construction. I’m doing new construction, single family duplexes. Right so if you find anything that meets that criteria, she’s perfect.

Oh, yeah,

That was a great call Nathan. Really good. Very smooth. Like you guys. Anybody watching that? That is like textbook report building in smooth operator nests. Like that was really good. So watch this one over and over again, you guys because that’s how you do it.


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