How To Make It in Real Estate Wholesaling

One thing everyone can relate to, is we’ve all felt the sting of hitting rock bottom in some way, shape, or form. Today we’re going to dive into Nathan Payne and how he went from rags to riches by making one simple flip to his mindset. Today, we are interviewing Nathan Payne aka real estate Nate from Salt Lake City, Utah. He’s the owner of Utah Home acquisitions, coach and mentor of investor And he is one of our very own batch affiliates. So without further ado, I give you Nathan Payne. Thank you. So who is real estate nit? Okay, what should we know about you when it comes to the journey of becoming a successful wholesaler and real estate agent?

So I started like, from the bottom you could say right I had some sales skills I was a door to door sales rep. I I did door to door sales while I was in college and then did a little bit after like six years, I ran multiple teams. But then I was kind of tired of moving around. So cuz it’s like a very transient lifestyle. Right? You go in the summers you knock in in areas. Yeah, it’s difficult when you’re literally knocking on a door, a random person’s door every every, like 10 seconds, I guess if they don’t answer and trying to get a sale. So I did that. And then I was tired of moving once I got married. So I went right into real estate, my buddy who my business partner, Cory, his dad had been doing real estate. And I said, Hey, Cory, like, your dad’s been doing real estate you tried in college, you’re working at a tech company. Now let’s let’s go all in on this wholesaling thing. Let’s try it. So I guess in a nutshell, that’s who I am. I’m just a guy with zero knowledge real estate went in, and freaking figured it out. So we all know real estate investing. It’s not easy, right? It’s, it’s a grind, it’s a grind. Sailing is a grind. There’s a lot of hustlers out there. So for all the people and individuals that are struggling, right, we all know, we go through that struggle. I’d like to know how do you approach failures and setbacks in your business?

You know, I love a good failure. Really, because it happens all the time. Like it’s gonna happen. It really isn’t business. I meant you point me to the guy who really just knows exactly what to do and never like, like fails, and it’s not gonna happen, in my opinion. Yep.
Amen to that. And learning from your failures. Yeah. Right. You know, if you fail over and over again and not learn from it and apply the exact right then you got a problem. So that’s key. So you sent out a bunch of mailers, lost a lot of money

Yeah. pivoted Yeah, pivoted now in putting that money in Pay Per Click, even with texting, texting right now, for us, we were doing a lot of it and it wasn’t hitting as well as cold calling. So we shut down the texting, we say, hey, let’s just put that money into cold calling. It’s working better. So you’re always improving and growing and, and who knows? Like, you know, cold calling might not hit in six months or a year? Yeah, then we’ll pivot. But if you’re not willing to move with the ebbs and flows of the market, and like what’s working, you get crushed, in my opinion, a lot of people I feel, you know, and I think we’ve all been victim of it is, is that we, we don’t try to fail. Right? You know, right, you’re scared to even take the leap of faith because you’re scared of failing, right? But you got to fail, because that’s the only way you learn right?

At the end of the day. And that’s something I think that’s who I am. I like if I hear if you say, hey, Nate, you know, I tried to, I tried this, and it worked for me, I’m gonna go try it. I’m gonna try like, because that’s, that’s who I am. And I meet a lot of people. As I told you, investors, I have a coach. So I talked to him and they’re in analysis paralysis. They’re watching. I’ve watched tons of videos for two years. I’m like, Well, have you tried just getting on the phone? They’re like, No. And that’s what it takes up. And that’s how I started I said, when we first started, we just started knocking doors. That’s what we did. Because I was good at sales. Like let’s knock doors and ask people they’re going to sell. We got a deal from that. When I first started. That’s how we got one of the first deals.

So we briefly talked about your mastermind investor thrive as a mentor, right? What is the best advice you can give to someone starting out as a wholesaler, or a real estate investor? I would say take take action, imperfect action right now, you’re not gonna go out there and make your first cold call, you might you might get lucky and that person wants to sell, right but you got to take action. And in order to learn that’s, that’s what I would say because that’s that’s what it takes. You just gotta get in there. You got to throw your your your hand in the ring or wherever the thing is, and get in it all out. Massive Action, right? Massive Imperfect Action because it’s never gonna be perfect, perfect, imperfect action. imperfect. I agree. Let’s go back in time, right? We I feel like every person would love to just go back in time and take that knowledge that they have and be able to use it right. So if you were to go back in time, and give yourself that upper hand right If you could start all over again, okay, for the beginning, what would you do differently?

that’s a really good question. It’s really hard to say because I feel like what I’ve learned from those setbacks is like, has made me who I am right. And so if I were to get rid of those things, I don’t know if I would really understand what I do now. Right? But okay, let’s, let’s, let’s really try hard.

I mean, I love that because it’s a process. It is a process, you become who you are because of the process that you go through.

Yeah, like, for example, like we were solely wholesalers, right, that’s like all we did for a long time. But now we do fix and flips wholesale rentals, like, because we understand the process from going from, I feel like wholesaling is a great avenue. But I don’t think that’s your end goal. Like you want to do multiple avenues and multiple exit strategies. So, but without doing that, I probably wouldn’t have felt comfortable doing venturing out with what we’re doing now. So if I had to go back, I probably would have gotten a mentor sooner like one like a higher level, mentor, just so he could, because that’s what they’re there for right there. They’re not going to make you succeed, you have to take the action, but they will help you avoid the pitfalls. Yeah, that’s true. And they can help you with your learning curve.
Exactly. Right.

There’s so many people, especially with the internet out there, it’s it’s, it’s unreal, how much you can learn from somebody, and how much it’ll help you. At the end of the day, with your learning curve, right? You can take what somebody took over 10 years, right? They learned in 10 years. And I’m telling you this because I’ve done this myself, right 10 years of experience, and they put it into a course right? And you can learn that course. I would say in what three months, two to a year, right? And then you got to apply it. So instead of going in that 10 years and going through all the mistakes, right? You can learn from their mistakes and take a year learn it and then apply it which is which is amazing. Exactly. I agree with that. So I’m a marketer, I love marketing. Ultimately, I’ve been doing it for a very long time. So what advice would you give to the viewers out there? I’m putting out content consistently,

like, like about wholesaling or like about

brand building, because I see a lot of real estate agents and wholesalers, they have this thing in their head where they’re like, oh, I want to do YouTube or I want to do tic toc. And I want to get information out there. But I don’t know, I don’t know where to start than I then have learned that by putting yourself out there. Right? It gets you a lot of deals, right? Yeah,

it’s worked really well. Like it’s helped us raise private money, like for our deals like because people are like, Oh, Nate, you’re you’re doing deals like and when I reach out to them, they trust me because they see that I’m actually doing what I say, right? Yeah, through my posts, I would say if you want to build a brand or let people you just have to get started. Like I started a YouTube channel like six months ago. And I just put out things that I thought would help people like would serve people in this industry like that would help them grow. So I don’t know if anyone cares or thinks it’s good. But I was like, Hey, I think it’s helpful. So I think if you start posting or putting out stuff that you think it helps you or helps others, and then no one watches it. What are just stay consistent. It’ll it’ll work out. Absolutely.

And it really gives you credibility and makes you that expert, right. So think about the people that aren’t putting out content or don’t have a YouTube channel, right. And then somebody searches their name versus Nate’s name, right? When they find me on YouTube, and they see that he’s giving out all this knowledge. Right? Who are they gonna go with? Yeah, like, luckily, Nathan Payne, like, there’s no one else on YouTube that that name. So I do come up first, if you type in my name, yep. And I started the year out with like, 4039 subscribers, and I have 396 Right now, which is like, you know, it’s not that crazy, right? But I know through consistency, I’m going to get to 1000 10,000 100,000 like overtime. It’s it consistency is the key. Correct.

So great. Yeah, that’s, that’s, I believe that everybody out there should be putting out content, pick a channel and then focus on that one channel. Get good at it. And then you can hopefully either hire somebody or bring somebody in house to them post it everywhere, right? It’s all about your, your Omni presence, right? And the more channels you’re on the better. Yeah, that’s one thing that I have a cool
thing about YouTube, as well as if you make a video you can cut it into shorts or smart slaughter clips and and put it everywhere. So that’s what we’ve been doing exactly.

You do a show like this, right? You can chop this up 100 times everywhere and put it everywhere. Exactly. So you’re very strict with family time. Okay, I tried to call you after work and you just won’t do it. Yeah. So So what are some of the tips you can give about work life balance?

I think it’s really important in this job to have a good work life balance because like, you know, sellers could if you get do leads, they can come in at any time, but you really don’t want to like give a will give up on your watch, you’re really working hard for your family to, to, you know, lose that, right? So I tried to do a hard stop, like where it’s like, hey, and I’ll let people know, right? So for my students, I’ll just say, Hey, I’m available from nine to five every day, you can ask me anything you need in that time. And I’ll get back to you. After that. I’ll get back to you as soon as I can the next day. So if you set the expectations, it’s everyone’s okay with it. Right. And I think that’s, that’s been helpful. I told you, so you know, where I’m at and up. And if you tell me your schedule, I’m not going to, you know, I’m going to respect that. So I know, it’s probably a little bit harder for, you know, incoming leads. So we have people we hire our leads managers or acquisitions, people, and we say, our expectation for hiring you is to get to the leads when they come in, right? Yeah. So they take that on, they understand what they need to do. So I think it’s just setting the right expectations for everybody.
There you go. There you go. And then that’s, I mean, mindset wise, right? Like, we’re all serial entrepreneurs, I get it, like, we want to work 24/7 365 Because we all have goals. I mean, we all want to achieve those goals, right? But can’t forget about the outside life and why you’re working right? Why putting in the work and that

There you go. There you go. And then that’s, I mean, mindset wise, right? Like, we’re all serial entrepreneurs, I get it, like, we want to work 24/7 365 Because we all have goals. I mean, we all want to achieve those goals, right? But can’t forget about the outside life and why you’re working right? Why putting in the work and that helps to is if you understand your why of why you’re doing all this, like, money is great. And building a legacy. And all this stuff is what you know, we’re trying to accomplish. But at the risk of losing what’s really important you got you got to really balance it. And don’t lose sight of that.

Yep. And they always say, right, the thing is, you got to have a wire that will make you cry. That, I mean that why is when you when you hit those failures, it’s gonna keep you pushing, on and on and on and on, right? And when you want to give up you just think about that, why and boom, back to the plate. So the seal batch service, all right, he has a non negotiable, okay, and that non negotiable is he will never miss a workout ever, ever. So do you have any non negotiables in your personal or business? I don’t work on Sunday. That’s my non negotiable. Beautiful, yeah. Beautiful. Try to keep that that’s the Lord’s Day. I’m I have faith in like a strong faith. So yeah, that’s good.

So if you were going to give advice to your younger self, okay, what would that advice be?
My advice to my younger self would have been take more action. Because in this industry, in most industries, you find out like, how do I do more deals? Well, I got to do more. Right. That’s that’s what I didn’t know that. When I first started. I was like, you know, I’ll work I’ll call maybe when I was cold calling when I first started a couple hours a day. Let’s like, well, if you want more deals, you got to get more more calls out. So that’s, that’s what I didn’t really understand. And now I understand like, more deals more action.

What about with hiring to write more deals more action?

Hiring is still something difficult, right? Because you can sit down and hire someone that says everything right? You do all your due diligence, and they just don’t pan out. Like, let me give you an example. We had this guy came to me, he says I want to wholesale, but I have no money. So I was like, Okay, I could just spend all this time like trying to get them ready, but and we actually did. We trained him for like two weeks before he got the phone. First time he hit the phone. He’s shaken, he was really scared. And he quit the next day. So we put two weeks into someone who if we would have just put him on the phones the first day and just say, let’s see, this guy can hang it would have saved us two weeks of all his training him.

Yep. So yep, that’s true. And you always got to have a revolving door of recruits, right? Because you bring on 10 One to two is probably gonna work out. Yeah. And that was how it was for door to door sales, too. You can have the best slickest looking guy just sweet, like the slick talker and you’re like, man, he’s gonna be awesome. But he hits that door, and he’s scared. He’s something he’s not comfortable with. And he quits. So it’s really hard to know.

Yep, absolutely. So you’re an investor, you like to invest? Yes. If you are going to create another revenue stream, okay. What would you create?

So we’re actually creating it. With some developers. It’s a platform where people can post their deals, like, I don’t know if you’ve heard of I have, but like, that’s, that’s really like where you can, I would say, take this to the next level. Like, what what wholesalers do is they go to sellers, and they say, Hey, I’m marketing to you, I would like to buy your house. But if there was a platform where sellers could go to to be like, hey, I need to sell pretty much Sunday has it right, but like, something like that, where it’s like, Hey, I would like to sell my distressed property quickly. That that would be like the next move because we try to reach out to people but if there was a place that they could go and they knew about that’s what we’re trying to create like a platform a community and also where investors can go because there’s an issue with wholesaling is is dispositions it’s selling your deals you have to reach out unless you have like a great buyer’s list or get right connections. You literally have to reach out like cold to buyers be like hey, buy my deal. But if there was a platform or buyers could go to and be like, hey, these guys all always have great deals, then your deals would go on the platform and without having to market and try to find people, they would all buyers would always be looking. So Sunday, like I said, is got it. But that’s like, that’s really what would take off. So another revenue stream is a platform for investors, buyers and sellers to go to a marketplace, the

tech world. I love the tech world. That’s it. All right. So this is the part of the show, where we learn how Nathan Payne flipped the switch. All right. So this is this is what the show is all about, ladies and gentlemen, in life, successful people, I believe, okay. They have this pivotal moment, right? Where they do something, and it literally changes the trajectory of their personal life or their business, and they have their breakout year. So my question for you, is, what was one of the major changes that you made to your life or business that helped you get to where you are today, one of the major changes, like one one of them, I would say, looking at others in the industry as not as not as competition, because I used to when I first started this business, I’m a pretty competitive guy. So I looked at like other wholesalers in my market, and I’m like, I will forget those guys. Right? Like, they’re stealing my deals, right? And I’d look at like, as competition, and I had a scarcity mentality, right? Instead of an abundance mentality. But through working with other mentor mentors, I, there’s like something that switch where I was, like, hey, I can do deals with these people. I have great buyers to, like we can joint venture I can, we can leverage each other’s knowledge. And once I started not having that scarcity mentality, everything clicked for me. And I’ve been doing JV deals with multiple wholesalers. I’ve been networking guys like you and start starting,

I guess, to broadcast my, I guess my my stuff, right? Like, hey, I can help. And we’ve actually been able to help tons of people. And it’s, that’s that’s the switch is, when you can stop looking at this as a scarcity. And there’s abundance. There’s so many homes out there, everyone can succeed. And if you help someone succeed, they’ll they’ll bring a deal. For example, I have a student who at the beginning, I helped him for free for like six months, right? And now after six months, just helping him. He’s like, Hey, can I pay for your coaching? He basically Hey, can I jump in. So he paid and now he we got two deals that he needs help selling Cleveland that we’re going to sell. So we’re splitting JV on that 5050 with him. So not only pay for the coaching, but we’re doing deals together. And he just has a five, a five home portfolio, and he couldn’t figure the deal out on terms. So we call them and we’re trying to figure out the deal. So this guy potentially as of right now, not only did he get into the coaching, which is beneficial for man and him, but we got seven deals we’re looking at doing with them. Wow. And that’s all from just helping Correct. Wow.

So it’s crazy. And if you’re a closed mind and not open to that, right?

Yeah, if you look at if he reached out to me, and I had to close mind and being like, Hey, man, I’m really busy. I gotta make some calls. I got to talk to some sellers. I don’t have time for that, then I would not for someone to have a good friendship or relationship with my boy, Mike. He’s awesome. But I would wouldn’t look at be doing more. I wouldn’t be doing more deals with them. Didn’t you go from a moment where you were basically in debt. And once you once you change that you’re able to just right away, get yourself out of debt and do like 70 I think it was $76,000 in three months.

Yeah, it was crazy. Man. I was like literally in the depths of despair. Like we were 50 about $50,000 in debt. And we were we were worried, right? Because what got us in debt, just so people know is we went nationwide on Pay Per Click, we google ads, we just dumped a ton of money, we would get tons of leads. And we’re at the beginning we were stoked for like how we got all these people want to sell. But when you do nationwide, you’re gonna get a lot of leads and areas that you can’t really sell the deals, right. Even if people want to sell at a discount, it’s hard to move them. So we got a lot of those deals and we couldn’t move them. So as the ad spend kept going, we weren’t able to make the money back and sell the deals. So we got in that position, figured out PPC by the way, we got it figured out. But in that moment, we were really in debt and then that’s when Brandon Simmons one of the mentors like hey, you got to flip the switch. You got to like, look at you can you have great buyers, you can help people.

And that’s when we did it. And then there was a deal in Colorado that we didn’t have a buyer for. But because of networking, we found someone and he he was able to buy it. It was a $50,000 deal. Right boom from networking, and then we did some other deals so 76k got out of debt. And ever since then, beautiful. Well,
I love it. I love it. So not work, don’t be closed minded. Right? Get out there and be with the people in the industry. I mean, you’re only going to learn you’re only going to earn working with each other and I would add you want to be around people that have that that same mindset, I have noticed that there are people that have that scarcity mentality that don’t want to help others, they kind of like want to just have their own back and you don’t want to be around those people anymore. So that’s helped me too. I’m like, don’t waste my time with those people. Like you’re, you’re a Go Giver, you’re someone that wants to help. We’re together, right? So, you want to definitely surround yourself with people that are willing to give.

Alright, so it’s my favorite part of the show. Okay, this is what I call rapid fire. Alright, so I asked you two questions. Okay. Right. You give me one answer. Okay. I’ll try to be as quick as I can.

So cash or credit, cash, Tesla, or Lamborghini? Tesla, tacos or pizza?

Do you kill bugs? Or do you take them outside? You had to kill them. travel to the past or travel to the future? Past? street smarts or book smarts, book, smarts.

Where’s your favorite city? Not Where do you live?

I like Vancouver. Washington. Not Washington. I’m sorry.
Vancouver, Canada. Beautiful. They are really good sushi there. Yeah. Beautiful. Last song. You have an honoree on repeat last song on repeat? Yep.

I’ve been listened to a lot of the bordering soundtrack. Like, yeah, like when I’m at work, I just listen to over and over again right now.
I’ve never heard that before. But I own every single Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit. So I’m right there with you,
man. Try that soundtrack. It will make you
scale from one to 10 How good are you at sports?
I’d say I’m an eight. An eight. Yeah. Well, I
just don’t have a Tom Brady. Yes or No,
I’m not a big guy. So it depends what sport like in wrestling. I’d probably say like a nine. All the basketball. Maybe a seven. Depends on sport. Yeah, I’m pretty athletic. I feel like crypto or gambling. And crypto gambling. Yeah. Oh, crypto crypto all day. Yeah. So do you like delivery or sit down at a restaurant? I like to sit down me too. Yeah. So fill in the blank. All right. Robert Kiyosaki is the man, the man the goat to go. So book every viewer should read
a book ever The Slight Edge,
slight edge. I don’t think I’ve read that one. And last one batch leads or batch dialer. I like batch leads a lot batch leads. So don’t forget down below guys. You can get a seven day free trial batch leads plus 5000 property records on the house. Let’s go make sure you guys go in the description and grab that. Okay. We’re also on batch TV, we teach you guys how to use batch leads. Okay, so go down below and grab that. So here’s the question of the day. All right, so this is the moment the end of the show where we ask our guests. Okay, Nathan Payne. If you were to leave one piece of advice behind to all the young hustlers out there, okay, what word of advice would you leave for them?

Actually had a podcast with my buddies and he said this so I’m going to take it from him because I really liked it. But he said the greater the setback, the greater the comeback. So that’s just like a piece of advice is if you’re gonna have a failure, and you you overcome it or you’re willing to keep going, you’re going to be way ahead from that that setback. Right so the greatest setback the greater the comeback. i I’ll take that. It’s you there’s many ways to say it. But yeah, just keep going. I love it. I love it for anybody in the audience. Don’t stop just keep learning keep going. Because that’s a sweet way you go go forward in this industry.
Hey, man, I love it. So how do people find you? Where do they find you online?

You know, I try to be on every platform. But YouTube you can check on my YouTube channel as of right now it’s Nathan Payne investors Thrive TV, my changes to real estate Nate investors dive TV, who knows but as of right now, it’s just Nathan Payne. You can find me on Facebook, I have a real Facebook group that’s free. It teaches a lot of wholesaling and investing for free in it. It’s called the wholesaling real estate mastermind, I created that Facebook group because I wanted people to have a community where they could ask questions for for free. And then my my coaching is, is I kind of like have placed it where it’s like, Hey, I’m gonna give you as much information as you need so you can go on by yourself, but if you’d like someone to kind of help you along your journey, and help you avoid those pitfalls, and you know, shorten the learning curve that’s when I’d like to work with you but I’m not trying to like take people who aren’t I guess willing to take action and you know, do what works but anyway so Facebook Instagram real estate Nate underscore 88 weight real estate Nate notes real estate underscore Nate 88 I had to make it funky because uh, you know, there’s a lot of real estate needs out there apparently. But yeah, you guys can find me on those are main ones, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, there’s a lot of them so well
thank you for your time.

Appreciate it and it’s been fun My husband got a lot of education for all the viewers out there


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