How to spend your time daily as RE Investor

Yo, if you clicked on this video. You want to know how to use your time more efficiently, more effectively as a real estate investor. Well, let me tell you, this is probably one of the most important things you can do, is learn how to leverage your time and leverage the time of other people. Because you only have 24 hours, I only have 24 hours. We can’t do everything. You can’t wear every hat and be super successful. You have to leverage, and you have to learn. So what we’re going to do today is I have a video where I’m going to show you exactly how I leverage the buyers and the relationships I have to make offers to sellers, and how to leverage your time and be most efficient and effective as a wholesaler, as a real estate investor. So let’s dive in.

You. Thanks again for tuning in. And before we dive into this video where I show you exactly how to leverage your time and leverage your buyers to make offers and be efficient and effective as an investor, I want to invite you to my master class, painless check it out. It’s absolutely free. I show you my exact strategy, how I leverage buyers and I leverage sellers. How I leverage everybody and use my time most wisely, like in this video I’m going to show you, but it goes more in depth on the masterclass. Let’s dive right in. How do you cement yourself in the mind of an agent? So let’s just say we found the buyer. We or at least we understand our market very well. We make an offer with an agent, they’re like, look the seller. I’d love for you to take this deal. I’d love to get paid on it, but the seller won’t budge. So you don’t want to just say, Okay, well, have a nice day, right? You want to have the right conversation. Be like, Hey, I do this all day. I buy properties in this area.

I would love to be one of your preferred buyers, because I can close ASAP. You know, if you bring me a deal pocket listing, I can give you an offer. I can tell you what I’d offer within 24 hours. I can tell you, so you’re not just waiting for me, like, I promise you, I will get back to you. So that’s that’s one of the things. And by the way, what I’m telling you is not something that I made up. This is stuff that I learned. I was at a convention conference with Brent Daniels last weekend, and some guy that does over a million dollars just off of working with agents in one market, he does this process. So I took this process and I wrote it out, and it’s amazing. So let’s, let me show it to you guys right here. Once you make that offer to that agent, you want to add your agent to a C this is what he said into a CRM. Now if you guys don’t have any a CRM, Benson, I know that they can. You can have specific lists right in privy where you can keep, keep data, right? Yeah,
you can. You can organize the folders into a structure that makes it feel like a CRM without having to go and pay for a CRM. But, you know, CRMs are valuable. Like, like a really, like a real CRM, with all the bells and whistles, can be really powerful.

I love CRM. So I, if you guys don’t have one yet, it’s totally fine. So what is next after you add the agent to the CRM, depending on what you’re using, whether it’s privy CRM, batch leads, whatever. You create a list called Real Estate Agents. Okay, so you want to keep those agents in a list, okay, the ones that you’ve talked to, because if you don’t, then you’re going to forget about it. You add a note into your CRM about the conversation that you had. Okay, you don’t want to forget the conversation. I know that if I’m talking to a lot of agents, I’m going to kind of forget what we talked about, and they will too, I promise you. So you want to write, okay, this was a great agent. He focuses in Athens, Georgia. He just has a listing randomly in this area I’m looking at, but this is where he’s at. Okay.

Next thing you want to do is you want to add a follow up task to follow up with them in 30 to 90 days. And that follow up task is to call them and check in on them, right? And I recommend calling them like a text message. Is okay, but it’s not text messages. Don’t develop relationships like Benson, if me and you never got on the phone or on a zoom call or met in person, if we just text each other, it probably wouldn’t be the same, right? It’s the same with an agent. If you just text and you think that’s going to get it done, it’s not, no, it’s not. You should put another line item there to take them to Publix to get a sub. Yes, that would be good. You want to build a solid relationship with these people. You feed them.

You feed them the law of reciprocity. It’s a true law. You give something to someone, it’s going to come back to you. It’s just how life is. So yes, calls are great. Feeding people is number one, always. So another thing that he recommends is sending a Facebook and LinkedIn connection. Why is this important? Why would you send a Facebook request to someone that you just talked to? It shows that you’re real. It cements you in their mind that, okay, I’m friends with this guy. And not only that, but your feed is now going to hit their feed. So when you post a deal, when you talk about doing real estate, they’re going to say, hey, this guy’s actively doing real estate. And so that’s good. And same with LinkedIn. LinkedIn, that’s okay.

This guy’s got professional LinkedIn. So just by sending the Facebook request and the LinkedIn or connection, you’re far beyond what probably most people do, right? Benson, most people just leave it at the phone call and they’d never talk back. So you send a connection, the next thing you’re gonna do is you’re gonna text their cell phone and you’re gonna text their cell phone with your cell phone. That’s what he says. You want to use your own cell phone. CRMs are great, but when you have your own cell phone, it does make a difference. In my opinion, they feel like you use your cell phone. So you say, Thanks for taking my call. This is my cell next thing you want to do is you want to give them. Your Buy Box criteria, guys.

Now this is why it’s so important to have a criteria from a buyer, or you can make one up if you want, but we actually give them the criteria of our buyers, so we know that they can send us exactly what we want. Hey, what is this criteria? This is just the criteria of my buyer right here. I just send them a JPEG and I say, Hey, here’s where I’m buying. This one looking for. So now they’re like, Okay, I’m a Facebook friend, I’m LinkedIn, and I know exactly what this guy wants. Let me go find it, right? Or if it comes across my desk, I’m going to know what to do. You’re going to sign your text and just say hey. Nathan Payne, right? Next thing you’re going to do, I know this is crazy, but this is actually going to take you above and beyond. You’re going to send them an email. You’re going to attach a PDF of your credibility packet. You’re going to send them a PDF explaining why you are legit. Because these agents, they probably get calls from everyone all the time, and that they do not know who’s serious. So this is a credibility packet I have for my company that I send to sellers and agents.

This is my company, offer on homes. So if you go to offer on, so they can, they can go here. They’re going to probably check out and be like, Okay, this guy, this guy must be legit. He’s got a website. Not saying you need a website. But this is just additional credibility, right? So the credibility packet, if anyone, ever, anyone wants to make this super easy, all you do is just a little picture of like, your company to explain who you are. I write a little bit of the letter. That’s just a generic letter that just says, Hey, thanks for letting me give the opportunity to introduce opportunity to introduce myself, and this is who we are. You can put your team, meet our team. You can put a picture of yourself. Who you work with. If you’re a one man team, just say, Hey, this is me. This is what I do. I’m a buyer. You introduce your team.

I actually put testimonials too, just so people like, know, I’ve done deals, FAQ page if they want. This is more meant for sellers, like, off market, but it works the same. We actually even went above me on we have a YouTube channel that’s just answer specific FAQs for for sellers, which is pretty cool, but again, not necessary. We even put our proof of funds, which is huge. If you’re going to send a credibility packet out, you need to send, hey, this is my proof funds. They’re going to ask for you to anyway. Might as well, beat them to the punch and just be like, Hey, I know you’re going to ask for this. This is our proof of funds. And then I explain the process of how we work with people after we sign. So something like this, an agent that sees this in their email after you introduce yourself. And I’m like, Dang, this is no joke, right here. This, this guy. I know if we get him under contract, he’s going to fulfill with what he said. So you text or sell you email them. The next thing, if you want to go above and beyond, is if you make posts on your social media, on LinkedIn, on Facebook, cater them to real estate, cater them to like what you do in the business. So when that agent sees your timeline, your feed on Facebook, when they log in or LinkedIn, they can say, Oh, this guy. This guy isn’t just on random dude that hit me up once he’s actually doing business. Talk about deals you’re doing. Talk about your process of, you know, get trying to, you know, grow your business. That’s going to help you set yourself apart.

Now next thing you’re going to do is you’re going to keep track of your VIP your VIP agents. Now you have the agency I’ve had a conversation with you, want to now keep a track of a list of who are the best ones you’re working with. So VIP agents would be, you’ve already done a deal with them. They’ve referred you a deal, or they’re actively referring you homes. That’s like the gold list right there. If they’re actively referring you have done a deal or have referred one in the past. Great continue to work with them. Cultivate that take take those guys to lunch, right? If they’re going to do that for you, because they’re you’re not paying them, and they’re willing to do all that work for you. So that’s amazing. So next thing is, call them monthly. You want to definitely be, be making sure that you’re contacting, staying connected with your agents that you work with, that your VIPs monthly. Now this is the value. If you’re like, Well, why would an agent work with me? You’re all probably thinking like, what value do I provide to agents? They can just get a buyer on the MLS guys, you provide a ton of value to agents.

You have a cash buyers list of your own. So if they have a property and they can’t move it, and the person will not list it with them, that happens a lot. They’ll talk to a seller, they’ll look at the house and like, Man, I can’t list this, and the seller doesn’t even want to You are their resource, their cash buyers list. So you could say, hey, this one doesn’t work for me. And eventually that’s kind of what that’s you want to be transparent, like, hey, this isn’t work for me, but I got someone that it will work for. I’ll connect you with them, right? And then through ways that I teach you, you can get paid that way too.

You don’t even have to wholesale the whole time. We get paid through invoices. A lot by just connecting people. They just invoice us at the title company, and the title company pays us out. The other opportunity you have that really motivates agents to work with you is the double dip strategy and the triple dip strategy. The double dip strategy is this agent is already listing the property. So that’s one dip. That’s what we’re going to call it. One dip. They’re listing it. They’re getting 3% you go to them and you say, Hey, I’m unrepresented. Can you represent me in this transaction? They’re like, of course, I can that’s double dip. They get the 3% for the listing, and they get the 3% for the buyer’s commission. That’s double dip. Now, if you really want them to get excited, you say, Hey, you got a double dip going on. We can do a triple dip. And what the triple dip is, is they list it, they represent you, and then after you flip it, either you have them list it for you, if you flip. Property, and they get another 3% or you connect them with the person you wholesaled it to, and you say, Hey, you should use this agent. They’re great. And then they get 3% for listing. So that agent on one deal, instead of making 3% just made, what is that 9% off of that’s a lot of money for that agent.

They’re going to love you. They’re going to be like, Wow, I got to do way more deals with this guy. That’s that’s another amazing opportunity. You have to work with agents quick, 24 hour commitment to make offers. This is super important. I talked about earlier, earlier. You have to respond to them within 24 hours. If they come to you with a pocket listing and you take a week to respond, they’re probably not going to send you much more stuff, because they need to know answers quick, just like we want answers quick when we’re trying to wholesale and we’re trying to talk to our buyers, answer quickly. The guy that made the presentation honestly, I can’t even remember his name, to be honest, that’s sad, but he said he actually goes and speaks at brokerages. He like, makes it a like, a priority of his to network and even go to brokerages and teach them what investing is to supplant and like, make, make them know, Hey, this is the go to guy for investing, and this guy just wholesales, right? So what I’m trying to say is he, he has all the buyers in place. He’s not just, like, randomly trying to move these deals after he gets them under contract, because he would burn a lot of bridges, right? So he has, when he makes an offer, he knows who they’re going to and that’s how you can actually scale this. But you are not gonna be able to scale this process if you’re like, Well, let me make an offer to this guy, this agent, and promise him I can do it, and then I don’t know if I can. No that this is how you scale it.

So he goes these brokerages, and he’s willing to put himself in front of everyone, because he’s like, Hey, I’m very confident that I can get this done. And last but not least, this is, again, the above and beyond to the max. He sends out a newsletter every month explaining what agents he’s done deals with that he does this all to all the agency networks with. He has their emails and he says, Hey, this month, I worked with this agent. This is how much he made. And he gets them fired up. This is how you take this strategy that privy, I would say, app, using privy, and then partnering up with a great follow up strategy. This is how you scale this to $1,000,000.02 million dollar business. In my opinion, if you’re just doing calls and just doing like, you know, not really following up and making them remember you it’s going to be difficult to continue to make this like a reoccurring thing.

One thing I noticed about this is, I think 100% will work, and it will elevate and it is a scaling thing. I can see it being a challenge. If you’re a solopreneur and you’re you’ve got a full time job, right? To make all this stuff work, unless you’re working with someone like Zeeshan, right? Who can help you execute that whole process, right? Like that is a really good way of doing this process, even if you’re doing this part time, yes, right? And Zeeshan, this isn’t discount anything that you do because you you’re operating at a higher level. But you know, when you work with with virtual assistants in this in this manner, you can find quality people for, you know, less than $10 an hour, right, who can execute these administrative type tasks and can keep you on task so that those those leads don’t slip through the cracks. And it would be money well invested, and it wouldn’t even be a full time thing, right? Like that could be a couple hours a day, really, right? So there’s that, and then there’s also, like, you know, within the CRM itself, like you said, you could set reminders, and a lot of it you can automate, like, much of it could be automated, right? You don’t have to do it all manually, too. So just a couple thoughts about that, yeah, of course. And the amazing thing with working with Zeeshan, like, we both know what benefit we bring, right? So I’m in the States, I can get the deals done.

I can sign the contracts, I can negotiate it further if I need to, and he understands like, Hey, I’m going to find great opportunities for us. And that’s how I really believe that this process, this model, can go to the next level. For a lot of you, if you’re brand new, that’s completely fine, learn the process, but eventually, know that, hey, you can get a great virtual assistant out of the United States to help you through that process. If you like that information, subscribe to the channel and help me grow this thing. See on the next one you.


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