How to Use Propwire to Find the Best Deals!

Ever wondered how top real estate investors seem to always be a step ahead the secret, a powerful tool called prop wire. Today I’m going to reveal how you can use it to find the best deals. What’s up everybody. I’m Nathan Payne and today it’s all about unlocking the full potential prop wire in your real estate ventures Get ready for some insider secrets. So what’s coming up today, we’re gonna be unveiling the features of Prop wire that can change your real estate game, a step by step guide on harnessing prop wire for maximum benefits and insights from successful real estate investors who use prop wire. If finding better deals faster.

Sounds good to you? Do me a favor hit the like button. Let’s get started in this bad boy. So what the heck is prop wire proper is not just a database. It’s a goldmine for finding real estate deals. It offers in depth data on properties, including foreclosure status, mortgage info, and even owner contact details. It’s crazy the amount of information you can get on property. And not only is able to do that, guys, but it’s freaking free. If you didn’t know that you can definitely use prop wire and doesn’t cost you a cent to use it and find the data.

This is the kind of day that gives you a significant edge in the market. So how do you use prop wire? Well, these are a couple practical ways that I use prop wire and that I would recommend using prop wire. If you’re in a specific market, pick one market that you want to master Don’t get crazy and go all over the country. Just pick one market whole list of pre foreclosures absentee owners in your area that you specifically are buyers for.

That’s something that I teach, I don’t want you to just go pull a list that’s like, you know, everywhere. Like for example, in Salt Lake City, if you pull every county or every zip code in Salt Lake or Utah, you’re just shooting like a shotgun, I don’t want you to I want you to take a sniper approach, go to prop wire and polis have a specific area where you have buyers. Now if you don’t have buyers, you can also use prop wire to find cash buyers in specific areas. What I tell people to do is go talk to cash buyers figure out what they want to buy, and then target those areas.

So for example, I talked to a guy named John, he’s a buyer say, John, what do you want to buy, he says, I want to buy houses that are three bedrooms, two baths, no bigger than 2000 square feet in this area of Salt Lake City, Utah, for example, he could even say I want to buy him only in the city of Sandy.

So what I could do is filter my leads for absentee owners in Sandy that meet that criteria and start reaching out to those buyers, whether I knock on their door cold call texts, if you’re doing outbound outreach, okay, if you’re reaching out to the list that you just pulled, once you find someone that is interested in selling, you would already have a buyer that could give you feedback on what they would pay for that deal. That’s exactly how to get started.

If you’re going to do outreach and start pulling lists. That’s how you can use prop wire to find not only buyers but to find data and lists that you can target. So I can’t tell you the countless stories that Jerry Norton has told me of people that are using prop wire, they’re succeeding, I’ve actually listened to a couple of interviews where people have done 20,000 $30,000 deals and when we asked them where they got the data, they say Prop wire and guys I’m telling you this is kind of crazy because most software’s they charge some money to even use the service but with Jerry’s Norton service prop wire, it’s absolutely free.

You can pull this find buyers this is definitely something that I would recommend using if you want to apply the strategy of direct to seller marketing. So tell me what’s your biggest challenge in real estate common below and let’s discuss how prop wire can help you overcome it. So do me a favor everyone take the leap into smarter, faster, more profitable investing with Prop wire. Click the link below to learn more and get started today.

So that wraps up our session for today everybody. Remember to subscribe for more Real Estate insights and until next time, keep finding those great deals.


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