How to use the Payneless Planner?

Discover the ultimate guide to mastering your productivity with the Payneless Planner! In this concise tutorial, we’ll walk you through the simple yet powerful techniques of using this revolutionary planner. Unleash your full potential, achieve your goals, and live a more organized life with the Payneless Planner. Watch now and start transforming your productivity today! Check this video to know more.

On today’s episode, I’m going to talk to you about the importance of planning out your life, reverse engineering your life goals and not just waking up every day and just thinking you’re gonna figure it out. And if life is just gonna, you’re gonna accomplish your goals just randomly is that it’s just gonna happen. Okay, we’re gonna dive into how you can do that using what I call the payneless planner. If you go to, you can get the free planner that I built and that I you personally use actually have have it if you want to see the oxygen show in the video. So just stay tuned, I’ll show you.

Bye by the end of this video, I’m going to tell you exactly why it’s important to set goals and reverse engineer them. I’m going to tell you exactly how to reverse engineer your goals. And I’m going to have a live video breaking down exactly how to do it using my planner. So let’s dive right into it. So why is it important to set goals? Why do I need to do that? Well, have you ever tried to accomplish anything in this life without setting a goal? It’s pretty much never happens if you’re like, oh, I want to lose weight. And that’s all you say? Well, the chances of that happening are very slim. So I’ve come to find out that if I want to accomplish anything in life, I need that no the end in mind, I need to know what I’m trying to accomplish. So that’s how I do everything from wholesaling to losing weight to achieving any goal, I want to know exactly what I’m trying to accomplish. So for example, I’m trying to read right now this is pretty lofty goal. But I’m trying to read all the Harvard classics if you haven’t heard of those as there’s 51 volumes of Harvard classics. So I know if I want to read all those first of all, I need to reverse engineer how I’m going to do it, I need to get the amount of books, I need to know how many pages there are in you not know how many were by them, I would need to know how many hours I need to spend every day to read them.

And I also need to know why I want to do it, there’s got to be something propelling you and pushing you to do it. So reverse engineering your wholesaling business and saying, hey, I want to make $1 million. That’s a lofty goal. And that’s great that you want to do that. But you have to know your what you’re trying to get to and then reverse engineer it. Because you’re not going to be able to get to a million dollars just by yourself, you’re just going to cold call yourself, maybe you will. But usually that requires a team in order to help you get to that point. So the purpose of setting goals is so you can know where you’re going and then bring it back. And that’s what reverse engineering does, it helps you know exactly what you have to do to get to that point. So I have a planner that I built for the last 10 years I’ve been really I wouldn’t say obsessive but I’ve been really honed in and focus on my goal setting and how I can become the best planner how I can use my time most wisely. So I created a planner that I’m actually gonna show you right now.

So if you can see this right here, I actually print off my planner because one thing you’ll find out is that writing down your goals writing down your plans, it’s going to stick way more than using Asana or any of these project management tools. I know because I use Asana for about like four years. And when I transitioned to paper, everything stuck way more way more on top of my goals way will look way more able to keep on top of things. So writing down is really important. So what I do in your I’m going to show you a video that dives deeper into this is I plan out my life goal, like what I’m trying to achieve, and I break everything down into categories of my life, you know, spiritual, I go community, self development, health and business, those all break down. And then I have my mission and my vision. And then I break it down into what I’m trying to accomplish this year. And then what I do is I say, okay, hey, if I’m trying to accomplish this thing this year, what am I going to accomplish this quarter, and then I break down my goals into quarters, then I break down, okay, then two weeks. And then after you go two weeks, you go two days. Now I know it sounds a little crazy.

But if you want to accomplish anything, you got to reverse engineer and you got to say, okay, if I’m trying to get to this my life, I need to I only I’m breaking down two years, then I’m breaking down quarters, weeks and days and the You can download this and I’m always improving the planner because I actually use it. So if I see something I think needs to get tweaked I’ll change it. So check it out. It’s absolutely free. And I’m going to show you in this video right here how I reverse engineer my goals using this planner and how you can do it to stay tuned and check it out.

What I teach is start with the end in mind, what do I want to accomplish in this life? Okay, what are you trying to do? What’s the purpose of your life paths, money, paths, everything like what is your ultimate goal? And you can put a favorite quote up here. One of my favorite quotes is ideas are easy. Execution is everything. Okay? That’s one of my favorite quotes is ideas are easy execution is everything because everybody can come up to you with a great idea. Oh, I got this great idea. I can buy apartment complexes and and blah blah blah. It’s a great dude, can you even do it? Do you even know how to start? You can’t do you have the skill set execution? Right.

So it’s the same thing with life. It’s the same thing with wholesaling. Wholesaling is a great idea if you can execute it. Same with pretty much anything else. Only the people that can execute and actually go through something or succeed. So So I start out with a vision. So everybody if you guys want to take notes, kind of write down what your vision is, and this might take some time. I already know what my vision is the dream your TrueNorth meant to inspire and create a sense of purpose. Okay, so this is b on money this is beyond deals right this is it should be if you’re if your whole vision in life the thing that inspires us dough that’s not very good in my opinion because that’s not very I don’t know, it’s not very exciting. So for me, I’ll get spiritual on you guys, if none of you are religious, that’s totally fine. Just replace Jesus for the word good person, okay? So my vision is to be a true disciple of Jesus Christ because I’m faithful. I know that I believe whether you’re religious, and I believe Jesus Christ was a good person. So my goal is to be like Jesus, okay, that’s the vision.

All right. So it’s very simple for me to know like what I need to do to reverse and I’ll show you guys exactly what I mean. So my vision is to be like Jesus now if your guys you can have a vision, like my vision is to be a super charitable person. My vision is to be like remembered as someone that was always there for other people, whatever you want. Mine is just Jesus. So mission, you got to you got the vision set. Now you gotta go the mission, what is the mission overreaching objective of what you wish to do? My mission, the measurable, achievable, and ideally inspirational mission for me is to live like Jesus, okay? To live that life, that would be like him, okay. And I know, in order to live that life, I have to do certain things, right, that are measurable, I need to pray, I need to serve, I need to love I need to give, okay, now if your mission is to start a charity, or serve people or help people in Africa or in Honduras, that’s a good mission, right? That would drive you to that goal. If you’re trying to do real estate, because your mission is to provide for your family or make sure that you can retire early. That’s a mission, right? It’s not the money. It’s the thing that the money allows you to do.

Okay, the core values, these are other These are three to five core principles that guide your day to day decisions. What are core values that help you get to the decision make decisions daily, mine are faith charity, like love diligence, being diligent, like with everything, I do knowledge, I’m always seeking knowledge and hope. I’m a very hopeful always optimistic person. Okay, so those are the things that drive me to my day to day decision. Okay, in the strategy strategy is that set of choices that explains how you accomplish your mission and vision. Okay, so how are you going to do that? Well, you could say, well, I know the strategy is going to help me be like a good person is to always look for opportunities to help people, right, that’s a strategy that’s something I’m always going to be doing.

o I’ve looked into a lot of different ways that life is broken down for most people, okay? And these are the five that I have. Okay, so you got your spiritual and whether again, you’re religious or not meditation, taking care of your spirit, taking care of like the holistic side is important. Okay, so that’s one compartment of my life and I have a life goal for that right for spiritual so I got God prayer, fasting, calling church, blah, blah. So the next thing is community. That’s family friends, charity service, okay, you got to make sure that you’re, you have a compartment for your family self development, you’re not just focused on God and your community. You’re also focused on yourself what is your goal for yourself journaling, productivity, education reading? Are you trying to improve your yourself daily? That’s what that’s for. And health, you know, obviously taking that’s almost self development itself, but health, physical nutrition, and then business, okay.

Now, for me business is to be honest, guys, this my lowest priority is the thing I care about the least. And unfortunately, over the last couple years, it’s actually been the thing that I thought about the most, but I don’t want to think about business the most I’d rather think about these things. rather think about my family, God, loving people taking care of my body having fun, freedom, and then business. Right. And that’s not for everybody. You know, some people just love working. Okay, if that’s you, that’s okay. And I used to be like that, too. But then I was like, Man, I think I got some backwards businesses meant to serve you not for you to serve, you’re like, just always be freaking grinding, okay? Is like what I talked about in the beginning, working hard does not mean you’re gonna make more money or you’re being efficient. It’s honestly, working hard, doesn’t really matter. It’s about being efficient and being productive.

So unless you really like business, you know, it’s very low for me, let’s use AI to help me establish my life plan, okay, because I actually did this myself. It’s gonna get religious, but you just replace the word for yourself. So I went to chat GPT. And I said, Okay, these are my goals. This is what I’m trying to accomplish. Help me out like, and I’ll show you how I did it. You just go to chat GPT there’s a free version. I have the paid version. It’s like 20 bucks a month, and it’s worth it to me. So this is how you would do it. You would just type in your mission. And you’d say, if I know my vision is to be like Jesus, then I would say help me come up with a mission that would help me accomplish hitting my vision of being like Jesus Christ. Okay, so it’s helped me come up with a life mission to that would help me reach my vision, vision of being like Jesus Christ. Okay, let’s see what it gives me. You don’t have to use exactly what it says.

But this is just an example. Okay? Create a mission. In an alignment with teachings Jesus Christ means living a life of service forgiving humility. Here’s a potential life mission, live a life of service and love guided by God, Jesus Christ striving each day to practice compassion, humility, forgiveness and truth. I will treat all people respect. Okay, so it’s given you a good mission idea, right? Let’s do something else, let’s say, help me come up with a life mission. If my vision is being the nicest person in my community, let’s see that. Let’s see what this says. Creating a life mission. Focus on being the nicest person in your community means focusing on kindness, my life’s mission is to spread kindness, positivity, there you go, okay, it gives you a mission, you can go from there. So let’s go here. So now core values. If you’re like, Dude, I don’t know what kind of core values I need to achieve my mission. Well, you know, what, chat GPT has got your back, say, what core values do I need in order to accomplish the mission above my, my mission? Okay. In order to accomplish your mission of being the nicest person in the community, there are several. Okay, so gives you your core values, kindness, respect. And you can ask for more, right chat chat is really cool. Because you can just be like, Hey, give me some more.

What else? I don’t like that, reword it. So these are all good core values to have in life, if you want to be a nice person, okay, now that I have my core values, if I want to be the nicest guy or be like Jesus community, let’s ask what strategy and all I do is I can even take this and copy and paste it in here. What strategy? Do I need to accomplish my mission, vision and apply my core values in this life, so then it’ll give you a strategy. And you don’t again, you don’t have to use the exact one it gives you. But I’m just reverse engineering using AI, self awareness. Okay, so that that could be a strategy that can help you achieve that. It’s like, okay, well, I need to be self aware of how I’m treating people every day, I need to plan my actions. Okay, so let’s break it down into each compartment. This is something that you’ll all probably learn as you go deeper into business, you have to set goals, you have to set objectives, keep KPIs key results.

o I plan my life as like it’s a business model, right. And I use the the formula objectives and key results objective is what you’re trying to achieve key results are the measurable things that will help you achieve it like the KPIs Okay, so for me, when I asked chat, to help me come up with an objective in my life, I also ask it for helping me find the key results that would help me get there, that the KPIs the activities that are gonna help me get there, again, I want an objective that I can focus on in this life that will help me achieve my mission to align your self development. So the cool thing about AI is it will align everything that you’re asking with what you’ve previously talked about. So going through this process, I’m showing you right now that I’ve done personally, it will help you align your objectives.

So let’s see your mission and ISIS person, you might consider the following emotional intelligence working on improving your emotional intelligence, communication skills, conflict resolution, stress management, understanding, managing bias, so you could if you feel like that’s a good objective in your for your life and self development, you could say, my goal in life is to be the most emotionally intelligent person, right? That could be like, Oh, I know, I’m gonna feel great this life when I die, if I feel like I’m just really good at understanding people and having empathy, and communicating, right, like through a lot of you guys, I’m not going to go into like, how I plan my days and my weeks, I just wanted to kind of give you guys a little chunk of how to just plan out your life, like start there, and then go backwards. Because again, if you don’t know where you’re trying to go in life, and you just don’t feel like you have purpose, it’s difficult to like wake up every morning and want to make those dials but if you can attribute those dials you’re doing to hey, I’m making those dials because I know it’s going to help me achieve my goal of being the best communicator or being nice or Christ like in my situation, then it’s really easy to do that cool.

I hope you liked that. I know planning and this might go over a lot of your heads because I’ve been is a lot of information and that’s okay, I’m not saying that my planning is the best it’s worked for me but in this way I enjoy doing but if you want to learn more on how to plan hit me up. This is something I’m very passionate about. It’s something I do with my mentorship students, I help them plan I help them walk through that if they want and you know it’s something I really want I believe in so check it out. Stay tuned and check out our next video about wholesaling because we got a lot of See you next time.


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