Learn more about the DONE-FOR-YOU Wholesaling Service!

Hey guys, I’m Nathan Valley, one of the co founders of easy flip, and I just want to create a quick video explaining a little bit more about what easy flip is and why we created it. The journey actually started years ago when myself and Nathan Payne got started the same way as many of you. We wanted more out of life, you know, more time, more joy, more money. And ultimately, we wanted to live a life on our terms, and so we searched and found out that real estate was the way to do that. We started reading books like Rich Dad, Poor Dad, listening to podcasts, watching YouTube videos, and we became obsessed.

We both went on to spend a fortune on courses, mentorships, masterminds, you name it. And we both had very similar results. Payne had, you know, he had built a seven figure nationwide wholesaling company that landed him $60,000 in debt. And I, I had a company out in West Michigan to where I was working 8090 hours a week, getting over 100 contracts in a single year and basically doing all of it for free. Both of our situations were very stressful, overwhelming, and, you know, left us wondering if wholesaling even worked. Fortunately, we stuck with it. And, you know, we ended up finding a new way of wholesaling that we call painless flipping, that got us out of debt and got rid of all the problems that traditional wholesaling has. And so we knew that we had to share this with people, and that’s when the painless flipping mentorship was created.

We were so excited to share this with other people, because we know how hard it can be to get started in real estate. You know, we lived it, and after a while, well, we weren’t satisfied with the mentorship. We weren’t satisfied with the results the students were getting. We knew that the strategy wasn’t the issue, and we knew that an extra course or an extra coaching call that wasn’t what fixed the issue. So we did some digging and found out some pretty frightening stuff. And what we found was that it wasn’t just us. We learned that most mentorships across the board have very low success rates, and when we went directly to students to ask and really try to figure out what the root cause was, it always came back with some form of feeling overwhelmed so many courses and videos and coaching calls and so much to learn how to pull data, how to do marketing, how to get better at closing and negotiating, how to find buyers, how to negotiate with buyers, understanding all the paperwork, and then lastly, how to put all of it together.

People were doing too much and what they really wanted, what I really wanted when I was just getting started, was for someone to just be there someone to just be there right next to me and help me learn one step at a time. So at this point, we knew that there is value in learning the shortcuts you know from people that are ahead of you 100% but we hated the way that we felt about the mentorship model. We felt that the mentorship space, it’s filled with a lot of people trying to promise that, oh, if you buy their course or information, you know, then you’ll be a millionaire overnight. And you know, we all know that that’s just not the case. Takes hard work and developing skills. So at this point, we were ready to just shut down the mentorship, you know, all together and walk away from it all. And this was a really hard decision, because we knew that we had a lot to offer people, and we knew that there’s so many people out there struggling to wholesale real estate that we could help in a really big way. But we also didn’t want to just be selling information.

So one day, Nathan Payne and I were having a conversation, and we started to ask, Well, what made the difference in the brand new people, you know, we’ve helped do deals, because there is a ton of people that we’ve helped do deals. And what was the difference between the people that were able to do the deals and the people that had a really difficult time making any kind of progress? Perfect example is, is Nelly. Nelly was trying to do wholesaling for over a year with no deals, and, you know, having a really hard time making any kind of progress. And then she started working with us, and she went from $0.00 deals, not really knowing what to do, to closing over six figures in assignment fees in less than six months.

What made the difference? We went back and forth, back and forth, until finally it hit us. We found there was one pattern, one pattern that was different for all the people. We helped do deals, and that one pattern was that we didn’t just give them a course or just tell them what to do, we actually jumped in and did a lot of the heavy lifting for them. It started to dawn on me that as humans, we’re just we’re not really meant to learn through a mentorship model. If you look back at history right from the beginning of time, people didn’t learn to do things by just reading a book or sitting in a classroom. They learned by actually doing it hands on with an expert. If you wanted to become a blacksmith back in the day, right? They wouldn’t just give you a book and say, Here you go. Go, you know, go, be a blacksmith. No, you’d become an apprentice.

You’d become an apprentice. And you would learn by doing it one step at a time. You would show up day one, and they would say, hey, the only thing you’re learning right now is what metals we can even mix and how to clean the tools. But then there would be an expert blacksmith right next to you that would take over once you were done with that first step and finish the rest of the steps for you. And that’s exactly what we did with the people that closed deals and had success. They would just focus on the first step, and they would get really good at that, and then we would be right there to actually take it over and do it for them once they got it to a certain point, and that’s when we realized that the secret to success, it wasn’t in what they were learning. The secret was in how they learned. Learning through an apprenticeship was the secret to success.

It wasn’t in the courses or the coaching calls or the tools or the hottest new AI stuff, the success came from learning through an apprenticeship system of learning. And so we got really excited because, like, we knew this was it. And so we got really excited, and we started to think, well, what if there was something tangible, something real, that we could do for people, not just teach or provide them with courses or information on how to do it, but what if we actually did the most difficult parts for them? What if we did the hardest parts of wholesaling for them using the most effective wholesaling strategy there is, and that is what brings us to where we are today. And guys, we are very proud to announce the official launch of easy flip. This is not a course or mentorship. This is a done for you service that allows you to learn wholesaling through an apprenticeship.

This is a service where you can submit your qualified leads, and we will give you an exact step by step breakdown of what you need to do for that specific lead to turn it from just the lead to a closed deal, and when you submit your lead, we’ll create a custom video just for you, of us sharing our screen, walking through exactly what to do with your lead, letting you know what we think ARV is, what to offer, how to structure the deal, how to handle that specific negotiation, and exactly what to do next. And you can take that breakdown of the exact next steps and go close the deal yourself, or if you want, we can partner on the deal and we’ll do all those steps for you.

You don’t even have to worry about it. And so now you no longer have to worry about feeling overwhelmed not knowing what to do. You know not knowing what to do next or how to do it. You know no more having leads fall through the cracks and marketing dollars wasted, you finally have someone here for you that’s actually going to hold you by the hand and walk you step by step through everything, and not just leave you behind, someone that’s actually going to get in the trenches right there next to you and take care of the hardest parts for you. But guys, don’t just take my word for it. If you have a lead, click the link down below, book a call and we’ll do a full breakdown of your lead right there on the call with you for free, like no charges.

Doesn’t cost anything and that way, so you can see what it’s actually like. You can see it firsthand. We love to put our money where our mouth is right, or if you’d like to just book a call to learn more about it. And what easy flip is that’s totally okay too. But guys, don’t put your dreams of being a successful real estate investor on hold. Don’t put it on hold for another day, another minute or another second. Click the link below, book a call and see if this is something that’s the right fit for you. And because this is so hands on, spots truly are limited. It’s not a gimmick. Guys, you know, I there’s a lot of hands on stuff that we do. We genuinely, we can’t take on everybody, because we obviously, we wouldn’t be able to serve you at a high level if we had unlimited spots available. So don’t hesitate. Click the link below now and I’ll see you soon. Take care, guys.


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