Steps on how to analyze a property

Okay, so in this video we’re going to talk about how the steps on how to analyze and compact property so you know what to offer. So let’s go over here so I got a quick list that you can review on the steps to analyze and compact property. So number one, the first thing you want to find out when talking to sellers what the ARV of the property is an ARV is the after repair value, that’s what a flipper or someone that’s going to flip, fix the house up and resell, they want to know what can I resell this house to after I fix up and the first thing you’re gonna do is you’re going to find the ARV by using the data you have available to you whether you have MLS access, prop stream, Zillow, those websites that will help you determine the value. Number two is you want to find out the repairs that the property has that needs. Like you would do this by you know asking the seller questions like you know, when what time was when was the roof last replace? How’s the plumbing? How’s electrical? Is it on a foundation? All those questions in Hawksley include the questions you can ask when you know asking the seller about the condition of the property. Next thing you can do is you can ask the seller to send you some pictures or video walkthrough then they can email or text you. Another thing is you can actually go to the house if you want to we avoid that just because it takes a lot of time, we just asked the seller to give us some pictures of the property.

. Some people can’t they can’t figure it out, but most of the time they can. So that’s the next step is finding the repairs that are needed. Next, you’re gonna want to plug in the ARV the repairs needed into the deal analyzer calculator that you’ve been provided. And I’ll be doing a video next that shows you how to analyze some real life deals. So you can see how it works. So once you’ve taken all the information and plugged in the calculator, you want to determine what your wholesale fee is how much you’re trying to make. Are you trying to make 100k on this deal, you’re trying to make five. That’s the next step. And then at number five, the last thing you’ll do is you’ll you’ll be you’ll be ready to make a cash offer and feel confident of where you need to be. So that’s a quick step by step process of how to comp analyze and comp

property so you know what to offer. So, let’s jump into the next video and do a lot some live examples


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