The Rapid Sale & a Million-Dollar Inheritance | Wholesaling Real Estate Story Time (Episode 14)

Hey guys, we’re hopping right now into Nathan Payne’s wholesaling the real estate story time, where I tell you guys about my journey, how I got started. And you see right right before this video that you know you got to make calls.

You win some, you lose some, but you do your best, you try to serve people, and you give them a win, win. So guys, let’s talk about this story time. I just told you that in my last episode, I had gone from $96,000 in six months to freaking $0 and I had spent all my money on marketing. Didn’t get deals, and I was clawing my way back out. I had gotten credit cards. I put $30,000 of marketing spent on credit cards, which I do not recommend.

There’s a better way, the panyeless flipping way, but I didn’t know at that time. So I put all this money on credit cards. Started paying for Pay Per Click, cold calling. And guess what? Today we’re gonna be talking about an $84,000 deal that I did for my first pay per click lead, when I was using pay per click Service at that time, $84,000 and the story is nuts.

The story is crazy. I would not have been able to do this deal if I did not know how to network and leverage relationships I have. So let’s dive right into this deal of an $84,000 deal for my first deal from pay per click. Thank goodness I got this deal. By the way. It was a $84,000 deal, but it we split it with another wholesale that helped us do the deal that listed it because we were new.

So we got like 42 like, I don’t know, with some, maybe some fees. It might have been like $38,400 Jack, whatever it was, a lot of money, and it got us all paid up. We paid off the $30,000 credit card debt. We rolled the dice, and it worked. But I don’t recommend it all the time, because what got us to $0 was marketing spend in the first place. So there’s better way to do it.

Let’s dive into this deal. So we put all this money on a credit card, and we start getting leads. We started getting Pay Per Click leads. And, you know, we get this call from this guy, okay, he’s in northern Salt Lake City. Like, up well, if you guys aren’t familiar with Utah, doesn’t really matter. But anyway, he’s up north. And so me and Corey get in the car, and we drive out to the appointment. Okay, we didn’t really vet it too much. We were just like, hey, let’s just go on an appointment.

Let’s see how we can get it done. And we show up, and it’s some older gentleman, like, maybe 5560 years old, welcomes us in, and he sits us down at his table, and I see on his table, he has a we buy ugly houses folder, like a nice little folder, like they had folders back and I didn’t have a folder.

That was, that was cool when I saw it. And he’s just like, yeah, trying to sell my house. And I’m like, oh, okay, cool. I see that you have a we buy ugly houses folder on your table. They must have just came by. He’s like, yep, they came by. And I was like, Well, what did they offer you, sir? And he’s like, they offered me, like, 180 and I’m like, Okay, interesting.

Well, tell, can you tell us a little bit about your situation? I didn’t jump in and just be like, hey, if we can beat that, are you good to go? I wanted to know what’s going on. So he sits there, and he’s like, guys, I gotta sell my house in two days. And I’m like, two days. I was brand new. I didn’t know, like, even now it’s like, two days that’s short.

So I was like, Oh my gosh, two days, that’s a that’s pretty short. It’s pretty quick. What’s going on? He’s like, Look, I’m a little behind on my bills, and my uncle just passed away in Texas, and he’s leaving me and my family a million dollars. And I’m like, wow, million dollars. You’re inheriting that money.

He says, The only way I can get that money is if I fly out there to his funeral with my family, and I get there in time and I don’t have any money to fly out there, and I’m like, Well, can you sell some I’m trying to give him other options. I don’t want him to sell his house if he’s you know, I’ve always kind of like, let’s win, win, right?

So, like, Hey, can you sell your cars? Can do this? Can you do that? He’s like, I can’t come up with the money. I can’t No one will lend it to me. Blah, blah, blah. And he’s like, and I also need to sell anywhere. I’m a little behind my bills, and I just need to sell. And I’m going to get that million when I get there. I just need to sell. So me and Corey are like, whoo.

You know, that’s crazy. We look at the house, the house is not that in that bad a condition. It’s not in terrible shape. So me and him are me and Corey looking at each other like, you know, the We Buy ugly guys houses. Guy said 180 and this is a decent house. It’s like, a deal 180 you know, the house retail, like, if you listed, it probably itself for, like, 280 if you just cleaned it up a little bit. So we had two days. We didn’t know you could do a deal in two days. And we’re like, man, two days. This was us the whole time.

We’re like, wow, two days. That’s pretty short. Like, I don’t know if we can get that done for you, sir, that’s a really short amount of time. He’s like, I need it done, boys. So we’re like, well, look like, if we can do 180 or like, 181 would you go with us? If we can make it happen? And he’s like, yeah, go with you. And forget we buy the houses. I’ll go with you guys. So I get out, I say, let me step outside, let me call some people and see if we can even get it done.

So we call another wholesaler that we’ve been networking with who has been in the game and done more, lot more deals than we had at that time. We were only six months in, and we’re like, Hey guys, we got this deal, and the guy wants to close in two days. I don’t even know if you can do that.

And they, the guy, Brian, on the phone, tells you, yeah, yeah, we can do that well, but you got to tell me what the deal is. So they said, the deals, I think that ARB is like 280 and he’s asking for, like, 181 and they’re like, Yeah, let’s do it. We can. We can get it done, knowing what I know now, I would have just closed on it myself. I would have just got a hard money loan, flipped it, listed it, bought it, but I didn’t know how to do that when I first started. So I was like, I need your guys’s help. So they got 50% of the deal just because they knew they had the knowledge.

And I. Did not have the knowledge, and they weren’t like, hey Nate, you just buy yourself. And there you go. They’re like, Yeah, let’s do it. You’re leveraging. You’re asking me questions, and we’ll get it done. So we go back inside. We’re like, All right, we can do it. We can get you. We can close by Friday. It was on Wednesday, and he needed close by Friday. We signed the paperwork. 181 we send the paperwork to our guys.

They did everything. I didn’t know at that time, like what they were doing, but they got the hard money loan. The Hard Money Loan got everything. We went through title, and they went to the house, you know, sign additional paperwork with him if they needed to. I don’t know if they went and signed additional paperwork, to be honest, but I know they met with the seller just to verify because he wanted to stay in the home a couple days after we got back from the funeral, just to get move everything out. So they gave him a couple more because two days to move out would be too fast.

So they meet with them, and they close on it and it got done. And I’m like, Whoa, that’s freaking nuts. You guys, I didn’t know we could close in two days. And they’re like, yeah, guys, they had hard money lenders, and I have hard money lenders now that can close in like, a day, right? Like, if it’s a deal that you can get it done, you can speed up title, you can speed up all that, depending on the deal and if it doesn’t have many, many issues. But anyway, they got it done. So me and Corey are like, Whoo, that was nuts. Pay per click. It works. We just made a fat deal, paid off our debt, you know, and feeling really good now. We didn’t get paid on that deal.

They listed it on the MLS after they cleaned it out. That took about a month. And then it took about a month for to get fund and close and sell on the MLS. And they ended up selling it for 280 you know, minus commissions, because they had listed it and everything like that. Closing costs, I think we both took home around, like 40,000 now, that took two months, but we were stoked. And by that time, we had done more deals, which we’ll leave for another wholesaling real estate story time, I’ll tell you some other deals that we did. But, you know, I never heard back from that guy.

I didn’t call him and say, Hey, did you get your money? I hope he got his money. Look either way. He he wanted to sell. He was in pre foreclosure. So whether that he was on the Pre Foreclosure list, he was behind those payments. So whether that story is real or not, and he told us that he sold, I don’t think someone makes up. Hey, I’m gonna inherit all that money, and I need to sell ASAP so I can buy plane tickets. So anyway, sold hope. He inherited the money, praying for that. He inherited the money, and he’s living in a freaking nice little mansion somewhere in the Midwest or wherever he wants to live, maybe even Utah. Still, unfortunately, you’re not buying a mansion in Utah with a million dollars that good luck depending where you live. You’re buying like a middle, middle class home with a million dollars. But anyway, but that was five years ago, guys. So maybe buy some dope anyway. So that that is the story of how, with last episode, and now how we rolled the dice and it paid off. We did our $30,000 marketing spend on a credit card, on Chase and Capital One, paid that ish off, paid it off, and we were rolling we’re off to the races, and started doing a lot more deals.

Pay per click. Inbound leads is very expensive. It can be very expensive depending on what city you are, so it’s not always the best thing to do if you don’t have a mate like, I would say, good negotiation skills or ability to negotiate. And we also didn’t really dispo all our deals at that point, we were leveraging this other wholesale company, and J being with them, we were focusing on acquisitions, and the other they were disposing. But anyway, guys, that was the story.

I hope to see you guys next week as I go live. And this is Nathan Payne’s wholesaling storytime. Go to to learn more. Peace out. Hey everybody. What’s up? It’s Nathan Payne, and for the first time ever, we just released this insane training bundle that has literally everything that I’ve learned from doing a combined 4000 deals in real estate, all from starting with absolutely no previous business background experience or any real estate experience, plus there’s over $19,000 worth of free gifts that we’re throwing in all for insanely low, low price. If you want to get your hands on this, be sure to click the first link on the description below right now.


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