Training: Deal Roadmap Breakdown

Give yourself a round of applause. You’ve made it to guide nine. I am so proud of you. I’m excited that you’re here, and this is what this has all been for. You have gone through steps. You are an entrepreneur, you are consistent, you are amazing, and you are taking action in your calling sellers, and you’re trying to find out how you can serve them. What guide nine is for is so we can help you through the process. You don’t have to do this all on your own. If you’ve gone through the steps and you found someone that’s motivated, or someone that’s going through a situation and you need help finding out what’s the next step. This is what guide nine is for. We are there to help you, whether we can give you the formula or exactly the offer deal roadmap customized just specifically for your situation, for you to go take action, or if you want, you can hop on the call.

You can set up a three way call for us, and we can have that conversation with your seller. We can partner on the deal, and we can take it the rest of the way. Okay, so that is what, how we’ve structured this program, so we can help you every step of the way on the apprenticeship model. And so this wholesaling is done for you. Whether we wholesale it, we do a creative deal, fix and flip it doesn’t matter. Mainly, we’re going to go for wholesale just because it’s quick, easy and we just get in and out, we can work on the deal together. But either way, that is why we built the program like this. So you have the opportunity to know exactly how to get through a to z, to go all the way to get to this point, bring the lead, get your customized deal roadmap, and take it all the way. Take what we would do, and call the seller, negotiate it, all the paperwork, all the stuff is in the in the program.

You get it signed. Go do everything yourself and go make some money, go get a deal. We’re happy for you. We’re excited if you want to see more hands on what that process looks like, and you submit the deal, and we say, Yes, this is something we should this looks like good opportunity. Let’s take it. We’ll, like I said, we’ll hop on the call to seller. You can hear the initial call that we have, and then we’ll take it and we’ll explain what’s going on in the situation. We’ve done this with many, many people over the years that I’ve done this. I just did an $86,000 deal that we just did in Salt Lake, where one of my friends brought me a lead, and he was like, Look, man, I don’t really know what to do. I just know she wants to sell. I said, don’t worry about it. I got it, I took care of it, and he got paid. We partnered on it. We paid a certain percentage for bringing the deal. And the way we split up the the payments when we partner people, it just depends how much of the deal you did. Did you just bring the lead? Did you bring the lead and is already under contract and negotiated, and all we have to do is find the buyer. It all just depends on the amount of effort and time we have to put into the deal.

Obviously, the more you do, the more you get when we do our splits. And obviously, if you just bring the lead, then it’s it just depends on the you know, what you do, like I said, but this is what we’ve done. Let me show you guys exactly what guide nine looks like. And again, this might change. We might update the site or make the form easier. It’s just always updating, always making it better. But here is the done for you, wholesaling. Like I said, You guys joined because you wanted the apprenticeship model. You wanted to see what this was so I could work with you hands on. Now we can do it for you, if you choose. We can do it done for you, or take it all the way. Go crush it, get the deal. Close it, either way, I’m rooting for you, and I want you to succeed. So here is what it looks like. This video is you’re going to be watching. All you have to do is go and submit it, submit the deal, and click here, submit my deal. Here’s some more information on it, and that’s it. From there, we’re going to give you the feedback. We’re going to send it to you. We’re going to message you. You’re going to get a video, or we’re going to get a video, we’re going to give you an explanation, we’re going to call you either way, and we’re going to tell you exactly what we would do in that situation, what we just went over and guide eight on the structure. We’re going to break it down and see what makes sense depending on the situation.

Now, we don’t always break down, okay? This is creative. This is Novation. Like, we’re not going to do that on everyone. We’re just going to take the situation, say, according this situation, what you said, what you fill out on the form, it looks like they want speed. Well, if they want speed, there’s a cash offer and there’s a creative offer. So that’s how we handle business. We don’t look at every single offer option. Scenario when we know the seller is saying, hey, I need this. I want this. Now, when we present those options to the seller and they say, No, that’s the offer is not going to work, then we can say, Okay, well, according to what you were saying, you know that’s what you’re going to get. Are you wanting to explore a different option? So it’s all about helping them get what they want. If you guys remember, in the guide where we talk about qualifying opportunities, it’s all about helping them get what they want. So it’s a win win scenario. We love these people. We want to treat them with respect and help them get what they want.

And when you help other people get what you want you get what you want. That’s how life is. You give and you get. That’s how it is. It’s more blessed to give than to receive, but when you give, you do receive. It’s just the universal law. So you love the universe. Yeah, you give, you receive. That’s just how it is. So if you’re up to this point, I’m so proud of you, and I want to give you guys some word words of advice from my friend David, there’s light at the end of the tunnel. If you’re doing this and you’re like, Man, this stinks. I’m calling all these people. This is hard work. Guys, you don’t have to do this forever. You’re learning how to get into this. What I just showed you is the most strategic way to get into this business, how to get started, or if you’ve already gotten started, but you want to keep doing it, this is a great way to make a lot of money. You can call sellers and pre.

Foreclosure sellers and probate, work with them, talk with them. You can make six figures, plus. You can make millions depending how, how in depth you get, in your the size of your team, you can make a lot of money just doing the basics. You don’t have to get crazy with this business, okay? It’s all about just talking to people, loving people, and trying to help them solve their problems. Okay, so, words of advice. There’s light at the end of the tunnel. You do not have to always be doing everything yourself. You can hire it out. You can delegate. But when you get started, you gotta do the hard work. You gotta learn. Okay? You know, have join the affliction. Find joy in the affliction. Find joy in trials. Because life, it is about it’s not the destination. It’s about the journey. You have to enjoy this. You’re gonna look back at this and you’re gonna say, Wow, that was a lot of work, but it’s fun. I look back at the times that I was doing all this, and I jump in, and I still enjoy it, but it’s like, Man, I can’t believe I did all that. I’m so proud of myself for going through that. I’m proud of you for getting this far. Take your leads, submit them, and we will help you. We’ll tell you exactly what to do, and then you take it all the way. Now, if you want additional training on negotiation, if you want additional training on like how to find buyers in this program of painless living. We are doing this done for you, model to help you get to this point. If you want more, then let’s we’re obviously gonna be able to hop on a call and talk about how else we can help you through, help you upgrade and scale your business even more focus and get to this point. And now we’re gonna take you to the action part of the guide so we can make sure we’re on the same page. Number one, submit a motivated seller that you’ve been talking to through taking the script, submit it, and once you submit it, go. Number two, share a win that you’ve had with the group recently.

Let everybody know we want to celebrate with you. After you’ve completed all these steps, it looks like it’s time to celebrate. I’m already celebrating. You’ve made it this far. It looks like it’s time to celebrate, though, because you’re close to graduating, after you do your quiz book your graduation, call with me. I’m going to chat with you. I’m going to present you with a certificate saying congrats. You went through the nine guides. I’m proud of you. And if you’re like, well, Nate, I don’t feel like I’m there yet. We’re going to be able to talk. I’m going to be able to give you a consultation call, consult you on what to do going forward. It’s not like I’m you’re never going to talk to me again. I’m here for you, but I believe if you’ve gone this far, you have a good foundation, and it’s time for you to continue to see the success as you stay diligent, you keep track of your numbers, you keep track of what you’re trying to do in life and in this business, you’re going to succeed. Okay, now the calls that we do as you know, they’re going to be either be in the masterclass recording area, or they’re going to be under events or under the media.

That’s where you guys can go if you guys want, you know, to find more materials. They’re going to be under the File section, as we’ve talked about in the welcome video. But you’ve come to the end of nine weeks. Hopefully you got done with this stuff in nine weeks. What I meant to say is the guide nine and my goal is for everyone that gets this point. If you’re hearing me right now, if you’re still paying attention, my goal is for you guys to get a deal continuously. Get a deal be consistent. Grow if you want more deals, that’s fine. Less deals and make more money than trying. Well, let me amp this up. Let me do more and more and more. Guys, as you get better at this, you’re going to find better ways to make more money on doing less deals. That’s what your goal should be, not to work more or work harder, but to be able to focus on what’s the biggest return, and that’s taking the least amount of your time, so that is what we’re gonna work on as you continuously grow. But I hope to get your submission so you can book the graduation call, get you your certificate, and I’m gonna help you to continue to grow. We have all the calls that are continuous through the trainings.

We have the chat support. We’re here for you. I just keep saying that because I we really are. My goal is for you to succeed, not only in life, but in real estate. I’m here for you because I want you to do it. Okay, I’m proud of you again, but it really am. The fact that you’ve stayed diligent, it means a lot to me that you’ve gone through this, and I’ve made this with you in mind everybody that’s watching this. I’ve made it with you in mind, because I believe in you, and I know whether you stick in real estate for the rest of your life or you go on other things, what I’ve taught you is going to be key for your success, because it’s not just in real estate that I’ve taught you. Real Estate stuff. I taught you how to be the best version of yourself, be the best entrepreneur, to be diligent, to be consistent. These are principles that will help you out in life. So let’s continue. Can’t wait to see on that call, take that quiz, book it, and I’ll see you soon. Have a good one. Everybody. Proud of you. Bye.


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