Training: Pick the Right Strategy

We are in guide six people, and I am extremely excited that we’re here at this point, guys, if you haven’t noticed, I haven’t asked you to make any single calls up until this point. Now, if you have, if you’ve made calls and you’ve started prospecting your marketing, I’m proud of you. Great job. But if you haven’t, I’ve set it up this way so you would get your life plan set up, that you’d get your daily routine going, that you’d pick a market, that you’d be able to understand what list we’re going to go for pre foreclosures. And now you’ve had all these wins, and now you practice the script, you feel confident at this point, it’s time to get rolling. If you have already done it, congratulations. But if not, hey, again. Like I said, you are ready. You’re ready. If you’re right here and you’re shaking in your boots, or, let’s say you’re not shaking, but you’re excited. Either one, you’re ready.

Okay, I believe in you. It’s time to go. Now. Look marketing. It’s the lifeblood of this business, okay, it’s sales and marketing. We got to go find people that we can work with, and we got to know how to talk to them. Okay, I’ve already showed you who we’re going after. What are we going to do to talk to them? You’re not going to have that mastered. It takes your whole life. It takes daily practice to master how to talk to people.

You just gotta keep practicing. Okay? You’re not gonna feel 100% comfortable calling people, because it’s just something that makes people feel uncomfortable. Sometimes it’s something that’s difficult. Guys, you’re ready. All right, let’s dive in again. If you’ve already done it, congrats. And if you haven’t done it, it’s time. This is the time. It’s time to market. Now, look, I could go super in depth with marketing. I could talk about exactly what to say on the mail piece if we do if you do mail, I’m not going to tell you do mail right now, but I could go really, really in depth. I’m going to make this as simple as possible, because this is the hardest thing. People want to overthink this part so much because it’s hard, it’s hard to prospect, it’s hard to go do those things. I’m just putting it out there because you’d rather build a website, you’d rather get a business card, you’d rather do things that you think are important, that aren’t important. Okay, I’m telling you Those aren’t things that will not translate to income. What’s going to translate is getting in front of people and talking to people. It’s talking to sellers, being able to identify why they’re selling.

And what I’m going to teach you is to do it for absolutely $0 if you have no budget. I want you to start off doing it the way that I did it. Let me give you the example. If you hire a cold calling team, if you start paying for Pay Per Click, if you start spending all this money, you have to be ready to close those deals, or your expenses are going to keep piling up, and you’re going to feel, oh my gosh, I got to get a deal. I’m going to get in debt. It’s very expensive if you start spending. And that’s what I did. Unfortunately, I spent $10,000 on mail. Didn’t get when I first started, didn’t get a single deal out of it, and I was sweating. Okay, so how did I get deals? I took action. It was hard. Laborist. Sweat was dripping his hard work. I was out there knocking doors. I was out making phone calls, I was texting. I was doing hard work. Guys, that’s what you got to do. Get your feet wet. You got to get dirty. Let’s get right into it. Okay, this is what I want you to do, all right, this is what I’m going to tell you to do.

And because we have the daily routine, you’re going to keep track of how much track of how much you do it. Let’s get right into it. So consistency is the key in marketing. If you go hard for eight hours one day and then you don’t do anything for a whole month. Was it that effective? It’s the same thing with the gym. If you’re like, Man, I want to lose some weight. Let me go run eight miles today. Oh, I still look overweight the next day. I don’t feel like I didn’t do anything. It’s the same thing with marketing. You don’t get to hit it hard one day and then be like, well, it didn’t work. It’s a consistent thing. You want to lose weight, you got to continuously take action and get to get there. It’s the same thing with generating leads, finding sellers.

You got to be consistent. You can’t just cold call or send out a bunch of mail once and expect that you’re going to have, you know, success forever. So the key to marketing is staying consistent. I’ve made this as simple as possible. And the bonus that I’m gonna give you guys, after you go through this is more in depth marketing. Okay, you want more in depth. We’re gonna give it to you, but I’m gonna keep it really simple right here. And this is in guide six. Here we go. So I want you to start out with a low budget, okay, zero to barely any money being spent. The only thing you really need to spend is on the list and skip tracing so you can get the numbers at this point. Okay, I want you to get out your cell phone, and I’m the next guide.

I’m going to tell you how to follow up and how you’re going to go through it, but this one is just to explain the tactics so you can take action on this guide, in this course, in this lesson, this is what you’re going to do. You’re going to get your cell phone, you’re going to get your list, and you’re going to dial through. Okay, hand dial. Okay, whoa, whoa. Nate, what can I get? A dialer? Can I do all this other stuff you can later, but it’s time just, just make it simple. Make it easy for yourself. Hand dial, text the person that they don’t respond. Leave a voicemail. Do this with everyone on your pre foreclosure list. Do this consistently. You’re gonna get a hold of people. And the next guide, we’re gonna talk about follow up and how to keep track of everybody. I don’t wanna overwhelm you, but I’m just saying low budget. Do that. Okay, so let’s say I’d call through this whole list. Okay, that we’re going to keep track of in the next section, I’m going to show you how. But let’s say you call through the list. Let’s say you get a hold of three people, and there’s 50. Well, you’re going to keep calling through that list, and you’re going to keep track of who’s answering who’s not, and for the people that don’t answer, you’re going to go knock on their door. You’re going to say, Hey, my name’s Nathan. I did this guys. This how I got a couple of my first deals. This is how people consistently get deals.

They knock on the doors of people that are in pre foreclosure and going through divorce, that are going through probate or, well, not probate, because it’s usually the person who’s live there anymore. But just you get me that you’re trying to get a hold of someone. It’s not rocket science. I’m trying to get a hold the person that’s on the list. If. Find out if we can work with them, if they are a qualified opportunity, as we learn in guide five, okay, you knock on the door. If they don’t answer what I do, leave them a note. Leave them a sticky note. Now, if you guys go deeper into you know, over here to additional content, you’re going to get exactly how to write, what to write, how to write it, where to get the paper. It goes in depth, but I’m not trying to blow your minds right now and just go super in depth. Where you’re going to get your eyes are going to start rolling because you’re like, well, you’re going over a lot. Look, we’re trying to keep it really simple. You’re going to call text if they don’t answer, you’re going to go knock their door they don’t answer the door. You’re going to leave a note, and you’re going to keep track of all that, and so you don’t have to spend money on a CRM yet.

I have a spreadsheet that I’m going to give it to you in the next guide. Now let’s not get crazy with the spreadsheet. Yet. We’re doing this little by little guys, I’m here to just show you, you’re going to take action. That’s what you’re going to do this week. Don’t get crazy on following up. Now, if you already have a CRM, great, and if you already have a spreadsheet, great, but I have one that we’ve used with a couple of our clients, and they’ve used it and they’ve gotten deals. So you don’t need some crazy system, some websites, some CRM it does help but eventually, when you get enough leads and it’s worth it. But again, we’re starting slow. And if you’re like, Well, I’m a little already experienced, that’s okay. I’m just talking to the people are brand new here. When I started brand new, I kept it simple. I know a lot of people that do a million dollars in real estate plus, and they just use a spreadsheet. You do not need something crazy. Okay, guys. So once, once you establish and you get good, and you’re consistent with calling people from your cell phone. You’re knocking you’re like, Well, I got some money I can spend on marketing.

I got some more additional money. Then you can increase it to the medium budget, right? You can do some letters, handwritten letters. You’re gonna pay for the stamps. That’s why I said little medium budget. Okay? Mail, you can send mail through batch leads, and if you again, if you go to additional training, it’s gonna go deeper into it. Dialer, you can get an auto dialer. Why do I tell you not to get an auto dialer in the beginning? Because I want you to hand dial. I want you to feel like you’re taking action one by one, and you’re connecting with the people. And when you do text and you have an iPhone, hopefully you have an iPhone. If you don’t, I recommend getting one. I like iPhones, but when you send a text, it’s a blue message.

People see that, and they’re like, oh, okay, this is someone. But you know, those things don’t cost you a lot of money. That’s why you start your low budget. But the medium, you can get the data later if you got more leads to go through, and then you can get a CRM when you have enough leads, and you can do the drips, and you can learn all that, but that’s later. Now, if you want to go eventually, when you’re you’re making a lot of money and you’re doing well, and you want to upgrade, you can do pay per click and ads. Okay, that’s the next step. Now I didn’t add that on here on this training because I don’t want you guys to get into paper clicker ads yet. It’s expensive, and you got to be really good at having conversations and being right there on the phone immediately. I’m not here to teach you guys that. If you guys want that, you can comment, but you got to have a lot of money for it to make sense, and you got to be willing to risk it, and you got to be really good. Not saying that none of you guys are good.

They’re going through this, but I’m just being straight. I’d recommend this. And the reason why this works out really well with pre foreclosure everybody because if you just automatically dial through the pre foreclosure on an auto dial, you’re going to get through that in maybe 10 minutes, 20 minutes when people don’t answer. If you do on your cell phone, you’re texting and you call one by one, there’s not that many people that usually on the Pre Foreclosure list. When you get started, it’s going to be more intimate. You’re going to feel like you’re really talking to someone you know that lives locally or in your market. The auto dialers.

It’s almost like so fast and anyway, start slow and then build your way up gradually. Okay, don’t be like my friend, my boss, Phil. If you ever watch this, Phil, don’t be like him where you know, he had money. So he went out and got some cold calling teams. He pulled a list of like 40,000 skip trace the whole list, paying for cold calling, and now he’s got a mountain of expenses that piled up, and he hasn’t been able to get that many deals. Why he jumped in too fast, produced too many leads, wasn’t able to filter all of them, and he just created a problem for himself. That’s what happens if you jump too high, hard into marketing, and you haven’t set up your business. You’re not set up to close, you’re not set up to have the right conversations. You’re not set up to handle that many leads, so you just end up spending a lot of money. It goes to waste.

Do it slowly and gradually get better. Once you produce enough leads, then you’re going to go and get a leads manager that’s going to help you. You can close. You can hire a closer. Eventually, I
think everybody here should get good at the conversation so they know when they hire out what it looks like. But that’s where we’re at everybody. So that is what I want to talk to you about training. Nothing on the training today of marketing, nothing crazy. You got the list. You practice the script. You have chat GPT that can help you if you don’t know how to respond, or if you struggle to a question, you can look it up. Or you can ask me, and you have some additional marketing content that goes into it further. But I don’t want you spending money until you feel confident on that phone, because no point in spending a lot of money on marketing when you don’t feel like you can have that conversation and get people to that point. You can get there. You’re going to get there. Just, just don’t get too crazy. Don’t jump too far ahead. If you’re brand new. I got your back. So this is a pretty simple training. There’s nothing too crazy about it. I want you to I’m trying to keep it as simple as possible.

So what are the actions in this this guide, guys, I want you to market and prospect for at least two hours a day. Okay, at least if you can do four, great. If you can do eight, you’re a machine. If you can do eight consistently, we got to talk, because that’s amazing. Now, with the daily routine sheet that we learn in guide two, you’re going to keep track of all your KPIs. You’re going to keep track on. On your your metrics, on your weekly and your monthly and we’re going to see consistently how consistent you’re being with reaching out to your leads. Okay, now the next guide, like I said, we’re going to be talking about how to manage those All right, and and I’m going to give you the spreadsheet to manage them, and we’re going to go over it, but that’s all you guys have to do is stay consistent. Market for a whole week, prospect for at least two hours, mark it on your little daily routine sheet, post a picture of you marketing and prospecting. I don’t care if you’re out knocking doors, if you’re writing a note, if you’re on the phone, if you’re texting, do something and share with us. We want to see how you’re doing. We want to we want to congratulate you for taking action.

That’s what you got to do. That’s the homework. Once you’ve done that, complete all the steps and take the quiz, and then if you have many, many, many, many more questions in marketing, because many people do I after you take the quiz, we’re going to unlock a training that you’re going to get that goes into in depth marketing. Okay, I haven’t given this to you guys yet, and I don’t want anyone on this call until they’ve gone through guide all the way from guide one to six, so they understand how we do business. Now, is there better ways to market? Is there more, more strategies, of course, but again, I’m not trying to overwhelm you. Let’s keep this simple. Let’s take action. Because what I’ve learned from this business, it’s not that there’s like, one strategy that’s like, oh my gosh, this strategy is killing it. Everybody needs to do it. It’s the that’s the silver bullet. No, it’s the consistent action that is the silver bullet. It’s the being able to be consistent and do things over time like for let me give you some examples. On pre foreclosure. You call someone in pre foreclosure on your phone and they say, No, I’m not interested in selling. Don’t talk to me.

Follow up with that person. Okay, if it’s the right person, you got to hold the right person follow up with them, because a lot of the times, they’re just tired of everyone trying to talk to them, and they end up wanting to sell one month before they’re about to lose their house in auction. A lot of the time they don’t want to deal with it, so follow up is the key. That’s what we’re getting up into guide six. But the thing is, you got to be consistent with your outreach and your prospecting. This is the key. I’m telling you. I’ve said a lot of things are the key. All this is putting this together is going to help you do more deals. Nellie, who’s one of our clients, who we work with, took years. She’s been trying to figure this out for years. I showed her this process, very simple on a spreadsheet. I said, here’s the list. Go call these people, text them, follow up, find out. Have the conversation like, have a good conversation with them, and I’ll take over once we get to that point, which we’re going to show you in this guide, process as well, where we’re able to help you out. She got a $36,000 deal within a couple months, and she’s done over six figures and wholesaling fees in less than six months, all through this process that I’m showing you guys of being strategic, but not over complicating this. Okay, now I get it. If you’re like, well, Nate, I didn’t want to start a business where I have to do all this. Okay, I’m not saying you have to do this forever.

I’m not saying that this is, this is the business forever. This is getting started, being consistent, then you can hire this stuff out. That’s how this business works. But if you immediately hire it out, and you’re not ready, and you don’t understand how to run this business or how to stay consistent yourself, the business will not work. No business will work if you just think you can throw money at it. It takes skill, it takes time, and it takes effort, and you got to learn. I believe you got to go through some of the pain. I know this is painless flipping, but you got to go through a little pain to learn so you don’t have to go through it anymore. I went through so much pain, suffering and losses of money because I was trying to pay to solve the problem of marketing without having the foundation built, and when all you really need to do is stay consistent with calling leads and following up. Okay, so that’s all I got to say. Take the quiz. Hop on the marketing calls. At the moment, it might change, but you’re going to see it in the events, but here’s the link, and excited to see you guys as that’s the time of the call. It might change. Who knows, but just, you’re just gonna have to stay on top of it all right? And I’m gonna know if you guys are in guide six, because we’ve just had the checkup call, and I know you’re gonna be needing to be on these calls. And I’m gonna know if you just hopped into this and you’re watching this video, and you skip, and I don’t want you guys on the call unless you’ve gone through the guides one through five before this one. And the reason why is because you need that foundation.

I don’t care if you’re the best wholesaler in the world, I believe everything I’ve given it to this point is necessary and very helpful to the most experienced wholesaler, real estate investor, to go through. And it only takes maybe an hour or two to go through before I don’t know how long you guys have taken to get to at to this point, but I know it’s not very long, because I’m making these videos and I’m going videos, and I’m going through it as well.

So we will see you on the next guide. Guys. I hope this is helpful. Let’s keep it simple. Let’s take action. There’s no excuses. If you’re scared, call me. If you’re nervous, tell the group. Talk to people in the give and get support. Chat, talk to people in the general discussion. If you need some support, I can hop on a call with you and help you out. Just continue with the guide. And you know, I’m there to support you. The next guide is going to be awesome. It’s going to help you tie all this together. But don’t worry about follow up. Don’t worry about all that stuff that’s in the next guide. Just take action. Time to make calls, time to put this together. And I just keep going and going because I’m excited for you. Let’s go. Let’s do it. Take action. Let’s make some calls. Let’s go see you guys on the next Guide.


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