Training: Spreadsheet or CRM for Follow Up?

Good to see you. Now that you’ve been taking action, you’ve been calling your leads, you’re probably wondering, well, I’ve called a couple of these leads now, but what do I do? How do I keep track of everybody? I got more people than I know what to handle on just my cell phone. How am I going to keep track of it? Well, this is what we’re going to be going over right now on guide number seven, everybody. I’m just pulling this up.

The money is in the follow up. All right, I’ve gotten deals by following up that I’d never thought I would have got, but I was just consistent with the follow up. Checked in on the seller. They’re like, yeah, now’s a good time. Let me tell you something right now. If you tell a seller or an agent or anyone you ever work with, Call me when you’re ready to sell, the chances of them calling you is, I would say, less than 0% which is not true, but it’s very, very, very, very low. You don’t know how many times I’ve been like, yeah, just talk to someone like, Okay, well, call me when you change your mind, or call me when you do this.

They’re not gonna remember you. There’s too many people calling them. There’s too much going on their life. You need to have a follow up system. It is so important to doing deals. Guys, I’ve gotten deals just purely, just without skill. When I first started, just because I followed up, I called the seller after they had a showing and or they had other buyers go through, other wholesalers, go through and I just followed up and they liked me more. People do business with people they trust and they like if you’re following up, you’re building trust because like, Oh man, this person’s all over me.

They must really want this. Or I can trust them, because they’re consistent, you know, they’re diligent. So this lesson, we’re breaking it down into two steps, just like we did with the leads, you can spend money if you want. I’ll provide you with a software that’s good, but I’m going to advise you to start out with a spreadsheet. Okay, this is the lesson. The money’s in the fall. The objective is to teach you guys how to follow up. So let’s get right into it.

Now, you guys can read through this. I’m not going to go through it, but I’m going to give you the highlights, and then we can, you know, if you have any questions or on the trainings, we can chat. But basically, I recommend using a spreadsheet to follow up first. Okay, especially with the limited amount of leads that you’re going to have, and when you first get started now, if they start building up, then getting a CRM, a software, I’d highly recommend, but start with a spreadsheet. Okay, so all you gotta do is get the spreadsheet. You can use the one that I’ve been using, and I give people. It’s so simple, okay, it’s just got name, house and the address of the person. It’s got all the different phone numbers that they’re going to use when they skip trace, you’re going to mark with a specific color if you called it, if they answered and it’s the right number, or if it’s a wrong number, if it didn’t work. You want to get a hold of all the people on your spreadsheet. I want this thing all green or all red. Okay? I want you to say, Okay, this number is not active.

This person I got a hold of, and once you you know that it’s an active number and it’s the person, then you’re just going to keep following up if they don’t answer, okay. And then you can go down here follow up. You can have little sections. You can do whatever you want. This is just how an lar client set hers up. She just dragged people down into certain sections and knew when to follow up with them. You can take notes, if you guys aren’t familiar with Excel spreadsheets or Google Spreadsheets, super easy to use, and you just have these little categories. Now we have it set up. Is the way she was doing it is there are specific counties in areas where there’s pre foreclosures, so she would just pull the list depending on the area, and it would be a separate tab. So let’s say you’re working in Phoenix, right? And you want a Phoenix, you pull the Pre Foreclosure list, so you just call this one Phoenix, and then you do the same thing. And you just take this you’d copy here, copy, and then you’d paste over here, paste. And then you have the cat the same format, okay, so I’m going to delete that so you guys can have this spreadsheet right here is the one that in the training. If you just go, you can make your own copy. Just go make a copy. Name it my master nod list. We call nod. Dos the default.

That’s what it is in Utah, pre foreclosure, nod, they have different names. But anyway, you make your own sheet. That’s what you need to do to follow up. Very simple, nothing crazy. Again, I’m trying to keep it so simple for you guys, so you guys don’t overthink and you just take action. Okay, so that is what you need to do first, and then how do you use a daily you’re going to call, you’re going to mark who you talk to, and you’re going to update immediately. Okay, you’re going to enter your details, and you’re going to review it weekly, and just make sure you’re not leaving anyone behind.

Consistency is the key, guys. That’s the best practice. Now, if you want to get a CRM, that’s fine. Okay, here’s the link to go check it out. You get a special discount. If you do get it, I recommend I have a CRM. I think getting a CRM is important. But in the beginning, I would say a spreadsheet is fine. It’s going to do everything you need. If you guys do do the the CRM route, I would go re simply, that’s the one I recommend. I know the owners, personally, awesome guy.

He’s built specifically for outbound marketing, for for real estate, for wholesaling. So you can keep track. It’s good. Obviously, it’s going to cost you some money, but don’t again. The reason why I say spreadsheet first is just so you can keep track easily, just by looking at it, who have I got a hold of? Who have I not? Who’s wrong? Who says, Don’t contact me anymore, all that stuff. Now, of course, you can do all that in a CRM, but it just gets a little bit more complicated. And if you’re ready for that, go ahead. They provide a lot of training, and it is good if you’re gonna build this business bigger, you do need a CRM 100% I would say a lot of people can rock this thing on a spreadsheet. If you’re good at spreadsheets, you can do it, but this is my recommendation, start with a spreadsheet, then go.
Uh, use the link to get re simply. You also can try it out if you don’t like it, I think they give you a refund. Here are the best practices for falling up. Sorry, these are additional guidelines for following up. Guys. Maintain connection.

If they’re hot, continue if they’re warm, just check in on them every week. Every two weeks. Persistence is the key, the way that it is right now, people don’t answer their phones. They think people are spamming them. Just stay consistent. Call them if they don’t answer, call them three times in a row. If they don’t answer your call, leave them a voicemail, and if they after that, send them a text message. If you have their email, send them an email. Do all those things, guys. Because the thing is, I can’t tell you how many times I’ve gotten deals for people that I thought were ghosting me or just ignoring me when they’re just busy. Okay, so stay consistent. That’s how it works in this business, whether you use the CRM or the spreadsheet, frequency and following up and being consistent is the key look what’s the action for you guys in this course, in this guide, is to whether you pick the spreadsheet to start or you start with the CRM. I want you to follow up with leads daily. In your little daily routine, you have the KPI following up.

I want you to be following up with because that’s what’s gonna happen. You’re gonna call people, you’re gonna be busy, you’re gonna have to follow up. That’s the name of the game, prospecting, outreach, getting a hold of people, having conversations and following up and bringing people closer to the finish line. Okay, I want you to post a picture of your follow up, of you following up leads. Whether you’re calling, just post a picture doing action. I want everyone to be seeing that we’re taking action as a group, that we’re working hard together, and we want to congratulate you for taking action. And once you complete all these steps, I look forward to chatting with you again. The bonus, once you complete this is another checkpoint call where we’re gonna I’m gonna check in on you.

We’re gonna see how you’re doing. And I look forward to chatting, I really do, because it’s important for me to see how you’re doing, how you’re feeling, and if you’re at this point where you’re like, oh, man, none of this is working, Nate, then we’re going to be able to dive in and find out what’s going on. Maybe if you’re practicing every day your conversations, and it’s like, well, no, I’m having good conversation. I’m just not getting a hold of anybody, then we’re going to have to dive a little bit deeper in your marketing efforts. This is why this program is constructed through the guides and the steps, because I can dissect and help you specifically succeed, because I know where you’re at and what you’re doing, and I can help you out. I’m excited to do so this is it go through. Can’t wait to see on the checkpoint call. We will see you guys there and start following up either spreadsheet or CRM, either one time to take action. Let’s go. Let’s get a deal. We’re here for you later.


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