Training: Welcome Video

What is going on, everybody. Welcome. Welcome to the course, the course I’m pouring my heart and soul into so you can succeed, not only in life, but in real estate. So without further ado, I’m just going to dive right in. Welcome to the program. And what I’m about to show you is the most structured way I have been able to create for you, to be able to go from A to Z from you, to be able to know exactly, having no knowledge of real estate, or how to structure your life, to be an entrepreneur, to get to that point where you’re doing deals, you’re making money, you’re confident, not only in your real estate and your entrepreneurial skills, but also in life.

I want to help you out. So let’s go right into it. If this is your first time coming in the group, I’m going to share my screen. I’m going to show you how to navigate through this whole thing so you’re gonna know exactly what to do. Okay? So the first thing I want you guys to know is the first guide that we’re gonna go through, as I’m gonna show you, it’s about setting your why, setting up a life plan. Now, why is that? The first thing I wanna talk to you guys about is because I have been planning for years and years and years, and not until I connected my why to what I was doing, did I really start excelling and succeeding in life? And I can show you later on, I have all the planners, all the things to show you guys that I’m a planning machine, but until I understood my why, it didn’t really make sense, things didn’t really transpire as fast as they did. And I’m going to help you as soon as we get started, once we get into guide one, but I’m going to show you how to get there, but I’m going to show you guys why it’s so important, and how I’ve been able to learn and get to that point where I can show you guys how to do it. So without further ado, let’s dive right into it. Okay, so you guys all got the email, and you should ask to request to join the group. We’re gonna let you right in.

First thing you need to do is just go right here to where it says, featured. Welcome to the painless, flipping inner circle. Okay, now all you have to do, guys, is just read through here, which I’m going to be be able to read through right now, explain what it is, but you’re just going to look at this. By clicking on it, you’re going to know where to go.

So it basically says first step is you’re going to go to guide. One if you’ve joined the program and you want to know how to master your life and master real estate, this is where you start. But I’m going to show you guys exactly where everything is. So when you’re looking for the support and the guidance and the help and the the calls, you know where to go. So anyway, we have weekly training calls where me, Nathan Valley, our coaches are going to be there to help you out.

We have weekly deal review calls, okay? Those are on Tuesday. Those are going to show up under Events. If you’re like, Man, I don’t know where to go, it’s always going to be under events. These are going to be in the Facebook group, or we’ll provide you a link, but mainly it’s going to be in the Facebook group and you can watch the recordings. Okay, weekly deal reviews, interactive sales training and expert speakers are going to be coming in here, where you guys can ask questions specifically to them.

Okay, you want support. We got you because I know how it is, where you’re like, Man, I need some help. I need to ask them the question. You have the discussion feed right here where you can ask any question, and the community will help you. And I look at that daily, and so does during work days, and so do our vas, our team, they’re looking at it, and they’re responding, you want to ask me a question, guys, you can hit me up anytime, Tuesday through Friday. Those are the days I work during the week.

Hit me up during work hours. I got your back. I want to help you succeed. You got the chat support right here on the side where you can you can just have some general discussions. If you want to be chat with people in the group, if you want to give and get support, there’s the hotline. And if you guys need help with submitting leads, customized roadmaps, we’re going to send you guys the link so you can be able to submit deals and get feedback on specific deals you’re working where we can partner together, or we’re going to tell you exactly what we would do, and you take the deal all the way. And this is the thing I’m most excited about. It’s the bonuses that we give you with every guide, every guide that you go through, you get a you get a bonus.

And I’m so stoked to do that for you guys, because what we’ve, I’ve done in the past, and what most coaching is, is you just get a bunch of information all at once, and you’re like, I get I guess I gotta understand all this, and a lot of people get overwhelmed. So way we set it up is, with each guide, you get a bonus Okay, so I’m going to break it down. I’m going to show you guys what it looks like. I’d actually go through the guides in this program, through it on my cell phone, and I’m going to show you guys why, because it’s so easy and so cool to go through. But if you’re going to do on your laptop, all you got to do is, under guides. You can go here, but I’m going to go more in depth with it on the phone, but there’s nine guides. Okay, that might seem like a lot, but it’s not. You can go through them in a week at a time. You can go through them fast.

But the cool thing about it is, with each guide, it’s really structured. Simply, you got a training, you got an action do you need to do so you can learn, and we can make sure you understood it. And then you get a bonus, either get a book, a call with me, depending on the guide, or you get a free resource, and you get a resource that’s going to help you out further, to apply what you learn. So that’s where the course in the training is. But let me show you on the phone, because it’s a it’s a lot, a lot cooler. The reason why I like it on the phone is you can go right to guides, and you can press Done. The thing I really like about going on the phone is it’s really easy to see where, how far you’ve gone through it, and you can click done as when you’re going through the training. You can do that on the desktop, but it’s kind of it’s a lot easier to look at the phone.

So let’s say I’m on guide one. I’m seeing how to navigate. I’m watching this video. I’m seeing how to navigate this course, where everything is I’m watching the video. When I’m done, I press Done, and I can like the post. If you have any specific questions about the training, just ask in the comment. Section, and I will get back to you on that training. It’s very simple, so we can keep it streamlined in order. Now, after you’re done with the training call, which is going to tell you how to do the action, you do the action. Every guide has an action. So you can go apply what you learn. It’s not just you learn. You watch it and you’re like, Well, I guess I’ll try and figure out, no, you have, we have specific things for you to go do. And on guide one, I’m gonna go into the life planner and what you’re gonna get and how to go through it, but I just wanted to show you guys that is why like going through it on the phone. You can get access to everything. And once you finish the action plan, you have a quiz to take, just to make sure you did it. And the quiz is very simple. The quiz just says, Hey, did I watch the training video? Did I do the action Okay, now go and book the call you or you accept the bonus, and then underneath the comment section is where you can get access to the bonus.

Now I only want you accepting the bonus if you scored 100% on the quiz. Okay, so very, very easy. So let’s go. No need to go any deeper on this than where we’re at right now, guys, let’s go through and let me tell you what your action and what you need to do now that you understand how to navigate the program and how you know how to get to the guides, the chats, the supports, the calls.

Now let’s get started. Let’s get started into how this program is going to help you get to the next level. So right here on the phone, I’m just going to go to action. All right, the first action is after watching this video that we’re currently on. Print out your life planner. Okay, well, that’s pretty dang simple. So all you got to do is click on the link, whether it’s on your phone or on the computer, wherever you’re able to print. And I’ve created the Life Planner, the life plan where you need to go fill out.

Now, once you’ve printed this out, the only thing I want you to do is go to here’s an explanation of what it is and some the definitions about it. All I need you to do is fill out the life plan. Okay, it’s the first page. Now, when you’re on the call with me, that you get on the bonus after scoring 100 on the quiz, saying that you’ve went through this video, I’m gonna get with you on the call, and I’m gonna break down your life plan into a 10x yearly plan. We’re gonna reverse engineer why you want what you want in life, and we’re going to reverse engineer into this business. Because the thing is, guys, when you have something that you desire in life, it’s usually not that easy. Okay, it’s not going to be easy.

There’s going to be ups and downs, but if you know why you want it, it’s going to cause you to continue to strive through, push through when times get tough. So we’re going to get your life plan. Now I want you to do your best to fill this out for the call so we can talk about it, and then I’m going to help you reverse engineer. Reverse engineer into a 10x year legal then I’m also going to help you break it down into a 90 day plan. Okay, so don’t get overwhelmed here. It’s just create a live plan. I’m going to go through it right now on the call that you’re going to get as a bonus for getting this far and printing it out and writing down doing your best. I’m going to help you reverse engineer into a 90 day plan so we can accomplish your goal through this program.

That’s the goal I have for you guys. Okay, so it’s pretty simple. If you do not know how to print something, go to the library. It’s 10 cents a page. Where I live. You just need a credit card and a library card. If you don’t know how to go to the library and you have a printer house, great if not, ask somebody to help you print this shouldn’t be that difficult. If you can’t get something printed off, we’re in trouble. In trouble. But I’m just kidding. But anyway, do that for me.

So let’s go over this life plan so you guys know how to fill it out, and then that’ll be guide one. Just Welcome to the program. Let’s get after trading your life plan book, a call with me, and let’s get started. And let’s make your real estate journey and your life journey to being the best entrepreneur you can be the best experience we can make for you guys. So I’m gonna break this down for you guys. So we have vision, the dream, your true north, meant to inspire and create a sense of purpose that right there, guys, is what you want to accomplish the most in life. Now I can’t tell you what it is. You’re gonna have to brainstorm a little bit for me. I’m a spiritual guy. I’m a religious guy.

My dream, my vision, is I want to return back to heaven and live with God. Okay, so that’s my vision. I believe I see that. I think that’s where I’m going, as long as I do my best. So my mission, if my vision is to return back to heaven, then my mission needs to be, I need to be a good person in and I believe in Jesus Christ. So I need to be like Jesus. That’s my mission. Okay, so my vision is to be returned back to live with God, live in heaven. If I need to do that, I need to be like Jesus. Okay, that’s my mission in life. My core values. Well, if what are it says right here, the three to five core principles that guide your day to day decisions. If my goal is to return back to that, to heaven and be like Jesus, then what I need to be like, I
need to be charitable, knowledgeable, I need to be diligent. I need to be like Jesus, right? You can break those down now. It doesn’t have to be religious. I’m just giving you guys my my example.

And what are the strategies? Okay, if I want those things, what’s the strategy behind it? What’s the the strategy is a set of choices that explains how you will accomplish your mission and vision. Okay, what are the set of choices I need to Well, it’s pretty simple. It’s kind of the gospel lays it out you you have to follow God, you have to keep the commandments. Now, again, if your vision and mission is not that you’re going to have to reverse engineer and say, hey, I want to help people in my life. Well, if I want to help people, I got to be a good person. And you know, it just depends what you want to accomplish. And as it goes down, I believe you as a person. Any person is broken down into five categories. They have their spiritual needs.

They have their whether you’re religious or not, you have your. Community needs, and that’s like family, friends, self development. You’re trying to improve yourself, health and business. Now, if you can set a goal in each one of those, then you know what you’re trying to accomplish this whole life. It’s not a secret anymore, and the actions you take can help you get there. So for me, I want to for community. I want to be a giving person. I want to be a servant, self development. I want to attain a great character, right, a Christ like character, health. I want to use my strength to serve my family and my friends and in business. I want to teach people how to live life the right way, make good decisions, sleep good at night, and teach them correct principles.

That’s those are my goals for my life. Now you’re probably like, Man, I’m trying to make do deals. Nate, why do I gotta worry so much about my life and my vision and my plan? Like, why is that important? Guys, it is important because life has ups and downs. When you’re calling a seller and they don’t respond to you or the deal goes sideways, you’re gonna question, man, is this for me? Like, this is hard, but if you know that, the reason why you’re doing that is because you are on a mission, and you have a vision to, like, accomplish something great, you’re gonna keep going. So when real estate gets tough for me, I know, hey, one of my core values is is charity.

I’m treating that person with love, and they’re going through a tough time, and I can help them, and it’s helped me to accomplish what I want, right? And me being able to work with you guys and help you get to where you want to go, that helps me accomplish my mission and vision. So real estate, coaching, helping, serving, doing deals, all that aligns with what I want. And if you guys can align what you want in life, and your life plan with what you were going to be doing in this program and excelling in real estate and your personal life, you’re going to do it way more. You’re going to be way more prone and able to do those things. And guys, I’m not blowing smoke up your butt, this is the way to accomplish whatever you want life.

You can do anything you want. You’ve just chosen real estate as your vehicle. You can do anything you want. And I believe that with all my heart and all these little planners that I have over here, guys, I’m not blowing smoke and saying, Hey, this is something I made up. This is a training that we paid for, and you’re gonna get access to a lot of the training, $8,000 worth of sales training. What they teach. The first thing is, start with the end in mind. Start with what why you want to get to where you’re going.

If you don’t know why you’re not going to get there, doesn’t matter how where you go or how fast you get there, if you end up at the wrong spot, you got to know. And again, with all the planners I’ve been doing until I started planning with the end in mind, why I wanted what I wanted, it wasn’t very successful. But I can tell you right now I know exactly where I’m going. This is my life plan. I look at it every day, and it lets me know exactly, you know, the decisions I make if I’m going in the right direction. I have my 10x year plan, and I break it down into my 90 day plan. Now, don’t get overwhelmed again.

If you’re like, Man, I’m already starting this and it’s tough, it’s okay. I’m here. I got your back, and that’s why we have this set up that after you print out and do the action of printing out your life planner and filling it out to the best of your ability, it’s okay, if it’s not perfect, you’re going to go to number two, which is the post a picture of your filled out life plan, and you’re going to share it with the people on the group. How do you do that? It’s pretty simple. You take a picture of it with your phone.

You’re going to go and you’re going to post and say, Hey guys, this is my life plan. What do you guys think? Okay, pretty simple, easy. And then once you completed all the steps, you’re just going to go here and take the quiz. Okay, I’ve already taken the quiz. Says, Did you watch the entire training video? That this is the entire training video. Yes, I did. Did you print your life plan? Yes, I did. Did you complete your life plan? I did my best. Okay, awesome. Then it says, Will you go to the comment section of this quiz post to book your battle plan call? Yes, I will. Nathan, then once you do that, you’re going to go the comment section and you’re going to click here, and you’re going to book your call with me, and we’re going to go through this thing together.

This was the purpose of the welcome call, just to welcome you guys and say, Hey, I’m stoked to help you guys get started with the right end in mind. Let’s figure out your why is let’s attach it to all the actions we’re going to take in this amazing course. I’m going to be here after every guide. You’re going to either get a bonus that’s going to help you get further in your journey, or you’re going to book a call and we’re going to sit down together, one on one, and I’m going to help review what you’ve gone so far. No longer have to do. You have to feel alone, and you’re like, oh, man, I don’t know what I’m doing. Being an entrepreneur is tough, okay? And a lot of people think they can just like, let me just pull a list. Let me just call some people.

There’s a lot more to it, guys, there’s planning, there’s management, there’s leadership. If you want to just do one deal and get lucky, sure, then just go ahead and watch the course on pulling a list. But if you want to build a business, if you want to be the best you can be as an entrepreneur in your personal life and in your business, as a real estate investor, you need to go through nine steps. I promise it’s going to be worth your time, because I’m going to be here all the way.

I’ve built this. I’ve had years of building courses, and I know that if I just gave you all the information all at once and said, Good luck. Most people are overwhelmed. Not this way. You’re going to go through it step by step, and it starts with action plan one, and that’s just print this life plan out, fill it out, and we’re going to break down exactly what you need. I’ve know I’ve talked a lot, you’re going to find out that I like repeating myself a lot, because a lot of people, they need, they just need to hear it over and over again. That’s okay, all right. And if things get tough for you in this program, I get it. It’s not. Easy.

It’s not easy changing your values and your in your mind and your mindset and everything like you might have deeply ingrained thoughts that you’re not good enough. You are good enough. You can do this. I don’t know how it’s blowing smoke. Like, rah, rah. Like, I really believe that if you go through the nine steps, I will help you change your life, because I don’t want you coming in here and then leaving and being like, well, I didn’t that was a waste of money. That’s the opposite of my goal. There’s a lot of businesses that are built like that that you know that you come in, you’re hoping a lot of things. I can promise you that if you come through here, and you go through the nine steps and you book those bonuses and those calls, I’m gonna do everything I can to help you succeed so you can get your first or next deal, that you can start planning and maximize your life and be the best you can be.

And that’s all I gotta say. Everybody. If you have any questions or comments, I want you to go in and make a comment on this section where this training video is and read through the text that’s below here. And we’re always updating, giving more information, and that’s about it. There’s going to be additional training that’s coming, and they’re always, like I said, they’re always updating. But if you want more structure on how to fill out the planner. I’m going to give you some videos down below. You can go in depth as you want with this stuff. I’m going to give you a core video like this. Where is you just follow it. You go through it.

But if you need more step by step by step by step, training, I’m going to have all those things additional for you in the text below this video or not below. It depends above or below. But in this Training section, you’re going to give everything you need. You’re not going to sit there and say, What do I do? And if, for some reason, I did not get to a question, you had just leave it in the comments of the training section, like the section that we’re at right now. Just leave a comment, and I’ll get to you. You will succeed, and I’ll make sure it. Because if I don’t hear from you, if you join this program, and if you don’t go and you sticking guide one for more than two weeks? I’m gonna call you. I’m gonna text you. I’m gonna say hey, you know you haven’t moved forward. You haven’t moved to guide to you haven’t booked your call. What’s going on? You don’t like me. What’s is life tough? What’s up? I got your back. Let’s see. Let’s get you the next spot. I’ll see you on the battle plan. Call you.


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