Training: Why a Routine?

Welcome back, everyone. I’m so excited to see you again. We are jumping right into guide number two, and what that is, is a daily routine and KPIs tracking your actions. Because if you do not know the actions you’re taking or what to do, you’re just going to be jumping all over the place doing what you think is important. I got your back. I’m going to show you exactly what you need to be doing, explaining why on this video, why you need a daily routine and why you need to know before your daily routine, why? Why you’re doing all this. I have this all structure for you so you guys know exactly what to do. But again, like I said, we’re going right into the daily routine and the KPIs. So I want to start with a quote.

Okay, this is a quote. I’m going to give it a shot. It says when accomplishment is measured, accomplishment improves. When accomplishment is recorded and reported back, the improvement is accelerated. Okay, so let’s break that down and why I’m bringing up that quote right now. What that means is, guys, you can hold yourselves accountable.

You can hold yourselves accountable. I hold myself accountable in my my little planner, the one that I’m gonna give you is very, very basic. It’s for work and it’s for your personal life. It’s it’s all a one pager for your daily and I’m going to teach you guys how to hold yourselves accountable so you can crush your goals. Guys to try and get something like it might seem like a big mountain you got to climb, but you can take it step by step. There’s a book called The slide edge, which it talks about. It’s the small, incremental things that help you master or overcome anything or accomplish anything in this life. Talent is Overrated. You can literally get anything you want this life if you know the actions you need to take.

And that’s the same thing with real estate business. If you know exactly what actions to take, you’re going to get a deal. Problem is people aren’t consistent, and they don’t know what actions to take, and they don’t hold themselves accountable. So this is what we’re going to do in this program. I am going to hold you accountable to the the data, to to your numbers, you are going to hold yourself accountable to the numbers, and you’re not going to wonder in 90 days, oh man, why didn’t I get a deal? You’re going to see exactly why you got a deal or why you didn’t now, I believe you will, if you do what I’m showing you with the daily routine.

Okay, so that’s why you need to be able to track data KPIs. Okay, we’re going to break down what KPIs you need in this program, but let’s hop on over to the Facebook group so you can see what it looks like. So hopefully you’ve already scheduled the battle plan call with me and we had a chat about your live plan. I was able to break it down and help you reverse engineer it, make sure you did, you liked it and you felt good about it. Now you know your why we’re in guide two. We’re talking about what’s a routine. Why do you need one? So we’re going over right now, now again, you need one.

I’m just going to say it again, you need one. Because if you do not know what actions you need to take to get to where you want to go, good luck. That’s just, you know, it’s trying to build a house without a blueprint. If you don’t have a blueprint, it’s going to the house is going to not look good, or it’s not even going to be a house by the end of the time you’re done with it. So that’s what we’re trying to do, is trying to give you the blueprint to success through your daily actions. Okay, we’ve already reverse engineered what your your why and why you want to accomplish it. Now let’s get the actions to get you to that point. Okay, so what I want you guys to do is I want you to print out your daily routine, and I got it for you right here.

If you’re under guide two, you’re watching the video that we’re on right now, and you’re going to go right here to print out five sheets. The only reason I said five is because maybe you just didn’t want to print them all off. But it’s up to you, so all you got to do is you just got to click on this link, and your action for this this guide is to print off and use daily Okay, so let me explain the routine that you’re going to be taking in order to crush it as an entrepreneur, and specifically, I built this for you guys so you can crush it. And as a as a real estate investor, okay, this is how you work. Do the daily routine.

And guys, I even have one printed out. I’m using it. I use this. And I’m going to show you how you can fill it out, why it’s structured the way it is. And, yeah, let’s go right into it. So here’s the daily routine. When I start work, I want to hold myself accountable, okay? And you can hold yourself accountable. When you look at every sheet, you’re like, Man, I keep you’re like, Man, I keep on getting to work late. You want to say, I started work. I’m sitting down starting work. What time is it? Is it five in the five in the morning? Is it five in the afternoon? I have like, 20 minutes to work. You are going to hold yourself accountable by keeping track when you get to work.

You’re going to type right the time. I want you to pick one daily discipline and one daily discipline, you’re going to get this in the bonus the daily disciplines that I pick from that’s reading at least 10 minutes a day. That’s working out. It’s having a gratitude journal. The list goes on. There’s specific things you can do to change your mindset. You’re going to do pick one, okay, and you’re going to keep track of this during these 90 days. Okay, did you do it? Yes or no. And it’s, did I do it before work? I want you to do your daily discipline before you go to work. Then the life planner that we’ve created together on the first call, on the battle plan call, and I reviewed, I want you to review that before you you start actually making calls and doing actions. So how does this look like? You sit down, you say, what time it is? You say, Yes, I read today. Or No, I did not pray today. Or, you know, whatever action you decided. And then you’re going to look you’re going to plan your day, very simple, with the OKRs in the breakdown that I’m going to give you on Battle Plan call. And you’re going to review your life plan.

You’re going to say, Okay, today, my life plan is to be, you know, the nicest person in the world, or the to help people succeed. Keep that in your mind. You’re. To review it daily. It takes 10 seconds to review. Okay? And you’re going to check and you’re going to say, hey, what time? What time is it? How long did that take me to do that? And for me, I actually just put a stopwatch, because I want to know how long it takes me to plan the day and review. So what this looks like is, I’m going to do it again, again, so you guys can learn. And you got start work time. Did I do my daily disciplines? Start your start.

You start your your timer, your stopwatch, I have one on my phone, and you start the timer, and you go and you plan your day, and you review your life, plan this is all happening right now. And at the end, when you’re done, you check this off, and you say, alright, that took me 10 minutes. So let me show you exactly what it looks like. So I would go here. That’s my beautiful baby girl. I would go here. Okay, I’m planning my day. Okay, timer’s going all right. So what actions do I need to take today? I prioritize them, A, B or C. A is should be done, or sorry, must be done. B, it should be done. C is could be done.

So I do see one if it’s something that doesn’t need to be done. So a one would be like, I need to call John about his property, because he called me. And I need to remember, I need to do that. A, one, a, two is I need must be done. I need to, you know, pull my list and call Right? Or I need to practice my cold calling, or I need to practice a script. A, 3b, should be done. B, oh, I need to, you know, pay that bill. Maybe you can do it tomorrow. B1, and then at the end of the day, you check this, and you say, Okay, did I complete? Do I need a four Do I need a cancel, or do I need to progress? Is it in progress? Okay? And then you ask yourself, I can consider today a win if I accomplish one thing, maybe the one thing is I need to get a hold of John and get him to sign a contract. That’s what you write. Great now that. And this is not difficult, guys. This takes, I’m going through this.

This is probably takes about 10 minutes max, to plan out your day. So you got your plan, your time block and schedule. So depending on if you’re part time or full time, I gave you the blocks that I work, you can, guys. This is, you can also make a copy of this and edit it so you can change it, but I time block, and here’s a priority list of the things that are most important for you to remember. Okay, if you have a day that’s completely open and you’re like, Well, I got nine to 430 and I got nothing. I have nothing planned, no nothing on my schedule. Look at this. This will help you out. So let’s say nine. Well, you know, I don’t have any leads. I need to call some people. Oh, well, I want to network with somebody that I met at Aria last night. Let me call them at 10. You time block every 30 minutes so you know what you’re going to be doing. So you just don’t sit there all day and be like, where did my time go? And, you know, miss appointments. Then at the end of that, you say, Did I schedule my number one most important thing? And you’re like, Oh, crap, I forgot my number one thing was to call John and get it under contract. I didn’t schedule that. I’m going to put that at 11 o’clock. Then you do that, guys, you’re done planning your day. All you got to do is you got to come here and say, Okay, did I plan my day? Plan my day? Reviewing my my objectives? Oh, I forgot to look at my life plan. Let me look at my life plan really quick. Then you pull up your piece of paper, you look at your life plan. You say, Why am I doing this? I’m doing this because I want to provide for my family. I love my family. Okay? And you review that, and you say, Okay, well, I’m I’m in line with what I want in life. Let’s go.

Okay, so I go over here to my phone stopwatch. It’s been two minutes and 45 seconds. I write down on my piece of paper how long it took me. Takes like five minutes to do this. Okay, you just planned your whole day, and you you have alignment on what you want, and you’ve time blocked. Now it’s time to go to work.

Now you got your KPIs people. It’s easy. Check your email. Okay? I checked my email, I checked specific follow up tasks with leads that I need to follow up with. Okay, that’s before I start prospecting in or doing what I need to do, and it’s time to start prospecting. Okay, then what’s prospecting is that’s reaching out to leads in this program. It’s reaching out to leads, whether that’s through cold calling, texting, calling on your phone, texting directly on your phone, mail, handwritten letters, knocking doors. You’re reaching out to prospects. Okay, now I’m going to teach you guys how to do a specific way, but really, that’s how you do business. Whether that’s your real estate agent, doesn’t matter. If you’re, you know, you sell insurance.

That’s business. You you find prospects and you close them. You make you monetize. You make money. So what I do here is I check this and say, Okay, it’s time to go. What time is it? Oh, well, 10 minutes has gone by total since I started work and I started planning. I’m thinking it might be nine. Let’s just say 920 Okay, so if you look at this and you have five days worth, or 30 days, or 90 days worth, you can say, Man, I’m I’m getting to work a little too late.

I need to get to work a little earlier. And then you hold yourself accountable. And then me and you, when we have discussions, when we hop on calls, I can reference this and say, you know, what’s going on. How long have you been calling? You know, or how, how’s everything going so we there’s no confusion on how you’re doing.

You can hold yourself accountable, and I can help you out, and I can hold you accountable too. So the two actions that you need to do in order to succeed as a real estate investor right now, as you’re whether you’re a beginner or not, it’s important to go through this. You can hire this out later. Okay, I’ve
hired this out, but it doesn’t matter. This needs to be done daily, because you’re always looking for deals. Okay? So what it is, I put 40 days 4040. Is the goal. Okay, I’d love for you. Go beyond that, but you’re gonna reach out. You’re gonna do 40 prospecting outreaches a day. Okay, whether that’s text call, I don’t want you just texting 40 people and calling it good. I want you to hop on calls. I want you to, like, take some action. You know, get on the phone.

Don’t be scared. And I’m gonna help you overcome that if you are scared. But, you know, 40 outreaches. Okay, now it I use a tally, because I go one by one, right? So I made a call, 1234, now, if you have a cold call, if you have a cold call, dialer, auto dialer, it’s, it’s going to be easy to hit 40, but for me, I like doing one by one, and I’ll explain why later in the the program. So I write total follow ups. Okay? So as you’re doing this, you’re going to get people are going to say, call me back later. I’m busy. Hit me up. I’m at work. You’re going to follow up. Okay, so 40 outreaches and 40 follow ups, eventually you’re going to get enough of follow ups.

Now, it might not be 40 follows, but really the 40 is for the prospecting. Now you’re going to do 40 outreaches. You think you’re going to get a hold of every all 40 people? No, you’re not. You’re going to get, you need to connect with at least 15 people a day. Okay, whether that’s uh, follow ups or prospecting, that should be your goal. If you can connect with 30 great, uh, 15 follow ups, 15 cold prospects, I promise you, if you do this every day for 90 days, you’re going to get a deal I can help you. Or we’re going to get dang close, and it’s going to close ace, like pretty dang close, because when I was brand new, didn’t know anything about real estate, I got a deal within 30 days because I did this consistently.

Now I didn’t have this structure. I wish I did, but I didn’t. Okay. So that’s your day. I don’t care if you’re working eight hours a day or two hours a day, if you stay consistent with this, it will work. Now I I believe that you need to put at least two hours of work, at least two hours of work a day to make this work. Now, if you’re a magician and you can get this all done in less time, congratulations. But I think you need at least two hours. I would say four to eight is the money spot. Not a lot.

Not everybody can do this full time. But I would say at least two. Monday through Friday is going to get the work, get the job done, because you’re going to start getting reps. You’re going to start talking to people, especially with the list, we’re going to tell you to target who to talk to. You’re going to see start seeing results. Okay, so that is your day. Okay, so you’ve you’ve marked it. You congratulations. You’re doing great. So at the end of your day, you’ve gotten to the end of day, it’s 430 you’re like, Well, I gotta wrap it up. You’re not done yet. You got to finish up your end of day, workday review, and you got to hold yourself accountable again.

I do this every day. I say, Okay, time the day’s over, I got to hold myself accountable. Let me ask myself some questions. Did you accomplish your number one most important thing? Oh my gosh, I did. I talked to John, great. I’m so excited. Did you track your KPIs? I did. Yeah, I know exactly what I did. Did I focus and avoid social media. Oh, man, I went on Instagram a couple times. I was getting really distracted. Well, I’m gonna do better tomorrow.

So that’s an X. Did I work at least two hours today? Well, I did, and I feel good, great. Did I focus on helping people succeed? Yes, because that’s what our goal is. We want to help others. Did I study and improve my knowledge? Yeah, I did. I went to a call that they had feel, feel like, uh, I learned a lot. Who’d you network with? Well, I did when I was talking to some people that on my list. Actually, one of them was a cash buyer. We I got his information today. I had a hard time with what would you have a hard time with? Man, I was kind of scared to follow up with this one guy. He’s kind of rude. Okay.

Well, what are you going to do to improve? Well, I’m going to realize that who cares if he’s rude or not. It has no impact on me. I got to do, keep doing my thing. Okay? You do this every day. You’re going to know exactly what you did, what you didn’t do, and how to improve, and I’m going to be able to help you further on our calls. So then you go here. It says, track, KPIs, review day, prepare for next day. 30 minutes before ending work. Okay, so that’s it.

You go here, and you’re saying, Well, I did all that at check. Okay, what time did I end work? Oh, I ended work on time, or I ended work a little bit later, a little bit early. Okay, we’ll just keep track of it. Now, the cool thing about this thing I made for you is this is it you follow this thing. You’re going to be an excellent entrepreneur, you’re going to be excellent employee, you’re going to be an excellent boss. This is how you hold people accountable. I hold myself accountable. This is going to be it.

Now, this goes a little bit further. I’m not going to go too in depth unless you know any of you have further questions, but really, all you’re doing is you’re taking the numbers from your daily and you’re throwing it onto your weekly sheet. Okay? You have your daily discipline. If your goal is to read every day, you’re going to keep track of your goal here, you’re going to say, Okay, I read all day, seven day total, then I read. Great. You’re going to go here, you’re going to say, okay, prospecting. I prospected. I have 30 contacts, 3030, 3030, I’m crushing it. I contacted, you know, let’s just say 360 people. Great.

And then right here is follow up. How many follow ups did I do? And then you, you give the whole week, you go the total right here, and then you just put it into your monthly, okay, how many times have I read and all it is is simple math. You’re just saying for the 90 days that we’re we’re working together. How many times did I do this? And is it? Is it helping me get to where I want to go? You gotta track, guys, if you want to be a good business owner, if you want to hold yourself accountable and accomplish anything, that’s life tracking. It’s that quote I told you at the beginning when a comp. Accomplishment is measured. Accomplishment improves when accomplishment is recorded and reported back to me or yourself.

Improvement is accelerated. That is how you do it. There’s no magic to it, other than you got to stay consistent, and if you want to be a great leader, you have to be diligent and you have to be disciplined. Okay, last thing I’ll say about the weekly is, at the end of the week, you can review yourself and say, okay, What progress did I make? You know, how am I doing? And you have a little checklist. I This takes me about 15 minutes to do at the beginning, at the on Sunday.

Do it every Sunday, to review myself. Guys, that’s it. Now, I promise you. I know I make a lot of promises, but this, this is it, if you’re able to go in and follow this daily routine, you know, your life plan that we already went through on the battle plan call, if you’re able to follow this routine and keep track for 90 days or for the rest of your life, I think this is a rest of your life thing, because you’re going to have bigger goals and bigger actions you need to do. You can accomplish anything in your life, and you can accomplish this what we’re going through in this program, I don’t understand how anyone can accomplish anything unless they really hold themselves accountable and they have a direction to do it step by step.

Out of all the books I’ve read, every like you either get lucky, right? Or you you know exactly what you’re doing, and you you track it, and you get there because you know exactly. Like if you want to be a jiu jitsu master, right, if you want to be a karate or boxing expert or champion, they know what they need to do. They need to practice every day. They need to do certain amount of jabs every day. Now I’m not saying that they keep track of it on a spreadsheet or a piece of paper like this, but they’re they know what they need to do, and if you keep track, the improvement will excel, be accelerated. Okay, so that’s the training for today. Guys, let’s go to the phone, just so you know where to go from here we are in guide two. You’re gonna go here to guide two. You’re gonna print off the sheet. You’re gonna post a picture of your daily action sheet filled out, and you’re gonna say, Hey everybody, I filled that one out.

What do you guys think we’re all gonna say, great job. And after you’ve completed all these steps, you’re gonna go take the quiz. And after you take the quiz, and you get 100% you’re gonna the comment section. And I got a bonus for you, okay, if you love this kind of stuff, and you know, you want to improve in your personal life, more this is more business related. I have all the specific things that I do daily in my life to help me succeed. And, you know, crush every day. I want to give you that bonus of all the daily disciplines that you’re able to do, and I want you to throw them, you know, don’t get overwhelmed. But I just want to get you show you what I do, and I think it will help you out. So that’s it, guys, that’s that’s guide to and it all revolves around daily routine and your KPIs. Okay, so let’s break it down before I head out and we’ll see you guys. I’ll see you guys on the calls. I want to say that so far, where we’re at is we’ve built a life plan. We know why we’re doing what we’re doing now.

We know what we need to do every day to hit our goals and how to hold ourselves accountable. And I’m here for you to hold you accountable. If you come to me and you say, Nate, this isn’t working, or I need help, or some I’m scared, or something’s going on, I’m gonna say, let’s let’s take a look at that daily routine. Are you staying consistent with the daily actions? I’m never gonna be upset with you. I’m here to help you. So if we can identify what’s going on, then we’re able to change it. Okay? And this isn’t something that you need to be ashamed of. This is a muscle you need to build as a leader, as an entrepreneur, you need to be able to build consistency into your life. And if you can start being consistent immediately, perfect. If it takes time, that’s okay, but I’m here, so go ahead.

Go through this train. You already went through the video. Go print it out, fill it out, share it with us, do the quiz, check out the daily disciplines, and then head on over to guide three. We’re going to pick your market and the bonuses. I’m going to prove it and help make sure you pick the right market, but you’re going to have everything you need to know how to do it, but I’ll see you on guide three. So.


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