What Calling Sellers Live Looks Like? | Wholesaling Real Estate Ring (FULL EPISODE)

What is going on? Everybody we are, live bright here. Nathan Payne, real estate. Nate, and we got lane. Peterson, what’s going on? Lane, how you doing? How are you good afternoon. Lane. Peterson, good to see you again. Nate, always a pleasure to hang out with you. Lane and call sellers and and do deals. So for those of you that don’t know who we are, we’re just going to do a quick intro, because we never know who’s watching. My name is Nathan Payne. I’ve been in the game for about six years, done hundreds of deals. LOVE doing real estate. I love helping out sellers. We just did a deal that was an $86,000 deal, and guess what? The seller sent us a text and said, Thank you. She said, thanks. Help me out, helping me through the situation. And nothing feels better Lane than making money and also helping people, right? Because money was not what she cared about.

She cared about getting the heck out of that house. And we got it done. It’s completely true. We just helped an entire family. You know, there’s a death. They had to go through probate. We helped them through the whole process. Got the theme Bakersfield, California. Actually, this one was completely a remote, virtual wholesale deal, and our whole selfie was 50,000 and the sellers were completely happy. Left us a great review. And so it does. It feels great. It feels great to help people and also be able to make a business out of it. And you know what lane? It’s interesting, because people hear that and they’re like, what you’re making all that money, and they’re happy. These are situations where they did not know what to do, right? I’m sure, in that during that probate situation, they were confused, right? Yep, yeah, they were. They were totally confused. So we, you know, we hooked them up with our probate attorney, and then the process was completely they had some liens on the property, a solar lease that they didn’t even know about. So, yeah, walk them through the entire process. Love it. And they were completely happy with the price that they got.

That home needed a complete renovation. It was a gut job. And so they were happy. You know, what’s really interesting too lane is sometimes when we make those big, big spreads, it’s because we find the right buyer. You know, there’s a ton on that deal that we had. Everybody was coming in way, way low, and then we just happened to find that one buyer that fit for, yeah, he paid more than everybody else. Was happy. Everybody’s happy anyway. It’s crazy like that. But today, guys, what we’re going to be doing, the reason why we do these calls is called the wholesaling real estate ring, where we call sellers live. Show you guys exactly what it looks like. Because a lot of the time, you guys see all these checks that are flashing, and you’re like, Whoa. That’s cool, but you know, I don’t, I don’t know how to do this. Well, we’re going to show you guys what it looks like.

It’s not sexy all the time. It’s we’re literally calling people having conversations with them, and sometimes they don’t answer. So we’re going to hop right into it lane. Anything you got to say to that, no, that’s right. I mean, we we dial, we dial, and what’s great. I mean, I say this every week, but these leads that we’re calling are inbound leads, right? There’s a difference between inbound and outbound leads. These people have reached out to us. We do a lot of marketing, you know, PPC, Facebook ads, they have found us. They filled out a form and, you know, submitted their information. So it’s a very warm lead. Outbound leads is cold calling, text messaging, and those aren’t, you know that they’ll take a lot more time to nurture and cultivate and and take them to the closing table. So these are, these are fairly warm leads. So they’re, they’re a little bit easier phone calls than your cold call leads. That’s right. Well, if you’re watching this live, guys, that’s our our plan and our promise is the call we’re about to hop right into it.

But if you can, if you’re watching this, tell us where you’re watching from. We love to network. We’re doing deals all over the country, so, you know, maybe we might be able to do something together. Tell us where you’re watching from, and hit like and subscribe to wherever you’re watching, because the algorithm, it does put this in front of more people. If a lot of people are engaging and they like it, if nobody’s liking it, then they’re like this video must suck. So do us a favor, help us out and Lane. You ready to hit the dial? I got, I got the vibe board, so I’m going to write down and take notes while you’re, uh, you’re, you’re making your calls, and we’re going to teach some guys. There you go. All right, we got Daniel here.

I usually call from from my desktop, like straight out of my CRM, but because this call, I do it from my phone, which is in the CRM, but just easier to hear. It’s always important to have a great CRM, by the way, if you’re going to be calling leads and you’re consistently doing it, to keep organized and to have great follow up is key, and a CRM helps you do that. That’s right. And you like, go high level. You have yours build off. Remember, I switched over to re simply. Oh, well, that’s built off of go high level as well, but already simply, yeah, I was on. Actually, I use both. I still do have go high level. You know, it’s funny, they call it re simply, but I always say already simple. Well,
I would just around the office. We just see simply now, yeah, they always have correct me, and they’re like, No, it’s pretty simply. I’m like, Oh my bad. Hello, Daniel, yes. Daniel, hi. My name is Lane Peterson.

You were talking to my office earlier today about the home that you had submitted to us, that you were looking for an offer on, and they had scheduled a call back, is now a good time? Yeah, take a minute. I’m in the middle of something, okay, is it better to call you back, or I just wanted to get a little bit more information in the morning? Okay, I can call you in the morning. Okay? My money. All right, okay, after 830 after 830 Thank you. Daniel, yeah, okay. Bye. Well, that’s one thing that’s very important. You know, you really want to make sure you caught them at a good time, because if they don’t have your focus, then you don’t have an effective phone call. Yeah, no, exactly. It’s not even worth it to like, Well, hey, let me real quick. Let me get you know more information. No, okay, I’ll call you back. Yeah, leave it that. I mean, even though I kind of want to do it just because we’re on this call, but it’s tempting to try and do that, yeah, but no worries, we got love, live. Love Live. Nick saying, can you guys do fresh sellers that haven’t left a message so lane, is he saying, like, maybe, like, cold call. Is that what you mean, love, live, Nick That’s what I would say.

Like, maybe cold call, somebody, everybody has, or everybody has, technically left us a message because they filled out a form. So they clicked on our advertisement, they filled out a form, they put in all their information. As far as, like, you know, they get a few questions on our web form, you know, as far as property, condition, reason for selling that sort of thing. So they’ve already reached out to us, which is technically a message, yeah, if that’s what you mean, uh, love, live. Nick. Everyone’s kind of filled that form, if you mean, like, hasn’t he hasn’t set up a follow up appointment. You’re going to call through something that you haven’t even gotten a hold of. They’ve just filled out a form. Correct? Now, if you want us to cold call, we have other calls on our YouTube channels where we just call people that don’t know we’re calling, but you know you have to check out that.

Let’s keep it going. Boy, okay, I’m gonna call Miss Anita here in Deming, New Mexico. All right, Anita, I need a deal. That’s what I need. I need a deal. Hello, hello, Anita. Hi Anita, this is lane. I was calling about your property that you had sent over to us that you were looking to sell. Yeah. How are you today? Good evening. I’m good. Is now a good time? I’m sure good. Well, Anita, tell me a little bit about what you got going on here with this house on two basically acres or whatever. It’s got two houses on it. One’s a garage, slash man came to do work for cars and others, a home, the three bedrooms and two, five places, two bathrooms, big kitchen, dining room, laundry room, and then corporate garage, separate garage, or whatever they are, you know, yeah, I basically it’s going into it. I just can’t do it. The house needs work and everything like that. A little bit of work, as far as, like, just Payne and crap like that stuff. And I can’t, I can’t pay it, you know, gotcha, I’m sick. I have cancer, so hard, but I can’t do it like I’m here right now, while we’re talking, yeah, and it’s just, it’s just too much already I’ve been in my father passed away suddenly, so it was like out of nowhere, and all my money went to that because he didn’t have another paperwork ready or anything.

So here I’m stuck with the loan. And I kind of, it’s the loans at 40,000 it’s like 39 okay? Like, basically two properties. I would rather at this point it’s like, either sell it or come up with the reinstatement money. Gotcha. And do you have a reinstatement loan on the property? That needs to be either I either sell it, I either sell it or rein it. And how much money should we say is like six? No, it’s at eight. Now, eight something, okay. And how many months behind are you? Quite a few things. Only 438, a month. But because I’ve been thinking everything, and when I just feel good, I try to get out here, but I just, I can’t, I don’t have the money coming in to do it. No more. Gotcha. Well, hey, I’m sorry to hear that. Um, I would love to, I’d love to help you. You know, there’s, there’s a couple ways that we can do this. I can make you a cash offer, which is obviously simple, straight to the point, it’s, you know, as is, there’s, there’s also some other ways that we can do this. I’d love to what type of loan is on the property.

It’s a home equity loan. Okay, gotcha. And you said the payments $438 modified or nothing? Yeah, it’s only four $30 a month. And the thing is that usually wouldn’t be a problem, but I can’t, I just I can’t do it. I If I could do it, I would do it, you know, but I can’t work or nothing because I’m sick all the time. I can’t be around people because I have a little immune system and because of covid and all that other stuff, I just it’s become a issue. Okay, okay, well, sorry to hear that. If you were to sell it, do you have another place to go? Oh, yes, you know, if I sell it, it should pay off the loan, of course, you know, like some of it. I was hoping to get some so I could, yeah, I have another place to go. Okay, yeah, no, got you. I just want to make sure, because a lot of times people don’t think that through, like, hey, I want to sell it. But okay, do you have another place to go? Because when we sell, yeah, no, I do. Good. Good, that’s good. How about we talk about what? What is the total amount on the loan owed is? What? Oh, it’s 39 so you owe 39 and that includes the reinstatement. No, that’s not included in the reinstatement. That’s part of the loan.

It’s just to get it up to date. So that’s that’s like passive balance, basically. Okay, so 39,000 plus 39,000 plus eight? No, it’s only 30 No, it’s only 39 so the eight that I have to pay is already out of the 39 it’s a previous balance that I haven’t paid. And then after that, it’s whatever the you know what I mean, gotcha? Okay, 39 Yeah. So 39,000 total is what after that? Yeah, okay, perfect. And how much are you hoping to get on top of the 39 you know, at close, to be honest, I wouldn’t be happy with just 30. You know, 30 would be great. I mean, I’ll go to 25 but it’s because I was trying to talk away like it’s two properties. It’s actually, I don’t know what, how am I gonna put it for my dad and then? But it’s two separate properties put together. And there’s two houses. There’s just one house. The first house, the 530 unit, is valued at 125 it says, but like this is that this has the WoW and the light and everything. And then there’s the other property next door that has a house in the garage for mechanical and that has a pole, and I think that it runs off of this one, and also uses a wild water, also this one, you know, like, I would be happy, to be honest, I would be happy with 30.

Like, if I could go to 25 I’d be happy to at this point. I’m just tired. Yeah, and if, if I was to be, I don’t think I could do it if I was, if I was to be, if I could get to that number. When would you want to close? Because the better that I because I’ve been doing this for since last year, I’ve been trying to take care of it, trying to do it and do it, do it, and it just is. I just tired. I can’t do it more. It’s a lot of work, and I’m all by myself doing it. I don’t have nobody to, you know, depend on all the money they have. Like I said, it went already into so I don’t have a campaign, nobody, and it’s a rural talent. Yeah, no, I understand. So let me just tell you a little bit how the process works. If I was to be able to get to an agreeable price, what we do is, we, we, I send you our agreement.

We all sign our agreement, right? And then I’ll open escrow with the title company, and then we’ll push it to close. They’ll put their clear clear title for me, make sure the liens are all paid off. And then when we close, I typically expect the home to be vacant, but there are certain situations where the the homeowner needs to close the house to get money in order to move. Is that the situation that you’ll be in? No, there’s pretty much the house is vacant already. The house doesn’t really have anything in it. The home doesn’t Oh, so you’re not living there where there’s stuff. No, I Come in. I come as much as I can. But no, I’m not living here right now. Gotcha, my mom has an RV park, and so I stay with my mom. Okay, so you’re ready to go? Okay, that makes sense, yeah, yeah. I mean, it’s ready for somebody to just do whatever they want with it. Basically, there’s fruit trees, all kinds of things, you know. Well, I’m just running through some numbers. I’m looking at comps here as we’re talking and Anita, it looks like our number would be right at $60,000 total. So if I take the 60 and i minus out your 39 that leaves 21,000 would that be enough to in order to get this done? You know what? Yeah, that’s fine. Okay, I’ll do it. So what I’ll do Anita is, the house in your name? No, it’s on the successor.

It’s in my grandpa’s name, or my grandpa and my dad’s name, but it’s Joe covid. And then, like I said, I had she thought people were gonna do like the thing to become the successor. So it’s up to me, I guess, now, or whatever, is all of that work done? Is that process taken care of, or do you still need to do? Yeah, yeah, that’s a successor. The successive process is taking care of, yeah? Because what will happen is, I will, I’m going to send you a I’m going to send you a contract with the owner that is on title and you’re going to sign it, and then when I send it to the title company, the title company is going to want to see the documentation that you have the power to sign on their behalf, because they’re passed away. So that makes sense. Okay, yeah, well, yeah. Well, I’m only legitimate child employee.
Well, I’m just, I’m just saying that because all the paperwork they need, yeah, I know I understand what you’re saying, but, yeah, no, but that’s fine. Okay, perfect, all right, so what I’ll do is I just don’t know exactly if they need certain paperwork, but like my Bucha or the baby, the title company will tell us, will tell us everything that they need in order to be able to, you know, have clear title with you, signing on their behalf. So they’ll tell us everything that we need.

All right, so I just want to verify your name. I want to verify your email. Here. It’s at gmail.com@gmail.com you. Yes. Okay, so within the hour, you’ll have the agreement in your email. Just to click of the button, you can sign it. You have any questions with it, call me, and then once that’s executed, we’ll send it to the title company and open escrow right away. Okay, that sounds great. Anita, awesome. Hey, we’ll get this done and make it as smooth as possible. So we’ll get this off your plate. Okay, alright. Thank you so much. Hey, thank you. Talk to you soon. Did we just get a deal? That’s we just got a deal. Ring the bell. Baby, hold on, let me get the time. Oh yeah, baby, oh, we do. Got a bell. Baby, we got a deal. Baby, let’s go. I mean, we can’t, we can’t complain about that. Everybody watching, if you, if you noticed the four pillars of wholesale, Price, Condition, motivation and timeline, right? Those are the four pillars of wholesale. And so to get information on all four of those things in that phone call is pretty important.

Now, my opinion, motivation is the most important one. You want to find that out, yeah, timeline, in time. You know, timing might be their motivation. Condition might be their motivation. You know, a death in the family, and also just be you. You know, to get all this information on these four pillars for wholesale, just make the calls, talk to people, and figure out your style of being comfortable, so people can just feel the genuine you. That’s what people are attracted to, and that’s what they love. If they feel you’re genuine and they feel you truly do want to help, then you’re going to have a lot of success in this business. Yeah, it’s the Speed of Trust, right? Like, if they can feel that you have their best interest in mind, and when you not that, you playing it off. When you really do have their best interests in mind, that’s when you skyrocket, like, when you really, genuinely want this their success more than you want money. That’s when this business becomes really you do really well. Because I tell every seller, go list the property.

You’re going to make more money. You’re going to make more money if you just go do it all yourself. And many times, like, I don’t want to do that. I want it done. I want it done for me. I want it easy. So, like, Okay, let’s go. So we’re always telling them their options. We’re not hiding anything, like crossing our fingers until close, at the close date, and hoping they figure they don’t figure out, like something else, right? Like something we’ve held back. That’s just not how this business works. Yeah. I mean, the concept of wholesaling is pretty simple, right? That’s why the name of my company is 123, closed, like we just did, you find a motivated seller, you write a contract on that home and you sell the contract. 123, closed. That’s simple in and of itself, right? But then now to make a business out of it, that’s what people struggle with. And so anyway, so communication like we’re talking about is key in this business. I’m going to be in constant communication with Anita. I can tell she’s under a lot of stress. She’s got a lot of anxiety, she’s got a lot of stuff going on, and this house is just causing even more stress and anxiety in her life.

So my team will be in communication with her all along the way. And if something happens and this condition is just awful. And I can’t, I can’t do anything with this house. The best thing I can do is communicate with her and not just go dark. Don’t be dark on people that just that ruins our industry, the name, our name in this industry, right? That’s why wholesalers, they, a lot of them, do have a bad rap, because they’re just getting in the business. They tie up a deal, they’re like, yeah, and then they realize they overpaid for it, and they don’t know how to have that conversation with the seller, and so they just go dark Exactly.

Well, one last thing I wanted to add is the price can be kind of deceiving when it comes to the four pillars, right? Like a lot of times, people will say, I want what Zillow says, just because they they’re not going to lowball themselves, right? They don’t even know what they that house really is worth. So they just say a number. So if someone ever gives you a high price. Don’t ever be like, Oh, they’re not motivated, right? But obviously is indicator if they’re like, Yeah, I know the house is in that good shape. I would take this and it’s right in the money. That’s when you’re like, okay, they’re motivated. They they already know, but a lot of times people don’t know. So anyway, I just thought I’d add that, hey, it was a good day today. And remember, hey, if you’re in this business, you’re in this business to help people. These people are coming to you because there’s an issue there. They have something going on in their life that they need help with. So help them. Don’t just try and make all the money you can and screw somebody over. I mean, genuinely find a solution that works for your business and works for this homeowner that is in duress and is having problems.

I would say there’s probably not a lot of people that been in this business for a long time who are have that mentality that they screw people. Maybe there’s the fly by nights that like, get in they do something, but you don’t last. You don’t last in business, being dishonest, not being, you know, not working ethically. It’s just doesn’t work. So anyway, for people who’ve been in business for a while, that’s how you do it. Guys, you’re welcome. JW is giving you a shout out Lane saying you got the wisdom and the motivation. And I got a quote about wisdom. Wisdom is the fruit that takes time to ripen, and you know, so, guys, you got to take action. You got it takes time. If you want to get it, you want to get wisdom like Lane’s got.

He’s been in it for a long time. Time, you know, Yeah, boy. Love you all. Go out there and do good. Do good things. Help people. All right, catch you guys later. Have a great day. Bye, everybody. Hey, everybody. What’s up? It’s Nathan Payne, and for the first time ever, we just released this insane training bundle that has literally everything that I’ve learned from doing a combined 4000 deals in real estate, all from starting with absolutely no previous business background experience or any real estate experience, plus there’s over $19,000 worth of free gifts that we’re throwing in all for an insanely low, low price. If you want to get your hands on this, be sure to click the first link on the description below right now.


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