Hey everybody what’s going on? It’s Nathan Payne. Today we’re just gonna go over JV basics. This is just a basic overview of what JV means. So JV JV stands for joint venturing. So what that means is, if someone has a deal that they have under contract, whether it’s a wholesale Yeah, mainly is wholesale a wholesaler that you might know they have a deal, and you will help them find a buyer for that property. And then you can either add your commission on top of their fee, or you guys can split the wholesale fee that you make, you can do a 7030 split, you can do a 5050 You can do whatever you want. But Jay being basically is having reaching out to a wholesaler that has a house under contract and helping them find an end buyer, a cash buyer that will close the deal, and you just need the proper paperwork, which we will provide you in this course to do it. So we’ve done several JV deals. And, you know, basically, we’re going to show you in this course, you know, the paperwork, how to find them, how to work them, how to find the buyers forum, you know, we’ll teach you all that but it’s basically finding the end buyer for someone that has the deal under contract
How to drive for dollars and be successful? | Virtual Real Estate Investing
What is going on guys? How you guys doingn today? Howdy. Howdy, what’s up? What’s up? Yo what’s up? Everybody. If you’re watching today and