When I crawled into a condemned house! | Wholesaling Real Estate Story Time (EPISODE 10)

Hmm, okay, what’s going on? My wholesaling story time, friends, my real estate investors, my people all across the world. I got a story to tell you guys. I’m a little embarrassed to tell it to you now, thinking back of what the heck I was doing, it’s a little embarrassing. But hey, I gotta give you guys the raw truth. That’s why I’m doing wholesaling real estate story time. So you guys can see exactly what it’s like when you’re starting, getting started as a real estate investor, and the lengths and what you’re willing to do to get them deals.

So hey, look, if it’s a little embarrassing, that’s okay. That’s why we’re sharing these stories together. So if you haven’t been to Nathan Payne’s wholesaling real estate story time hails from the trenches, here’s another episode. We’re pretty deep into the story of how I got started, how I went from zero knowledge, zero deals, no money to get started in this business, to doing over $2 million in assignment fees, doing hundreds of deals. I’m here to break down the good, the bad, the ugly, the fun, the painful, the painless.

Let’s dive in. All right, by the way, if you’re not subscribed to the the weekly newsletter where I drop stories and tell you guys what, what’s happened in my journey, and what to avoid, what not to do, and what mistakes not to make, like I made. Go to paynelessflipping.com it’s absolutely free. You get a free calculator on how to analyze deals, and we send you more stories and more resources every week for free. Why not? Because I wanted to do this. I thought it’d be good tell engaging stories, fun stories, and also give you guys stuff. So check it out. payneslessflipping.com, subscribe if you

haven’t. So let’s dive into this story. So I’m about six, seven months into my journey in 2018 Okay, and by the way, got it all documented. So I’m not just making this stuff up. Me and Corey are driving for dollars. Okay, that’s something that we did. We would go two or three hours a day, drive for dollars that by the end of the day, our necks would be hurt so bad we have big headaches because we’d be driving me and him, and I’d be turning my neck looking around for deals. And just right now properties marking it with our batch leads, with our apps that we’re using at the time. And yeah, so we were just looking for property. So we’re in West Valley, which is on the west side of Salt Lake City of Utah, and the west side, and the part where we’re at, it was a little rundown. And there was this one street, I think it’s called Lenten street or lixton Street. I can’t remember off the top of my head, but the road was just jacked up. The pavement was bad. It just when you drove, there were potholes everywhere. And this just had really bad houses on it. So me and him are driving for dollars. We’re marking houses, almost every house on the street or marking, and I’m like, Hey, look at that house. That house is terrible condition. And as we’re driving, we see it, man, just walking on the street. And this goes back to my mission days, where I talk to everybody about Jesus. I would just go to people and say,

Hey, would you like to hear about Jesus? Would you like to hear about what happens after you die? And like, you know, the the plan that God has for you? So I was used to going up to people, and whether I’m in a car or if they’re just walking on the street, to go talk to them. So I saw a older gentleman walking and Corey, I get out of the car, say, Hey, sir, I’m sorry to bother you, but, uh, we’re looking to buy houses in there. You were cash buyers. Are you selling a house by chance? And he says, yeah, that house right there, the one that I just told Cory that it looked terrible.

He’s like, That’s my house. And I was like, for real, wow, okay, are you open to selling it, sir? And he’s like, Yeah, I just signed a contract with Joe home I don’t think it was Joe home buyer. I think it was speedy homebuyer, something. He says, I just signed a contract with those guys the other day to sell it. And I was like, Well, what were they gonna buy it for? And he’s like, I think, like, $60,000 and I’m like, what I think I can pay more than that, sir, would you sell to me if I could give you more money? And he’s like, Yeah, of course. So he pulls out the contract. I’m talking this is a real estate contract that’s assignable. He pulls it out, out of his pockets, all dirty. And he’s like, this is what I signed. And at that time, I didn’t really know much about like, if someone had signed with another investor, like, if, what could you do? Could you beat them? But later realized that there was a notice of default that they could file, and we also didn’t want to, like, go behind the other guy’s back and steal it, but, like, we were also brand new, and we were like, oh, man, we want deals. We want deals. So we were trying to figure out ways that we could just make it happen. Like, maybe we could buy if they fell through. We’re like, hey, well, when is he going to close? Because if he’s not going to close, you know? And he asked for extension, we can just go with you. We you can go with us. And he was like, yeah, they’re supposed to close, like, in two days. So if they don’t, I’ll work with you guys. So I’m looking at the house. It’s all boarded up. It’s literally condemned.

It says on the door, like, condemn. Like, do not go inside. So I’m like, wow, so that’s your house? He’s like, Yeah. I’m like, do you live in there right now? He’s like, Yeah, I live in there, me and my girlfriend. And I’m like, Oh, really. Like, how are you living in there? So it’s condemned. It’s all boarded up. He’s like, Ah, man, they boarded it up. And I just took the boards off the back window, and now I’m living in there. And I was like, wow, okay, well, in my thought process was like, Well, let me I felt like I needed to go see the house, like the condition, in case the other guys dipped. I wouldn’t need to know, like, what we’re getting into. I don’t know what I was thinking. The house is condemned. There’s really no, absolutely no reason to look inside. It’s condemned. It’s it’s not in good shape. The house is falling apart. But I was like, why not? Let’s go give it a shot.

Let’s go see what this house is like. So Cory pulls the car over. I’m like, you coming in court? He’s like, I ain’t going into that house. Corey is like, I’m not going anywhere near that thing. So I go around back. I feel like the guy’s gonna, like, open the door, or there’s a door back there. He took the board off. The guy climbs in through a window, and it’s pitch black in there, guys, it’s condemned. There’s no electricity, there’s no running waters, nothing in this house. It’s just black. And he’s like, you can come through the window if you want to see I’m like, Whoa. I don’t know if I want to see it that bad. I’m sure. I’m sure it’s bad. I don’t need to go through the window, sir, it’s okay. And he’s like, no, no, no, it’s okay. Let me get the board off the door. So I’m like, it’s getting kind of weird now, but I’ve already committed. I’m already in. So he goes and gets a drill from inside his house. His girlfriend, I don’t see her, but she’s like, what’s going on? I can hear from inside the house after he climbed in the window, and he comes back out with a drill and starts unscrewing all the boards on the back door. And he’s like, looking around, like, obviously he’s not supposed to be in this condemned house. It’s condemned. He’s not supposed to live there. But he’s just undrilling.

He’s like, Yeah, unscrewing the boards. And he takes the board off. He’s like, come inside, young man. And at this point, I don’t know what I’m thinking, but I’ve already, like, I said I’m already in. I’m already knee deep in. So I’m like, okay, Corey, look back at Corey. He’s like, I’m not going in there. So I go in there. I gotta turn on there’s no lights in there. The roof’s caved like falling in. I could have probably died. But I turn on my phone, I turn on the flashlight, and I start looking around. And guys, what do you think I saw? Absolute nothing but trash. Like, there was trash everywhere. It was the roof, like was, like I said, caving in. There was mattresses and crap everywhere. The bathroom just had nasty. There’s no plumbing. There’s no toilet, so they were just pooping in buckets. It was, it was terrible. What was I thinking? There were needles everywhere, and I was climbing over stuff. And I said, I thought I might have, like, if I got cut, I was definitely gonna get tetanus or something. But after, I would say, being polite and not judging, and just looking through and saying, oh, okay, I leave, and I say, Sir, I’ve seen enough. I’m definitely interested in buying your house.

If these guys don’t come through, what’s your number? And you know, he ended up giving us his number, and we ended up following up with him, and the other guys ended up closing on it, okay, but I think they beat him up, like they beat him up on price, and they actually got it for a lot less than, like, 80 or 60. And we were just late. We were late to the, I guess, late to the the party. You know, they beat us. They got they beat our offer. Not even beat our offer. They they won the offer, the head of the contract. And we didn’t feel right, obviously, like we’re not stealing deals from anybody. We didn’t feel right about trying to get in their metal. So we were just there in case they didn’t close and they did. So just a crazy story of something I would never do. Now, if I see a guy on the street say, hi, you want to say, Are you selling? And he says, yeah, that’s my condemned house. Would you like to crawl through a window and look at it? And that’s an absolute no for me, even if he under, like, unscrews the boards on the door and says, Come on in. I’m not going in there, not even close. But back in the day, when I first started, I really wanted a deal, and I was willing to do whatever it took to learn. So what you can learn from this story is you do not have to go into a condemned house to see the condition of the property.

That’s all I got to tell you guys. I was going in there because I was, Oh, I got to see what kind of condition this is in. Not even important. Don’t do it if it’s got boards on it, if it’s condemned, if the city isn’t allowing anyone to live in it, no need to walk at anybody just freaking. Just make your your offer. That makes sense, and get out of there. There’s no reason. So if any of you are in a situation like that, I hope this video helps you out. I know this is a no brainer, but it was not for me when I first started. But I’ve been in this for a while, and now I know, you know, unfortunately, you got to learn the painful way. Even though I tell people I can make it painless, I think I can make it painless for people because I’ve done the painful things and I’ve learned. And maybe you guys are like, that’s you’re dumb, man. I didn’t I don’t need to do that to learn. Well, hey, I’m just giving you the story.

I went through. Didn’t get the deal, but hey, it was an interesting story, interesting experience of meeting a guy who just happened to pull out a real estate contract from another wholesaler that was selling two days later. What are the chances? I don’t know, but it was fun. And guys, I hope you enjoy your weekend. This has been another episode of The wholesaling real estate Story Time with Nathan Payne, tales from the trenches. And literally, I was in the trenches on this house. I feel like my foot got stuck in a trench while I was walking this condemned house. Don’t do what I did. Be smart, be savvy. You do not have to go see a condemned home. Subscribe to the newsletter, paynessflipping.com so you can learn a little bit more about my stories and the resources we’re giving you for free. Hope you enjoyed this one. We’ll see on the next one. Peace out.

Hey everybody. What’s up? It’s Nathan Payne, and for the first time ever, we just released this insane training bundle that has literally everything that I’ve learned from doing a combined 4000 deals in real estate, all from starting with absolutely no previous business background experience or any real estate experience, plus there’s over $19,000 worth of free gifts that we’re throwing in, all for insanely low, low price. If you want to get your hands on this, be sure to click the first link on the description below right now.


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