Wholesaling Real Estate Ring: How to Talk to a Motivated Seller? (LIVE SELLER CALL)

Let’s call some sellers, just so you guys know, like, this is not scripted. I don’t even know if these people are going to answer. I hope they do, and that’s why I wanted to make sure and go over that deal in Arizona that was lead that came in yesterday, in case some of these people don’t answer, like, I haven’t said anything up.

You’re showing people what this is really like. It’s not like you they answer and they’re just like, hey, how you doing, sir? What can I you know you gotta, you got a call a couple times and but as you do that, I’ll write down kind of the steps you’re taking. So Jodi Davis is her name. I don’t know if I’m allowed to say that or not. She came in as a lead this morning. And it is Upland. Well, the street is upland, Ridge, Northwest Conyers, Georgia. Oh, God, I do a lot of a lot of advertising in and around Atlanta.

And this is a suburb of Atlanta. I love Atlanta. Great market, great wholesale market. Lot of cash buyers, a lot of investors, a lot of hedge funds, lot of all the above, right there. Brother, I grew up in barrieta, Georgia.

Oh, that’s right, I knew that. Let’s call her man. What’s up? Let’s call her as we’re talking I’ll probably get like, Zillow, Redfin, realtor.com, open and stuff just but let’s call her see if we can get on the phone first. That just makes it real when you’re looking at something or when you’re talking
to them. Hello, is this Jody?
What’s calling? Jody? My name is lane. I am calling because you had filled out some information on one of our websites about your property that you’re trying to sell on upland ridge. Yes. How are you today? I’m fine. Good. Well, Jody, I wanted to reach out.

I appreciate you finding us. What can you tell me about what you got going on there with that property? I’m not sure what you’re asking. Well, just tell me a little bit about it. I want to sell it like what?
Okay. I mean, do you have a Do you have a timeline that you’re looking to do that in? I still have a better Okay, well, you came to the right place. We are a cash buyer, so, you know, we can close quick. We can buy it as is. Obviously, there’s no real estate commissions or closing costs involved in it.

So is the property currently vacant? Is it something you’re looking to do quick? No, I live in the property. Okay, so do you you already have another place to go and to live? Are you looking to, like, maybe rent back after we close for a little while until you find a place to go? Um, yeah, it probably needs, like, 30 days after the closing date to be able to move out. Okay, well, we can accommodate.

I just wanted to see, like, maybe a quote that you, you guys can give, or something, I don’t know,
give a quote? Yeah, no, totally understandable. What’s got you moving me and my ex fiance bought the house together more, so we’re just trying to sell it.
So is he on title?
I’m sorry, is he on title, like, is he owner of the home as well? Yes. Okay, so also,
okay, he’s on board.
Yeah, he’s on board. We just, I just wanted to get a quote on how much you guys offer. We already got a quote from open door. But I saw this ad on,
I think YouTube and it was telling you guys to quote too. So I just wanted to see who was the better option. Yeah, yeah, no, we definitely do. What did the open door offer you 213 Okay, so I’ve sold a lot of houses to open door.

I know how they operate. And just out of curiosity, have you made sure that’s like the net number to you? Because a lot of times they’ll give a price, and then if you accept it, then they take out all their fees. Out of that number, yeah, they told me that. He told me the fees were, I can’t remember.

They told me the fees or something like that. I think it was like 30,600
or something. So is that number that the 213 is that after they’ve taken out the fees? No, that’s before they take out the fees. Okay? And so what would be the net to you currently, we owe 163 on the house. Okay, well, I was trying to get to the bottom of what open doors offer was. So if they said 213, and then there’s how much in fees off of that, I think it was like 3000 he said, For offer all the fees. So it would be like 210,000
maybe 209,000
that they would give us. Okay, and have they been out to see the property yet? No, okay, yeah, we got an appraisal. Currently, the appraisal is 230,002
30 Okay, yeah.

And how’s the overall condition of the home? Everything’s fine with it. The only thing is the that storm that does happen, that tornado that touched down over by us, there’s a portion of the roof that the shingles came off of. So I tried to get it covered by the insurance. They said it was like $4,000
to fix it, but that’s like as much as my deductible. So they just, you know, I’m just gonna have to fix it $4,000
well, I’ll be honest with you, that’s a pretty dang good offer, if that’s what they’re willing to do cash. Just be aware that, like I said, I’ve sold a lot of houses to the buyers, and you know, they’ll give you a price.

They’ll send. An agreement. You sign the agreement, and then they come out and do their inspection, or their walk through, and then they hit you again for a price reduction for repairs. We always pride ourselves in if, when we go to contract, we do everything possible, we’re not going to ask for a price reduction. And so I would just be aware of that, and just, you know, make sure you look out for that. Because it sounds like, yeah, to me, that that’s a very good offer.

I mean, I, I wouldn’t be able to get to that number of 210 I might, I might be able to get close to 200 and that would, you know, like I said, if once I get my guy over there to walk it and take the pictures and everything, and if it’s, you know, put together like we’re talking about, I think that I could probably get close to 200 okay, that’s okay, though. Thank you. Okay, hey, I really appreciate you reaching out. Have you ever explored other options? Oh, I got hung up on a girl is sassy, bro.

That was, that was good guys. That’s what you call a smooth operator. That was great, bro. She She kind of, she kind of rattled you a little bit in the beginning, dude, because she’s like, What are you talking about? You’re like, I think my question is pretty clear. Tell
me what are you talking about? Open Doors. Hard to open doors, hard to compete with. But, I mean, I’ve done it so many times, time and time again, it’s like, they give that price, and they don’t tell the the owner that their fees are going to come out of that. And then they also don’t have any estimated rehab so once they sign the agreement, then then they go out there, they do their inspection, they’re like, Oh, well, we need $25,000 for repairs. So what’s the plan on this one? I would definitely, this is definitely a motivated seller, mainly because the situation. And I wrote it down, everybody, if you guys don’t, didn’t see it. She broke up with her ex. So they broke up. She has an ex fiance. They want to sell. He’s in the hospital.

We didn’t really go too deep in that, which is fine, but there’s obviously something going on. They probably need the money. She owes 163 she got an appraisal at 230 I don’t really care about appraisals.

I’m sure the ARV of this property about looking at it, maybe it’s like 252 60 or something. So two, you know, Redfin’s got a 261 right? So like, even to get you close to 200 on a cash it’d probably be tight. Honestly, I was throwing it out there kind of to gage her response, to see if there’s any, even any discussion after she has her open door offer. And yeah, I know for sure. And you know, is really interested, like, you 200 is still pretty close to the 210 and she’s like, Okay, thank you. Like, there’s something I don’t know. There’s something going on. Do you mind if I give you a critique lane or no critique? Oh, please.

I don’t want to roast you. And same with me, when I make calls, critique me. I would just when I when you called her, sounded like she might have been in the middle of something, or she might she was just like, kind of like, what? Like, Oh, dude, you’re right. You’re totally right. I should have asked if this was a good time. That’s the one thing I’d recommend, because she you kind of went right into it. And I feel like you almost yourself.

I could feel like, maybe you felt like, you know, I gotta get through this quick with that one question, Hey, did I catch you at a bad time? Or do you have 510 minutes to talk you comfortable? To, you know, talking through good feedback for sure? Yeah, for sure. Couple things I want to touch on, as far as positives, though, guys, what and again, like a testament to being, been doing this for a minute, right? Guys, when in the beginning, right? She was kind of a little bit of a aggressive tone, right? She sounded like she didn’t really want to be on the phone, or she sounded like she was about to hang up any second. Right? One wrong word, yeah, if you guys noticed, he smoothly, he just kept moving the conversation forward, right? Naturally. And you know what happened? And this is what happens with with so many sellers, right? It might start off rough, but when you keep just kind of moving the ball forward, it smooths out.

They get in the groove of it, and then it turned into a perfectly fine conversation, right? And you just had to work through that little bit of of that upfront barrier, that smoke screen that they put up initially, right? So kind of keep moving through that process and kind of, no matter how their tone is in the beginning.

And then the other thing that I love, that you that you did, like, pro, pro move guys, the other offer, right? She’s like, Oh, open door. 213, guys, this is so great. You weren’t like, oh, man, they’re lying this that, no, pushed her to, like, that’s a great offer.

You should take that, like, absolutely hands up, guys, whenever there’s an and especially because the thing is, is, you know, you know how the process goes, even if you’re like, oh, wait, but that’s not a real offer. Blah, blah, blah, and you kind of gave her a little bit of a heads up, which is good, like, Oh, hey, just keep an eye out for these things.

But when you’re like, Yeah, that’s a really good offer, you should move forward with that. The thing is, you’re perfectly setting yourself up for when she does move forward with them, and then they walk in, they’re like, Yeah, we need to be 30 grand less. She’s gonna feel disgusted at that company and feel like, you know they wrong.

And then that’s when she’s like, Hey, you know what lane I had a really good conversation with lane. I don’t know what price exactly he’s gonna be at, but he was nine.
I liked him, I trusted him.

I’m gonna have a conversation with lane. Either I’m gonna call him back, or when he sends me a follow up text, call, or whatever, I’m gonna continue that conversation.

Now the funny thing is, even if you’re at the same price or lower, she would rather do the deal with you than with the other guys that misled her and kind of made her feel this really bad experience, and that’s where people love it when they feel you’re genuine. Yeah, 100% so yeah, that was, I just wanted to throw that out there.

That was, that was good. That’s really great conversation lane. Um, actually, do you want to, you want to give any feedback, or you or not? Like, what did you learn? I got, I got someone from the the venom at he listened. Do you have anything that you learned? No, I’m a punching bag. Give it to me.

I thought you did good. You handled it very well. I like the range offer that you put on there. I would have kind of pressed a little bit different myself. Is, Hey, okay, great. When she mentioned the 163
Hey, you know what if you can walk away with 2030, or $40,000 in your account within the next 14 to 21 days. I know we’re a little close on that gap, but I thought that you got a lot of good information. You handled it very well. You push right through her objections. I think she will be, you know, she’s still looking so I don’t think that it’s, it’s a dead deal.

Yeah, they’re still that’s at the end, when she hung up on me when I asked her, have you explored any other options. You know, that’s how I can roll into creative or Novation, right? But I got hung up on but sub two and and seller finance is very difficult in a breakup. You know, you got to be
tired. They want, they want their money, right? They want their money. And they’re like, Nah, you ain’t making payments to us like we’re done, and get us out of here. So, Elaine, this is really good, because this situation that we all just saw, it happens a lot, because you just talked to someone that was motivated. I would say, like, yes, pursue this, but it kind of ended kind of like either she just hung up, kind of rude, a little bit to be honest. What are you going to do now? Would you call her again tomorrow and just act like that didn’t happen? Would you text her and say, Hey, sorry.

I might have caught you at a wrong time, but I still have a couple questions. What’s your what’s your plan? She is definitely going to be in my follow up campaign until she opts out, so I put them in my follow up and yes, I will call her. I’ll probably give her more than a day. I’ll probably give her a couple days, and just see how it’s going with that offer, with open door, and just say, Hey, I’m I’m here. We’re, you know, our love to give you a final offer if anything happens so, and then she’ll be in my follow up. You know, she’ll constantly giving, get, be getting text messages and emails from us until she opts out. That’s definitely not turning into a dead lead. Okay, that is, that is a very motivated seller, right there.

Yes, it is one thing that I would do if are you just, if this was my lead. I would text her right now and just like, hey, sorry. It seemed like I might have caught you at a bad time. I am really interested in the property still, and there’s a couple options. I didn’t explain to you how I can buy properties. Love to hop back on in a couple days, or after you get your final offer from open door.

Love to, you know, be a victim service. I think something like that, yeah. Because I think if like, you you don’t really engage or, like, get back with her until later. I don’t know. I just would just touch on that and just be like, Hey, I’m here. So awesome. Yeah, yeah, Lane, and I hope you, you’re cool. I appreciate you. Just this feedback, this I’m the same. Calls, I love you guys are gonna have a lot for me, just because there’s so much to remember, guys, I’m telling you, that’s why it’s such a skill set.

Like a lot of people think, when they get into this game, they can just hop on in their clothes and deals. It’s like, Guys, this took second years for lane and me and Nathan to master the skill and even get it’s a daily thing. It’s a like, no one is born a great salesman, right? Some people can be born at communicating and talking well. But the being a salesman, it’s practice. Like you talk to the best sales guys, they practice every day.

So just if you don’t feel like you’re good, it’s okay. It takes practice and it takes time. 100% agree. Hey everybody, what’s up? It’s Nathan Payne, and for the first time ever, we just released this insane training bundle that has literally everything that I’ve learned from doing a combined 4000 deals in real estate, all from starting with absolutely no previous business background experience or any real estate experience, plus there’s over $19,000 worth of free gifts that we’re throwing in, all for insanely low, low price. If you want to get your hands on this, be sure to click the first link on the description below right now.


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