How David Turned Gas Money into $5k with Driving for Dollars – Payneless Flipping Podcast

In this video, we’re going to have a special guest, David LaMorte. David will share with us today how he turned his Gas Money into $5k with Driving for Dollars. Learn how he did it and his real estate investing journey. Check this video to know more.

What is going on everybody? This is Nathan Payne about Thrive nation. Thanks for tuning in. I got my man right here, David the truth, remorse. Hey, what’s up, bro?

What’s going on? Thanks for having me here.

Always a pleasure to hop on here with you, man and I love bring you on because you just got another deal, right? You just got paid?

I did. I did, I got paid, I did it in a way that is not as competence move but more of a payneless way. Got it done bro

That’s what we’re all about is doing things the payneless way because as you grow, there’s a lot of opportunities that are going to be hit Yeah. And obviously you can’t do everything. You can’t do the whole process all the way through yourself. So you got to leverage other people, you got to network. And honestly, I was listening to podcast by Alex remotely. And he said that leverage is the key to wealth. You want to make more money, you got to leverage more people. So everything what you just did you were able to leverage your buyer buyers able to leverage you. And you didn’t have to go through the whole process to do this whole deal. From start to finish. You got paid the payneless way for doing a piece of the puzzle. So David, come on. Tell us what happened. Man, you just made 5k And it wasn’t a wholesale fee. You didn’t have to sign any contract or any paperwork. You got paid through an invoice. Is that right or no? You got paid through a Zell?

I did. I got paid through Zell. Which it’s funny too, because I didn’t know you could get more someone told me you can only get 2500. But I guess the 5k went through and I think as you get more, they’ll allow you so yeah, man, just like you said leveraging relationships. I mean, I never really I’m starting to understand that just more and more when people say you know, relationships. It’s who you know, is like kind of cliche, but it’s cliche for a reason. And so I met with a buyer close locally, and we went to the mall we met up it was cool, good vibes. And he showed me a little bit how he drives for dollars. So I’ve been driving for dollars for you know, a couple months. Now one of the houses that I tagged, basically what happened is was one of the houses that got tagged mailer got sent did and they called Not me, they called my buyer and he right away and got it sold. And wow, since he was able to close on it. He just paid me right from there, bro.

That’s amazing. And this is the thing, a lot of people might be like, well, what could your buyer make? Like, did he if he wholesaler flipped it? What did he make? And he gave you 5k? Some people might look at that as like the glass half empty, they might be like, Oh, well, you know, what did they really, it doesn’t matter in this because the thing is you you never you leverage him, he leveraged you, you worked together, and you didn’t have to worry about that. And that’s kind of like the way we work with buyers too. It’s like, hey, if I’m making a foul $1,000, my wholesale fee or 50,000, you shouldn’t care buyer, you shouldn’t care what I make. And it’s kind of same thing with us like you mark the property, it hit him he took care of the whole thing. You didn’t even know what was going on. Right?

No bed. Yeah, and I hope he makes 50k or more because I don’t think we even talk about this, because we’ll see what happens as it flips. But if it goes through, then I might be able to get an extra on the back end. But I’m just happy with what I got. But that’s just a little possibility over there.

So bro, let’s go. So you were able to develop a relationship enough with a buyer that you know is willing to pay you and you didn’t have to sign any, you know, you didn’t have to lock it up in a wholesale agreement and then assign it to him. He just sent you a Zell. Now that’s exactly the relationships that I’m talking about not you want to develop relationships with people where there’s trust involved. And obviously people are like, you can’t trust anybody. But look, you can get on the level with people, I believe, to a certain extent where you feel that trust, right, maybe like someday they might get crazy, but that’s on them, you know, we’re doing our part. And you by you driving for dollars, helping them out, he was able to make money, you’re able to make money, you’re able to learn, right? And you can do the exact same thing. You know, we’re going to the Tampa market right now to help you out because you’re one of the you know, the three months three deals, students that we’re working with. And we’re going to do the same thing. We’re going to network with people say, Hey, you mark properties, if you got some hit us up, and we’ll do the same thing. It’s all about leverage. It’s all about networking, and getting deals with little to no marketing spend. That’s Michael, I want to be profitable.

Yeah, man. 100% It really is about, you know, finding people that you can be honest with and yourself with. And transparency is huge. And just like, you know, this guy that I’m working with, I mean, it’s funny, because it’s like, I mean, he’s a buyer, but in a way I kind of don’t think of it that way, at least in the way that you know, maybe when you get started, you think of buyers or it’s like this big and even when title companies protect them, it’s like this thing that’s like, Oh, you want the buyers or when you work with other wholesalers sometimes it’s like no one wants to give up their buyers. And it’s like, oh, like this is this right here. This is my, my guy right here. Right? And then we’re grateful for that for sure

And I kind of get why people want to hold on tight to their buyers man because the buyers essentially that they’re like the gold broke, you know, like they’re the ones that are good. They’re the hot commodity especially right now in this market. David like if we were in that market during the pandemic where you could sell anything, then you just it doesn’t matter everybody’s a buyer everyone’s feeling everyone’s feeling good but when you got right now in the markets a little kind of like it is by the way in Florida it’s hot. So it is a hot market but, but a lot of people, they want to be a little, you know, touchy on their buyers and I get that. But that’s why doing things the payneless way getting your buyers building those relationships. That’s why when you become the hot commodity, the hot girl in school, everyone’s gonna be coming to you David and saying, Hey, man, I know you got some slick buyers. And that’s why I kind of told you earlier, I just reached out to one of the agents I worked with awhile ago. He has great relationships with buyers, where she can just go to the house the day up, you call her go tell you what she’ll offer. And then you lock it up. You don’t even have to have it under contract. That’s a pretty valuable, like relationship, someone that can tell you exactly ideal

That’s ideal. That’s the key code.

Yeah, that’s the cheat code. And that’s what we’re trying to teach everyone here. If you guys don’t know, a payneless flipping, or pre flipping is it’s having those relationships with those top buyers who instead of you having to lock up a deal that you’re kind of iffy about, you’re not sure you don’t want to waste the sellers time, you don’t waste your time you reach out to your your buyer, you say hey, the sellers motivated. I don’t know exactly what they want. But go ahead, the house is open, or I can get you through there. Or just here’s some pictures, tell me exactly what you pay. And I’ll get I’ll get the deal done for you. And I’ll throw my wholesale fee in there, I’ll just get a little bit lower. They say 200,000, you talk to the seller you offer 180. The sellers like no, I can’t do what it is. And you’re like, Well, what would work for you. They’re like 185. Now I can do one a to go negotiate, negotiate, and there’s you ever spread, and it’s all sold before you even have to sign the paperwork. And then you can sign that assignment. Or you can basically say, hey, buyer, I can fill this out. But if you just want to pay me an invoice, so I don’t have to fill out paperwork. I like doing that sometimes, because bro, I just sometimes I’m lazy Dude, I don’t want to fill out the paperwork. You know, I’m like, hey, just that’s the cheat code. And that’s what we’re trying to teach everyone here. If you guys don’t know, a payneless flipping, or pre flipping is it’s having those relationships with those top buyers who instead of you having to lock up a deal that you’re kind of iffy about, you’re not sure you don’t want to waste the sellers time, you don’t waste your time you reach out to your your buyer, you say hey, the sellers motivated. I don’t know exactly what they want. But go ahead, the house is open, or I can get you through there. Or just here’s some pictures, tell me exactly what you pay. And I’ll get I’ll get the deal done for you. And I’ll throw my wholesale fee in there, I’ll just get a little bit lower. They say 200,000, you talk to the seller you offer 180. The sellers like no, I can’t do what it is. And you’re like, Well, what would work for you. They’re like 185. Now I can do one a to go negotiate, negotiate, and there’s you ever spread, and it’s all sold before you even have to sign the paperwork. And then you can sign that assignment. Or you can basically say, hey, buyer, I can fill this out. But if you just want to pay me an invoice, so I don’t have to fill out paperwork. I like doing that sometimes, because bro, I just sometimes I’m lazy Dude, I don’t want to fill out the paperwork. You know, I’m like, hey, just paperwork is challenging, too. And it gets people with, you know, LLCs and signing over and contracts.

And if you don’t do a double close, exactly did the double closing, a lot of people talk about the double closed, but the double closed, if you use transactional funding can cost about 2% of the purchase price, or however money whichever money you’re borrowing because that can really in depending on what market you’re in. And that can take off like four or $5,000 off of your assignment fee, you know, so I try to avoid double closing as much as I can, because you got to pay the closing costs and the transactional funding to actually close on the property. So let’s figure out any way to not pay extra fees by just being transparent saying, Hey, you take care of this one just hit me on that. That invoice will sign an agreement saying that you got paid?

Yeah, I mean, just to just to say again, because honestly, I probably had to hear it several 1000 times before, it meant that much. But you know, what’s a good analogy is, you know, the word privilege can be, you know, a rough word sometimes. But I like the analogy of like, your privilege to where when you go to your faucet, and you turn on the water, you expect that it’s going to be there, you know, you had that expectation that it’s going to be there. So the same way, when you know, you can get to that place with a buyer where you’re not even thinking of that as a privilege, where it’s like, oh, it’s a privilege on the Warrens. Like, no, we’re like, that’s your buyer. And that’s how relationships and transactional you know, that can be okay, when it’s the right fit. And for the right people. And I know a lot of people don’t, sometimes they feel like they’re not bringing value, or they don’t know how to get involved. But I think by being the most honest about where you’re at, and what you can contribute, at least to that team at that time at that place, then you can leverage yourself with them.

1,000%, bro 100,000,000,000%. Let me tell you some, when I first got started, the skill set that I had, I had no knowledge of real estate at all. I went to a real estate broker I already did. As I went on Facebook, I said, Hey, I’m trying to network with people who’s interested in like, helping me out some broker here in Utah was like, hey, I’ll help you out. You can come work in my office, a people that you call, you can wholesale. But if they don’t want a wholesale deal, let me list them. That’s what that was his pitch. So I knew my value to that guy was I can call I mean I can I can pick up the phone and dial I can talk I don’t really have that much skill at that point when I first started, but that’s the value I had. Now. Now fast forward right now, if he was like, Hey, you, here’s here’s the dialer, here’s a list, go call it for me, I’m like, you know, it’s not worth my time, my skill set has evolved. So everybody, whether you’re brand new, or to like where I’m at, or even far, far beyond, you can provide value to others, okay? It doesn’t matter if you’re cold calling for them. You’re driving for dollars like you have for this guy. Now you’re gonna start hitting up people and saying, Hey, I need you to drive for dollars for me, and I’m gonna pay you once I do the deal. Like it’s just, it’s just constant progression. And that’s what we’re trying to do. Like I’m trying to do apartment complex right now, in the very beginning. Do I really need to start or should I start with apartment complexes? You can but it’s a little bit more tricky than single family. So it’s constant progression, you know, you wholesale, then you fix and flips and you get in apartments and you get into syndication. And then you get into commercial like, a lot of people like I said, they go to the top and that’s where they want to start that way. It’s great. But mainly it’s a progression thing, you know,

I’m saying yeah, and honestly a lot of times like it might be a harsh truth, but I’m like learning this more and more as I get to deeper circles with bigger pockets. Get some more things like I’d be just turned off investors if you’re not honest about your lead, because they’re like, they’re always trying to compute how can we work together? And you’re just like a weird thing of the algorithm to them. That’s wasting time and space. It’s like, Why? Why are you here? Like, what’s your purpose? Like, especially to the next level people like millionaires, billionaires, the top levels, they’re thinking, like, how can I be evaluated this route. And then if you’re just kind of like, you don’t know how to bring any, and you’re like, asking them to help you even more, it’s like, okay, you do need help. But they like, This person also has built out sources for you to like, not have this conversation with them. Without that social awareness. You know, you’ll kill your relationships, especially with buyers, because those are like the real, they’re about their buddy, and they can potentially make tons of money and you coveted. You know, you want to be respectful of that, dude,

you are 1,000,000,000%, right, man, it’s all about time, time is the key. And if you’re in there wasting everybody’s time and not providing any value back and giving them back more of their time by what you provide, then they’re like you said, they’re going to kill that relationship. So a lot of the time, David, what we do as we work with buyers, and we send them deals before we even have them on our contract. But a lot of people are like, Oh, that’s a waste of time, you should just get it under contract venison to him. For us. It’s like, hey, we know what a deal is. We can vet it, we kind of know that in the area they want. It’s the the buy box they want. We’re not just sending them a random property on Zillow that we just found that’s not even listed for sale. We’re just like, hey, what would you pay for this, that’s not what we do, we take an opportunity, we say, Hey, this is something that you look for, I just cut down all that time you would have done to look for it, all I need from you is tell me what you’ll pay. And I’ll get it done. And that’s, that’s the value we provide. And if you think put yourself in the buyers position, you get a call from one of your guys right now. It’s like, Hey, I found some that you’ve been wanting, you know, I just needed to know what you’d offer. See if I can get it done. That’s that’s just saved me money, like marketing spend save me time and energy, all I got to do is run a conference, tell you what I’ll pay. It’s pretty valuable, right?

100% And you might be surprised as you come across people, you know how much they they want. wholesales could be a dirty word. But like people really want good wholesalers, you know, people who are gonna sign and be about them and bring them good deals, because from overseas, you know, can be flooded and pretty rare. Just someone who’s genuine and trying to know their numbers or like, be open to what your numbers are. So we can work with you. For sure, bro.

And I think one thing last thing I wanted to say as as you guys are getting started, if you’re watching this and you’re brand new, just be genuine, like David saying, be genuine, be the truth, say the truth of where you’re at. Because immediately if you’re like, Oh yeah, I flip houses all over the country. And you haven’t even flipped one house immediately. It’s in your voice, you just sound it’s just a dead giveaway. So when I talk to agents that I’m trying to network with, I’ve just tried to be transparent because I do flip. I flipped houses all over the country. I’m just like, hey, I flip houses this house that I’m looking at. I was wondering if you have any buyers in the area because I don’t want to flip this one. I’m thinking about wholesaling it. Do you have any? Do you deal with wholesalers? Do you have any buyers that would be interested in the house right next to your listing. Now if you try to, like walk around and try to like be kind of cheeky or you know, not transparent, it could not go the right way. So again, when you’re calling these people just be real worth where you’re at. If you’re brand new, I’m brand new, you know, and if they don’t want to work with you because you’re brand new, that’s probably not the right person to work with. And they don’t want to deal with the new and that’s okay, you know? Exactly. Well David you got some fans we got some we got some fans on here for you David A big shout out to both you amazing guys. We got some fans who Too bad we can’t see who this is. Because Facebook when it comes to streaming user,

I know Facebook user bro talked about time.

Oh, you do? Okay. All right. Well, David, we’re gonna about to wrap up. This has been a good episode about how you got 5k The payneless way marked property you got Zell many more to come if you want to drive for dollars for David he’ll pay you to no problem. You know if you work in the Tampa area, or if you’re in Long Island, hit him up. David, you got anything you want to say anything you want to leave the audience with? Before we take off this one.

Let people know they can reach me, you can find me on Facebook or David Laborde J. Or you can reach me my number is 631-495-7586. I am in we’re now in Tampa, St. Petersburg and Clearwater, but also still doing deals out here in Long Island. So let me know I’d love to talk with you.

David’s got the sickest buyers there. We’re talking hedge funds. He’s we’re talking to agents that can if you got a property where you got a seller who’s like really motivated and you just don’t want to lock it up yet, and you need David’s help hit him up. He’ll take a look at it, he’ll send to his buyers, he’ll bet it and you know, maybe we could do a deal together. We’d love JP we got one question. David, are you up for a question? You got a question for the audience?

Yeah, it was phrased a little bit but okay, we got a question from the audience.

How do you get an agent to write your offer sight unseen because some agents rather all offers our site seen seen seen first? I can answer this one. Maybe maybe you can elaborate on this one. So a lot of agents who will not want to write up an offer up for you sight unseen, because they don’t trust you, they don’t want to lock it up with someone that hasn’t seen it, they don’t know, because I’m assuming this agent you’re talking to you doesn’t know you, you have to provide value not provide value, but trust as well to his agents. So that’s by showing them proof of funds. That’s by showing them like maybe some information on your company that’s making a compelling offer, that’s by talking to them on the phone, and not just texting and emailing. So if this agent will not write up an offer for you sight unseen, they either don’t believe that you can get it done. And I don’t think it’s worth it for you, if you don’t live in the area just to like, send someone just so you can get it done. I’d say look, I can get it done. I’d like for you to write up the offer, I can’t, I’m not gonna go see it. I don’t live there. I work for a company or I myself don’t live there. And that’s the process that I buy houses is I make the offer that makes sense. Here are my numbers, here’s my funds. And then I’m going to walk through I have a due diligence period of three days, four days. And another thing, David, this this question is a problem that a lot of people that don’t do things the payneless way have if you have a buyer who’s if you’re doing things, the payments, when you have a buyer in this area, what do you think I would do? If I had this agent that said that what do you think I would do if I would immediately call my buyer? What do you think I’d say to them, if you if you got all that?

They would have? They would have the offer? They want to make the offer? I would

I would either call one of my buyers and say, Hey, I got an opportunity. I think it’s a good one. I’ve been negotiate with the agent, I think you should call make an offer and then cut me in on the fee. Or I’d say hey, buyer, I’m negotiating a deal. Can you go look at it, they want me to go someone to go look at it. I think I can get this locked up for you. What would you pay? And also, can you go see it, you’re tight enough with that buyer that they’re not going to try and backdoor you because you have that relationship? So that’s that’s how you can overcome issues like this. If you have those relationships in place. You just leverage your buyers. So suffer. Yeah. So for example, David, if we’re if we’re in Tampa, and we have this situation happened to us, what do you think we’re going to do? We’re going to call that lady that I just told you about that I that just Texas says she’s down? We’re gonna send her through, but a bing bada boom we sent make that offer if they won’t write it until then. No problem.

Yeah. And I would also just to add in, because I’m not sure sometimes the lingo unseen or sight unseen. Like if that’s like, literally you can’t get in the house. And they’re not showing anybody no one’s there. And if that’s what you mean, then be very wary of that. Because you don’t know what that can of worms is. And either way, you’re gonna want your offer to be pretty low. Because when you’re buying sight unseen, like if no one’s allowed in the house, even if you have pictures, you don’t really know where that house is that that can be another 40 5060 100k and rehab, and you don’t know what’s in there. So just something to be aware of.

Good point. Actually, I was talking to a seller this week, David, and he’s like, oh, man, the house only needs carpet and paint. There I go see this house. The house is got dog crap all over it. It’s got cat crap on the window seals. It’s falling apart. It’s got mold, and then I call them after I’m like, Bro, did you see this house? You said a carpet paint like yeah, I’m like, come on, bro. You can’t lie to me. I’m gonna see the house eventually. Anyway, so yes, I don’t seem you got to see it. Sometimes. If you’re gonna lie, you don’t want to see it if you’re gonna buy it whether you are the buyer. But anyway, hopefully, we got someone that says they love the cat crap story. You guys want this house? I’m coming out with some content. I had a video videographer come with me because I was like, Hey, let’s film this house while I go through. We’ll see what it’s like. It was bad, bro. David, I’m telling you the thing was it was bad bro. So bad. So anybody anyway, we got some good questions coming through for everybody that’s watching. Give a shout out to David for working hard. Hit him up. Like I said if you got deals in the Long Island area, we’re in the Tampa St. Pete Clearwater area. We’re here to work we’re here to help you guys do deals if you need help. We got solid buyers. Let’s get it everybody have a great a blessed day. You know, let’s get it done. Let’s make some money. Let’s succeed. Later.