Sales, Marketing, and Leads Management REISift

In this video, Tyler Austin explains how REISift’s game-changing system allows million-dollar real estate brands to cut down marketing expenses and take more revenue. For Tyler, money is just a tool. Somebody who understands how to efficiently use that tool because they use it often will consistently outplay someone who thinks otherwise. Sales, Marketing, and Leads Management REISift Tyler Austin is a real estate investor and is the CEO and Founder of REISift. REISift helps real estate investors close more deals, and cut marketing costs through proper data insight and automation.

What’s up everybody we are live today we have tyler austin, one of the experts in our community that’s going to come in here and show you guys why data plays such an important part in your wholesaling business, real estate, business and business in general. And Tyler, you saw a problem. I know you told us about it in the mastermind, but he told us yet you saw a problem, and you solved it with your product. And you know, we’re glad to have you on here, man. Appreciate it. Man, thank you so much for bringing me into the community, excited to be an expert in it really focusing on sales and marketing specifically, because I mean, that’s that’s kind of what I am. It’s the lifeblood of all business. And I think there’s two sides to it. On the sales side, you have sales coaches, which you know, I’m not faulting any sales coach out there. But a lot of sales coaches, all they do is they say, Hey, make offers, make offers, make offers. And that’s the solution to your business. Right? If you don’t have offers to make, then it’s a marketing problem. We spend more generate more leads. And that’s just not the true truth, right? There’s a lot of KPIs in between there that are really important that really dial back into a lot of just sales principles.

So when I talk about sales, I’m talking about systems and sales. I’m not talking about talking to the seller, although I’m really good at that. I don’t focus on educating any of that, or, you know, we do a little bit in our community with that. But what I focus on is I focus on like, are we looking at like, is there leads in our system right now that are labeled as hot that don’t have any offers made on them? Because if that’s the case, then it’s either a lead management problem, or salespeople need to get in there and make an offer, like what’s going on with those leads. So sales and marketing is really about, you know, from my perspective is about making sure that there’s there’s cohesion, doctors checks and balances. And when people think of REI Sif, you know, some people think about it that don’t really know, but maybe heard it from a friend that like, oh, it’s that like really complicated tool where there’s a lot of tags, you can add, there’s a lot of filters, and there’s all these systems, and there’s all these buttons and all these other things. And then they go to like Podio, where there’s way, way, way more customization, and they go pay somebody money to build something out that ultimately they don’t use 90% of it. And in so we really focus on what are the things you truly need in your business? What matters? And how do you if we don’t have it in product yet, what do you what should you be doing in order to compensate? While we build out that one good example of that is KPI tracking. Most people if you’re doing like a system, and you have a whole process in place, and you know that like you’re tracking all your wrong numbers, and you’re moving your data through a sequential marketing strategy, if you’re doing all the right things in your marketing side, your KPIs, at the end of the day don’t really matter as much as the person who’s just spraying and praying and needing to turn over a specific metric, right? Don’t say they don’t matter, I’m saying that they can be tracked through a Google Sheet, right? Like a lot of businesses do have buddies that have, you know, 100 million dollar software companies that literally the whole business runs off of Google sheet right? And then we have like people that aren’t even making 500,000 a year think you need to go spend $1,000 a month for like data box or you know, going out like Podio to have all of these crazy things in there or paying $50,000 for Salesforce and it’s just a bunch of bullshit, right? It’s because it makes you feel better doing all those things than actually focusing on like the problem within the problems when I call like what is the true thing that’s going to drive the needle forward in your business right now? And so that’s what I focus on. And the reason why I’m that way is just my background is ingrained in that right like, you know, just to give me a little bit of background on me, I’m 30 years old if that matters, I don’t know You know, I got a wife and two kids I spent eight years in the military ranging from building bombs for a living to a career field called sere survival evasion resistance escape the later end of that doing cyber warfare stuff and so when I got out of the military, I started working for the government more you know, most people don’t know what this is but you just Google like red team or some people have seen the movie was a TV series Mr. Robot, so if you if you’ve watched Mr. Robot, like that’s my real life except for instead of like, you know, some of the stuff that they’re doing where they’re going in like places and planting like raspberry pies and stuff like I would be doing that to like military bases and planes and base defense systems and stuff. And I know you know, this will go over maybe most people’s heads but like when you’re hacking a plane a plane has like a normal car has one car bus on it, sometimes two buses, right and so for all the communication to happen across your whole card and when you press on that brake pedal, it goes to the the computer, right? But that brake pedal is is there’s a little there’s a code it’s called it’s called a bus code that runs from the brake pedal down the line and communicates with computers if they slow down at this speed at this rate and all this other stuff, right? Well an airplane has hundreds of LR use depending on the airplane and every one of them has has a different bus that they’re on sometimes seven 816 different buses a lot of information and so if you’re hooked up to an airplane that’s flying at 20,000 feet in the air and has the Hellfire on it or whatever else airplane most airplanes Warhammer Hellfire but you know say to mark a to J dam or something and you’re talking and communicating with it there’s a lot of fucking information you know, you’re gonna write code and then send something to that like it has to be accurate or else quite literally like it’s life or death like you could you could jack something up in brick the aircraft and now we have a really bad problem because you can’t just fix it, you know, very easily. And so, the reason why I give that is because I treat my business in the same way when it comes to the data like quite literally is life or death. And I’ve seen that I have I’ve see users daily The literally daily users dropping like flies right now because they didn’t take for what I’ve said in the last 24 months to heart and they, you know, some of them went off and did their own thing, or they didn’t prioritize X, Y, or Z. And they’re dead, right? I mean, their businesses are dead. And the same thing happened when Coronavirus hit, you know, I had influencers reaching out to me saying, hey, like we’re scaling back like, no, your business is failing, there’s a difference. scaling back is when you know, something that you do in order to streamline your business coming to me, because you have to fire people is because you’re failing. And so we want to prevent that from happening. And so we have to build businesses in the most streamlined way, in a healthy way in the right way to in order to where if things start going sideways, we can find the problem within the problem, adjust it, fix it, and then move forward. And if all else fails, at least we can go to bed, lay our head on the pillow at night. And we can be like, Hey, I know that I did everything the right way. And so I know that I can feel comfortable spending the money on spending for that business to operate, because I couldn’t do it any better way, literally, from the math, nautical, you know, equation wise, I know I’m doing everything right? Maybe my answer is that I need to work a little bit harder in this location to get the results I’m looking for. So just to kind of play paint a picture on my mindset in the way that I do things business is very simple. At its core, What’s hard is your ability to adjust as a person to fit a business, right? You know, every business has different levels from the first you know, $1,000 that they make from that first dollar, they make really, you know, the $10,000, Mark 25,000 or 30,000 Mark, and really, it’s 10 25,200 50,000, or that first six figures, and then that 500,000 mark the 700,000 mark somewhere in 50,000 barn, you know, million, you know, 2 million, 5 million, you know, 10 million, and so on. And so this is different gaps, you have to level up as an individual in order to gain the right amount of of experience to change the way that you do things. And sometimes failures are what’s needed in order to actually realize like, oh, shit, you know, I just read skip trace the same record type, I had a strategy call with somebody, like two hours ago, right? I opened up their account, their account looked great, everything was looking fine. But then I started looking at their list. And I was like, you have like a high equity list. And here a low equity list, you have unknown equity and all these different equity lists, right? And then I looked at their account, right? Or look at the records patient, I filtered by those different listener come to find out, you know, 5000 plus records, actually, over 50,000 Records had at least one two of the same list on it, right? A free and clear and a high equity. That’s a really small thing, right? Well, okay, well, why does that really matter? Well, it means that if you’re paying three cents per record, right, and there’s even 5000 records that are you bought that are the same exact record, then that means that you just spent the same money twice, that’s like 60 bucks or whatever, 120 bucks. But you do that every month, and these guys are buying data every single month skip trace, because then you got to skip trace that. So that’s like 60 bucks for the data itself. And data is pretty cheap, but skip trace is like 15 cents, and so $5 versus 15 cents, it’s like 2500 bucks, you know, or, you know, 1500 bucks, you know, and so that adds up, if you just start using sip, literally one mistake in the whole year would pay for the subscription of SIF, like annually. And that doesn’t account for the fact of everything else that you save on a daily, right. And I’m going to show you guys this stuff in general, I’m just trying to plant seeds on some of the things that you probably aren’t doing in your business that if you started doing and you can maybe figure out what to do with Google Sheets, like you could start saving money. So never rebind the same data twice. In order to do now we cover a principle called the four w’s in Data Management. Where’s it been? Where’s it going? When did it happen? And I forgot my fourth one irrelevant, it’s an R Rs and 101. I haven’t taught that shit in like two years. But nevertheless, if you track your data on that, if you know that answer, right, then you’re never going to have to worry about losing, you can always filter by it and make sure that you’re not refunded the same money twice. So never buy the same data twice, never skip trace the same data twice. Okay, there’s no point unless you immediately so for example, I want to skip tracing my first location, most people don’t even skip tracing the second location, but I’m gonna skip trace my first location, I’m gonna mark it through it, figure out who I didn’t reach after a certain amount of attempts, and then that data set, I’m going to move, skip tracing the second location for all the people I need to reach. And then I’m going to take a marker to it again after that result. So I want to know, and when I skip tracing that first location, I want to tag my phone numbers with that location. And then when I skip tracing the second location, I want to tag the phone numbers from that location. So I then filter by to skip trace locations on phone numbers, and I get like the same amount of records. And I just literally, those two locations are pulling the same phone numbers, right. And so I just spent that statement that money twice. So you want to make sure that when you’re doing skip tracing, you first start off in a smaller data set so that you can make sure that the skip tracing provider isn’t is given the same, you know, some of the same location on both providers, and you’re spending the money twice. So find two different locations that are using two different sources. And people always tell me like, oh, yeah, that doesn’t really yield that good of a result if you do it that way. And I call bullshit. I mean, because I’ve legitimately tested it. And I actually had somebody, what three weeks ago or something had a huge argument on Facebook because somebody shared our affiliate link, or an affiliate link and was like, oh Rs, it’s awesome. You should use it. And this person’s like, Oh, you shouldn’t be using that. You shouldn’t be using our skip tracing, don’t skip trace through them yada yada yada. Like what the hell are you talking about? First of all, whoever you are, if you’re saying that like they shouldn’t skip through Is the rest in your immediate because our skip tracing is the only location that if you own multiple properties in your account, it’s not going to charge you multiple times, you take a list of 100 properties, and 25 of them are owned by the same person in any other skip tracing provider is going to charge you 25 times for all 25 properties any to any result, right, it doesn’t merge mail, merge the mailing address, we do that automatically. There’s one one small example. And the other thing is, is that in business, if you have to knock another business, right, or say, Hey, don’t do taking money from another man’s, you know, wallet, then you’re just, you know, being ridiculous to begin with. But the whole point is, I went right away. And I said, Okay, well, I’ll just skip trace, I’ll skip trace my list, I have a list of my mom, you know, my grandma, everyone’s phone numbers, like 25 people, I Skiptrace, to this location, and then I Skiptrace, the same list. And by location, again, fresh, and I looked at the two, all I did is I uploaded those 25 records in the SIF tag with the phone numbers, tag the other phone numbers and just filtered by and I can see, hey, you actually got some phone numbers that I did it. But I also got phone numbers that you did in the scenario where I know this guy rents his house, you got phone numbers for someone who rents the whole, right, but that doesn’t matter, they can’t sell the home, they rent it, I mean, they can maybe get you in contact with the person that owns it, right. And so that’s great for credit collector. So seems like your data is pretty good if you’re trying to collect, you know, debt from somebody. So that’s great. But the whole point was, is that they got results I didn’t and I got results they did. And that in itself proves and one of them, the ones that I got results for were the ones that I know, were a little bit older of numbers, or Old Navy own the numbers for a longer time, they got ones for the rentals, and, and so on. And so it’s really situational. And this is why you can’t assume these things you can guess and you can, you could assume it kind of makes an ass out of you. Like we all know. However, the important thing is that we don’t assume and we move the data through a cycle to different providers. Because now if I were to skip trace through us first for the speed and simplicity, go through, call those records, and then I don’t reach out and then skip trace to this other guy, which we recommends to at least two providers, like I said, then I would have got as many results as I could through phone numbers. And now I can move that data to another strategy like cold calling, or direct mail or whatever. And so that’s the second thing. The second most important thing, make sure you do not skip trace the same data twice. But unless you need to, in order to work through the data and actually have the highest yield on that note, right now there is an eight times higher likelihood to get a correct number on your first dial through than on your second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, okay. And so right now, it’s really, really important that you have a strategy in your business to be able to pull in data on a weekly basis, that’s new dataset, like so this is going to be like, Oh, I’m going to pull in new high equity every single week. No, because you’re gonna run out your business has a half life. If you’re a business right now, it’s relying on absentee owners that with high equity, if your county has 100,000 people and 60,000 or vacant absentee high equity, which would be a lot, but if that’s the case, then and you’re pouring 10,000 a month, your business has six months to live until you’re gonna have to spend more money, it also has a constant MRR cycle for another software company or skip tracing provider of $2,500 a month, and so on and so forth, right, and you just don’t need to do that. And so you know, make sure that you have something where you bring in like probates, you’re bringing in foreclosures, or you’re bringing in and I’ll show you guys an exact flow, how to control this like bringing in a new data set on a daily, weekly or monthly basis, ideally, weekly, daily, if so, like if you’re in your market, there’s seven new foreclosures a day and you pull in those seven new foreclosures and call through the seven foreclosures daily, if they don’t answer on that first dial through you send direct mail. And then tomorrow morning, you’re going to get seven brand new records, you’re going to call to the seven the ones from yesterday, you’re going to call through a second time and then you’re going to do that for at least three attempts through and after doing that, you’re going to exhaust it. And when you do this, when you call through it, you’re going to call it there’s an attachments and leave a voicemail to get a voicemail. So you’re actually doing three marketing strategies at the same time. So those seven individual so you’re doing over the course of 72 hours, we’re doing 27 touches, right. And so if you don’t reach them after that point, it’s just longterm direct mail, no convert over time, we have users doing this, you know, some companies did they get 13 or 17, new pre foreclosures daily, doing over 2 million a year, offer something so simple. They literally have three people on our team, it doesn’t take a lot when you’re doing it like that. And the reason why, and I’m gonna break this down from the front, if you think about this, the guys are doing it, where they where they’re pulling pre foreclosures or tax liens or whatever on a quarterly basis. If you’re pulling that stuff on a daily, you have a system that may easily bring it in and skip it and process it on a daily the guy who does it every quarter, they bring in, let’s say 2500, they have to call through it gather all the correct numbers, most of them just throw away they’re not interested. They’re only look for the people that are ready to sell today. And then they go in, they call through maybe a few more times, and then just throw it away and do nothing with it any further until the next quarter compared to if you if I call and I you know, call them today, or over the course of this next week. I’m already gonna get all the credit numbers, I’m ready to get the knowledge. So I’m gonna get the people that that are interested now. And then you know, so they’re already behind the curve. The only way that they would start getting deals from you is if you didn’t do your follow up properly, and they call them because you haven’t been following up and then they made the offer because maybe you never made an offer and so they’re better at sales. And so that’s where sales training really comes into play. Make sure you’re tracking you know Conversation stuff like that, right? And so what we call that first to market, right? This isn’t anything new. It happens all the time. If you on Facebook, all of a sudden in you, you go like, like a Facebook group, right that you’ve never liked before. And somebody is doing Facebook ads, specifically targeting people that are liking that page, their Facebook is doing this automatically, right? Oh, you liked the page automatically, you’re getting added into that person’s dataset. And now you’re gonna start seeing ads, right? But how do you do that when you’re doing first market or for into the real estate in individuals where you need the data set, right. And you see companies like prop stream and other data providers trying to really pull out people from all that they’re being lazy. They say, hey, we now give this to you right away, right? Like, as soon as we can see that it’s new foreclosure, you’re gonna see it right away. But then people don’t pull that for, like, you know, every once a month, or every every quarter or whatever, but it’s being updated as quickly as it can there. And so, you know, it’s a need, it’s just people don’t really understand how to do it. And so they just err on the side of ignorance. And ultimately, you know, you lose at the end of the day. So you want to have at least a first market strategy in your business one to three niches. So like pre foreclosures, probates, like evictions, evictions are great for this strategy, because they’re happening all the time. Anything that has a frequency to it, that’s, that’s consistent. The reason why is because now we can build a business based off predictability and market trends really easily. If I know that I’m getting 50 of those a week of pre foreclosures are like for me, I get 150, new probates every single week on the way that 150 New probates on a weekly basis. And I know that after I call through on the first dial through on 150, probates, I’m getting in contact with 25% of those individuals, right? So that would be however many phone numbers to say it’s 35. Right? That’s 35 quick phone numbers. Okay, cool. So by getting leads from that, if the answer is yes, then okay, well, how many of those correct numbers does it take to get a lead? How many leads does it take to get a contract, and then divide that by 150. And now I know how many prospects it takes, you know, to get a contract. And so if next week, I only get 100 probates. And it took me 150 to get one contract already know, I’m not going to the contract this week, most likely, right? So I know I need more probates. And so it allows you to have what’s called proactive KPIs rather than reactive KPIs. Reactive KPIs are KPIs where you’ve already spent money marketing to figure out if you’re losing, and that’s how you become a loser. Right? Because ultimately, you’re going to any big company like think about it like a hedge funds, right? Hedge funds know, before they even buy a deal, right? If it’s a deal, you know, this when you before you buy a rental, you know, if it’s a deal, but before you mark it, you don’t really know until after the campaign is finished, it was good or bad. It’s reactive KPIs. And so you want to try to you have to do some reactive KPIs in order to actually gain the KPI to know with a proactive KPI. The problem is that most companies don’t actually ever go back loop around and find that answer, right? Because they don’t know they don’t know how to get it. So that so that’s the third thing, right? The first market strategy is really important.

Like I touch on something real quick, man, I gotta I gotta I gotta jump here and, and watch the baby in a minute. But, man, I just want to say real quick for everybody watching this. And you’re like, oh, man, like, where’s it going? He’s talking about all this data stuff. It’s all over the place. Like it sounds really high level guys, watch this. Listen, rewatch this coming from a sales guy, right? I do this, the sales training, I was a sales sales guy. First and foremost, guys, there are a number. You know, there’s a plethora of people out there who are significantly worse at sales than me. And they’re terrible at talking to people. And they’re killing it in this business. And then, you know, other industries, because of what Tyler is talking about right now, I can’t explain how crucial it is the stuff that you’re talking about. I wish I wish, you know, I had been introduced to you, you know, kind of from the start, because I would have drastically changed. You know, so the trajectory that I went down, you know, thankful for bath I went down. But I mean, I’d say probably one of the main reasons from my experience that I see people fail is because they’re spending all this money and wholesaling on data, subscriptions, all this stuff, and exactly what you’re talking about people think yes, oh, no, I need to buy a new list of 10,000 records and more debt. Like that’s my issue is I need to go spend another three $4,000 on on data and lists my words like no, you can make a lot of money with that first let you know if you do it right and learn how to be effective with it. You know, it’s it’s crazy. And guys, what he’s talking about is profitability. Like at the end of the day, how do you be an extremely profitable company, you know, first and foremost, and the most effective and lean efficient business as possible. So I just want to I want to leave it that man, I’m definitely going to get to watch the recording for the rest of this. Love everything. You’re talking about it. But yeah, so Tyler, thank you so much, man.

Appreciate it, man. Appreciate it. And it’s 100% like, profitability is a huge key, right? Last year, I spent three and $1,000 on Facebook. And like we really didn’t do anything out of it. Right. He ended up a lot of our net profits. And so at the at the end of the day, that means that year my company looks like it’s not near as good as it should be because of the fact that we had a bunch of expenditures that didn’t yield any results right and So you want to really try to eliminate that as much as possible. But the really the big thing is just like plugging holes like it doesn’t have to be everything right away. If you’re doing a book marketing strategy right now, which is when you pull in data, like say you’re pulling 10,000 records every month, you’re skip tracing $2,500, every single month, you know, and you’re burning through that data. And you’re in that protocol are usually late, a lot of like cold calling companies, they recommend you say, hey, 10,000 records per call, or every single month, so you can call through them. Out of those, you’re gonna get up about on a good day on bulk dialing a good day. 5% correct number ratio is that means out of 10,000 records, and 50 correct numbers. That’s insane. And so, somewhere around there, intuitive 50 and 500. And so you’re telling me that the other 9500 people, right, they don’t need to sell their house like No, it’s because you’re not marketing in the right way. But let’s just say you do that through five attempts. And each attempt, you know, your correct number ratio goes down a bit. And so at the end of the day, after five, dial throughs of that list, which most people a lot of people don’t do, but let’s just say you and I’m gathering a total of 1500 correct numbers, right, you still have 8500 people that you haven’t reached yet. So they should probably, you know, have direct mail done, out of those 8500 people, there’s probably at least minimum 500 people where every number that you have for that seller is a wrong number. And so from your skip tracing provider, you got like, let’s say three phone numbers back all three phone numbers, they picked up the phone, but they said that was the wrong number. And you have no idea who those are. And those people you need to send direct mail to, you need to send them to the second skip tracing provider, right. So there’s little tiny things where if you are an operation that is crushing it right, and you’re spending a lot of money, just doing something very small, can drastically change the outlook of your business annually, because now you can capitalize on the opportunity cost that you don’t know exists, right? You know, and so this is really this is kind of like really, really important little things. Another big one, and I’m just covering kind of these principles that I want you out there that that anybody can take away and hopefully have an aha moment. Another big one is if you skip tracing a provider, and you get back records with no phone numbers everyone does, right. And so these these records with no phone numbers, what are you doing with those? Are you tracking those? Do you know what records you’ve skipped traced? And that didn’t come back with phone numbers? What are you doing with them? Do you have a system to easily say okay, well, those ones, let’s just send direct mail real quick, or let’s skip trace those in a second provider trying to get phone numbers, you have a flow for that. Because if you skip trace, 10,000 people and 80% of them, you don’t get even even 10% You don’t get phone numbers back that’s 1000 records. What if those 1000 have 500 vacant properties in them, or 250 vacant properties, and two of those vacant properties want to sell but it’s because they respond to direct mail pieces and not cold calling. That’s why you can’t reach him because they haven’t had a phone in 15 years. Who knows? Right? A lot of people make assumptions based off of what they think right in all of their experience in marketing. And this while they start this business in their business for like six months in or even a year or even two years, they’ve done the same strategy for others for at forever. And they think that like in all their intelligence that that seller just if they don’t answer by the phone, then that’s that that’s not called being a marketer, that’s called just not calling it anything really, it’s just it’s you being silly, right? Your your business has equipped, you put a halflife on your business. And so you can fix it very easily. And that’s what you know, what I really aim to do right is help people be able to do this in a more effective way. So that’s another big one is, you know, sending mail to the phone numbers, you know, getting your results back from another big one is, you know, focused on like portfolio deals like focusing on the people that are three to five properties that have a problem going on. So how do we see those people? And how do we market to those? How do we how do we do one marketing effort that small marketing effort that yields a higher result? Right? So how do we spend the same amount of time essentially dialing the same amount of phone numbers, but if we get a hold of somebody, our chances on making money is even higher, because now we’re getting two properties per contract rather than just one property per contract. For example, in 2019, we did 1.3 million off a 30,000 and adspend. We had 43 properties under contract but only 12 contracts. We are really focusing on just those three to five unit prop three to five property owns and at least one of those properties were tax delinquent. That was our thing. If at least one of those properties were tax delinquent, then we were hitting them if they own three to five and that way we could try to buy the other two to save the the tax lien or property which in most cases was the homestead. Okay, so save your homestead. So sell these other two properties and have the money to buy to save the homestead you know, So little things like that. And there’s so much opportunity for that. It’s just, that’s one of the problems in this business that there’s so much opportunity that people just choose one little spot that seems the simplest to them, which isn’t bad, but it can be simple the other way around. And so let me go ahead and divert over and I’ll go ahead and share my screen and I’m going to show you guys my flow for multifamily, right, this is another really good way for you to just to compound your results, right? If you want to make more money don’t fish in upon fish in the ocean, right? You want to get bigger fish? Don’t fish in the three foot pond fish in the 100 foot airship right? You’re just naturally there’s bigger fish in there. Right. And so, you know, instead of single family residences, you know maybe switch over to duplexes and quads or you know 16 unit buildings or whatever and so for me my real estate company is all about building just a portfolio now and so I don’t mark it for wholesaling. I’m market just for To multifamily, and so I’m on a mission to get every single correct number to all multifamily is in Okaloosa. County, Florida. And so right now out of the 10 or less units, there’s about 462 of those, we have 264 correct numbers, and 164, that they just haven’t answered any of our marketing period after we call through multiple times, skip trace multiple times. And so those need to be long term direct mail, and then researching family members, right. And there’s about 16 years, seven year whatever that we that just hasn’t finished that call sequential cycle yet. We’ll show you guys just a flowing gentleman, I’m gonna paint the picture of a daily operation and help you guys out for those who are like, Okay, well, I’m still pretty confused. I’m just talking about a bunch of stuff. There’s no visual aid, yada, yada, yada. Alright, so here’s my sift account. And so what you notice I only have 32,000 records in this one. And that’s because again, it’s really niche. If I go to my list page here, I only have a multifamily list total of 17 115 170 multifamily in Okaloosa. County, 462 of those are under 10 units. Okay, probates 2061, that’s a combination between here and Richardson, Texas. And then single family residence, same thing, a combination between here in Richardson, Texas. And so I’m working through primarily, you know, segmenting this right segment in this and marketing to it in a sequential pattern. Just a quick overview of sips. In general, we have our SIP line. So my lead management means in here we have, you know, we track any acquisitions, you know, dispose stuff, just different boards on the bottleneck in this business, by the way I make offers when I see a deal that I really like. And that’s pretty much it, your records page is really where all of your marketing management happens, right? It’s where we’re filtering by records, we can see that we have a certain, you know, statuses in here of what they are, like, I see I skip trace this 120 days ago, the status is prospecting, which means hey, this person didn’t answer and it’s a dead number. And that happened for a certain amount of times, right? And so what I want to do is I want to create a flow for my business. And so just sit down and ask yourself for a second, what is my flow, okay, I get data, and then most people skip trace right away. And that’s the first fall you don’t want to skip trace right away, you want to upload to something like REI safe, something that will normalize that data, because look at how many incomplete records I have, I have 4486 incomplete records. Some of it because it’s missing a mailing address. Some of it’s because the last name is just a C instead of the whole name. Some of it’s just not even a full name, a name some of its entities. And so you don’t want to skip trace this information. Because if you do, you’ll get back maybe even if you get back, you know, 75% of the phone numbers only, like very few of them are going to be accurate because there’s no way I don’t care who tells you they can skip here’s an LLC, it is not possible. Okay, I was a red team operator, part of my job was to find people for the government like like, it is not possible to do that through a data set. The only way that you can do that unless there’s unless there’s like a stir shaken or something like that database that you tap into. Okay, so fun little note there, just a little deep prospecting idea there. Most people don’t most companies don’t search anything like an LLC, like this isn’t going to start shaking their phone number. There’s no reason they’re not marketing, right. So it’s very, very few. However, if I research that LLC in the state, and they look at the owner of the LLC, and then search the owner’s name, and then find the owners mailing address, and then skip trace that now we’re getting some of that’s a lot of work, though, right? The lowest hanging fruit, right? Maybe I only focus on that for the people that own like this case, they own four or five properties, right? Cool. It’s probably worth it then to go ahead and figure out who this owner is of Strickland house LLC, and then offer they’re out of the out of state investor, maybe I can buy all three of these. This one’s on two or more lists one a single family residence multifamily. That doesn’t make any sense. However, that’s what’s popping up. That’s right. So maybe I spend the extra time to do that. Maybe if I end up looking at the record, you know, on Google, actually, I can just click this lightning bolt and go to Google Maps. Hopefully it finds it okay. Oh, hey, it’s this one. This was for sale by owner actually, literally not long ago, this corner right here. It’s got a tarp on it and everything. So obviously, maybe that’s an option. Maybe that’s something that can take can be something anyway, I digress. So I come over here, right. And I intake new data, I intake that new data, and right away, I want to know like, do I need to skip traces records or not. And so I create a folder here by creating a new folder, and I call it skip trace flow, and I just create some filters. So here’s my multifamily 10 or less so built in my multifamily list my tags, I’m just, you know, removing different types of properties that are multifamily. I don’t have any call attempts on there no phone numbers, the owner type is a person and the skip tracing is no and I click apply as of right now, there’s nothing here. But if I uploaded records, multifamily properties in any location in the United States right now, they would pop up here, you know, if they didn’t have phone numbers, if for whatever reason one of those properties were already owned by one of the owners that have the same mailing address, then it would automatically just merge with that person. I wouldn’t have to skip trace and spend money on it. So after I skip trace it, my next step is I need to ask myself, Okay, well, was there any that came back without phone numbers? So if I skip trace it and it came back with phone numbers, then it’s going to show up here because I’m filtering my records that were skip trace. Yes, numbers No. And so very easily. I just know that right away, I upload the list. They don’t have any phone numbers. Then I’m going to either to have two options, send direct mail right away, which is what I do right now or export and skip tracing the second location and try and gather those phone numbers so I can cold call. All right. So that’s the first thing no matter what business you are, if you’re doing bulk cold, calling cold. SMS any of those things, that is the first and foremost thing and that’s the standardized process you’ll be doing in your business upload data on a frequency doesn’t need skip trace, skip trace the ones that need it. And then the ones that don’t get voters back, send direct mail or skip trace and second location. After that happens. Now I have different data sets that I need to choose what kind of campaigns I want to do. If I’m doing bulk cold calling, then like we are for Richardson, Texas, 75080, zip code, then I’m going to create a some filters to track the marketing from a temp one through five, and then I’m going to have what’s called an RTM order or ready to market. So this is the data that came back, it doesn’t have any status on it, because if it had a status, that means that we reached the person, I’m going to talk a little bit about dispositions and marketing in a second, okay, I’m going to talk about that. So that’s really important. Understand the difference between a property disposition and a phone disposition is really, really huge. You got to track both okay, but right now, I want to see the data that we’ve never marketed to. And right now we don’t have any, it’s all sent for marketing, but it doesn’t have a status. It’s not assigned to anybody inside of REI sift to focus on niche marketing on it doesn’t have any call attempts, it has phone numbers, okay, results, zero, okay, but I can come in here and I could look and I can find, okay, well, where is that data at right now, or, you know, out of my book cold calling what’s been attempted three times, okay. And so I could click Apply. And as of right now, we have 4086 records that we have call that have not picked up the phone, because they don’t have any statuses. But I could click on one of these, and I might have a wrong number on, right. So if I want to see that, how many of these that are on their third attempt, just have wrong numbers, I could just do phone status. And I could filter by the phone status, wrong number and click Apply. And as of right now, 288 of these have a wrong number. So that’s a wrong number. And on call tools, which we use for cold calling, like these phone numbers haven’t answered, because if they did answer, then they would disposition it and it would come back. And if it was the wrong number, it would just update wrong number. If it was a, Hey, don’t ever call me again, if it was the correct person, the wrong person, there’s different DNC, you know, options. But if they say, hey, I’m interested in selling, then it would update as a new lead, and it would put it as a correct number. And you see, so what happens is, is as you’re calling like these people with wrong numbers, I select them all send them directly from here to call tools, but I won’t send anything with with a status. But if I wanted to send all my wrong numbers, and you know, try to get sued, and I can I can select just wrong number status and said only wrong numbers from these records. But ideally, I just send no status, right. And now I’m going to send back these records again for another campaign with phone numbers that haven’t been answered yet. And so that’s going to continue to trickle down. until ultimately, I’m sending less and less phone numbers or call tools. And I’m really squeezing out that both marketing. And if after five attempts and nobody answers. Let’s see if we have any that are five attempts right now on this campaign. Right now we don’t so after five attempts, if there’s still people, if we if there’s five, you know, records in here, I set them to call tools and they’ve already dialed through that campaign, then these guys, you know, can get sent to an SMS campaign to be bulk SMS for five times. So I can try to get phone correct numbers through that way. This business is about gathering correct numbers. That’s all it is. Don’t get it. Don’t be confused. You’re not trying to find people that are ready, that are ready to sell today, as much as they try to tell you that in a lot of places. That is not what you’re doing. You’re trying to gather correct numbers, you’re trying to gather as many not interested as possible. And this is really big thing I seriously can’t stress this as much as possible. You want as many not interested as possible. Right now I have not 897. And that makes me so happy. Why? Because I can call through these 897 every single month and see are they ready to sell yet? Are they ready to sell yet? You see most of y’all is marketing budgets are so expensive, because you have to spend money on marketing every single month. What if you focus on a specific niche, right? Like they’re real estate agents that focused on a specific zip code, and they live their whole lives off of that zip code, because they know hey, there’s 10% of the property sell in that zip code every single month. Okay, you have 10% turnover. And there’s 1000 properties, right, that’s 100 properties a month in that zip code that gets sold, I only need five of them a month. And so they just work really hard to become known in that community and they never move into another community. Right, you can do the same thing and wholesaling. And same thing in investing is you can literally market to a specific zip code, get every correct number, as long as you’re smart. And you know how to do multiple different closing strategies, you can literally just gather every crack number in that specific zip code and you can you can just follow up forever moving forward, you can send direct mail, you can just call them you can see what’s going on not interested, we do a 90 day follow up. So every 90 days you follow up, see what’s going on. We have a lot of users right now at the end of the year after a whole year of marketing to you know doing bold cold calling have 1000s and 1000s of not interested we have a user with 25,000 correct numbers in his market, he called back through in one campaign in December of 25,000 records and put out three deals right just by doing a non uninterested, just call him back through non interest, it’s really really simple thing to do that nobody does that can make a drastic difference on your bottom line. Otherwise, what you do is you end up reporting this record later and with all the phone numbers, because you re skip trace it again and then you have to re hope that the person picks up the phone to tell you it’s the right number all because a year ago, you didn’t save it when you already had it. It’s silly, it’s dumb. It doesn’t make any sense. And so there’s a smarter way to go about it. Okay, and so after I skip trace, if I get phone numbers back, what’s going to happen is automatically going to end up whatever flow you want ready to market and then you just move it through the flow and I have Have one at once. Every first Thursday of the month, I have the opportunity to come on here and just show you guys different things so I can break down. You know, whatever’s needed, you know that you guys want. So let’s talk about multifamily, though. So my multifamily property status is like, hey, there’s not new multifamily is coming out every single month, right? Like it’s not happening every every single day. But I’m putting it through cycle where hey, I bring him in, I market through them. And I get as many quick numbers as I can if I just do my multifamily list right now. So let me just load like this one, and then I’ll remove my status, or I’ll just remove this. Remove that remove that. I’ll say numbers, yes. And then I’ll do phone status. That’s correct. And let’s see how many correct numbers I have only one more tag, I want to filter by 10 or less units of multifamily 10 units or less, right click apply. So right now I have 121 credit numbers to multifamily properties, right. And you can see how many are not interested right now. That’s fine. I don’t care if you’re interested today, I have your correct number now. Okay. And I’m going to follow up with you. And I’m going to try to make an offer, again, on your property in the future. Okay. And I’m going to do that for every one of these. And I’m gonna track how many of these have been offered me. So I can come in here and I can go to offer offer count. One or more. There’s probably only like one of those. Yeah, right. So that means out of those 121 that aren’t interested, I can call through them, I say hey, we’ll kind of at least give you an offer. Maybe it’ll make sense, you know, and if they say sure, and so I want to be able to make an offer to as many as as I can, right. But I also don’t want to waste my time either. Okay, and speaking of that, like you do track offers here. So I’m not going to get into this too much for the sake of time, but we can talk about how to track offers properly. And what the difference between an accepted offer is versus an under contract offer, you know, sort of like I give an offer to somebody and they’re like, oh, yeah, I’ll you know, 150,000 for my property, I’ll accept that. And so you do say 80, just for the sake of this, right. And so you set submit it, they haven’t signed a contract yet, until they sign the contract. It’s not under contract in Rei Sif, we just go to like my record that I’m always doing this on. So that doesn’t mess up my system. So if I, if I say this 80,000 year, and then they go on a contract that that now converts from an offer to a deal. And so now in our eyes, if I can update that deal and say, hey, it’s a it’s gonna be a wholesale, and it’s for 15,000, we’re going to project it, we assigned it for 15,000. But we had to do with cleaning on it. And that was 500 bucks. I’m just putting whatever was already in here. And I save it. And so now if I update the deal, who ever clicked add on this, there we go save it, I have a projected cost of 500 bucks, assignment fee 15,000 Behave, a closed, save. And so Okay, well, once there’s been closed and deal finalized, well, when a deal closes, there’s still things that need to be done, okay. And you’ll want tasks to get automatically added to a record to track this, right. So after something closes, you want to make sure that you update your QuickBooks account, get the HUD and upload it to a location where it’s easily accessible for at the end of the year. And when you do your taxes, because everyone scrambles for that kind of stuff, right? And you can put automations in place to make sure those tasks get added. And then also a deal review. So you can look at the activity log and and figure out okay, well, when did we get this record? When did the correct member come? What did we do to actually close this deal? Deal reviews are so so important. Listen to the voicemails of the acquisitions that talk listen to the voicemails, and the conversations of the lead managers were integrated with smartphone and air calls. So you can listen to the voicemails, you know, through the activity log and, and just track what’s going on. And then once that’s done, you switch the deal finalized, and then you get your deal profit, right. And there’s so much more being happened there. I’m just gonna update this as deal fell through and then said was a test and save it. Okay. And so, you know, it’s all about making sure you have systems in place. And so I’m going to test something really cool because I don’t I didn’t know that we released this debate, I don’t even know if it works. We have a phone book feature we just launched. And so I’ll show you kind of like on the owners page here by filter by persons, you can see like some of these people own like 16 properties, maybe this person, okay, yeah, it’s not on this page yet. Maybe this person doesn’t want to sell, but maybe they become an owner, someone that’s like a lender or a buyer, we got a button here that will toggle and it’ll become a contact in the phonebook. And so we’re working on releasing that it looks like you just haven’t pushed the beta real quick. So anyway, that’s another way though, that you can do, you can market to just people that have multiple properties, you know, filter by persons that own certain amount of properties. Maybe like I said, Hey, these people own, let’s see, property count, they own, you know, three or more three, let’s say three, seven properties, let’s just say that there’s a phone status, they don’t include any correct number, right. And so I know I don’t have a check number for them. And so for me, that’s 170 properties. So let me call through these real quick and see if I can’t get a portfolio deal. So I just click next record. And most of these you’ve already called through next record, and this person doesn’t have phone numbers. So maybe I skip tracing really quick, and so on, there’s just so much I’m not gonna be able to cut I’m not covering everything in this one. I’m really just here to plant seeds. I’m not here to sell anybody anything specifically, I’m here to plant seeds. And hopefully you guys start doing little things in your business to start actually yielding the results that you should having the confidence in your business that you should have. And then you create systems and flows right like new lead. For example. Let’s say you have a new lead, I create a custom status called new lead. I have a sequence in place. I don’t use my sequences a ton, but I have a sequence in place to where when a new lead comes in. It goes to my lead management board and it adds the task to call On the lead, and so on in my sifl, onboard new leads, there’s, you know, 19 new leads, I need to call, I add a photo to mine so I can see it. And you know, I call him back and then really is just about making sure you’re doing your tasks. And right now, if I show mine, it’s pitiful, I have a ton of overdue tasks and all these leads that I need to handle. And it’s mainly because like, I work them at my pace and what I want if you’re legitimate, like you’re doing marketing, and you rely on them and everything else, that’s kind of cool area result, duplexes. It looks like a townhouse. Hmm. Anyway, look at the message board. And I can see my message board in here. And what’s really cool is like, I can come in here, and I can just look, I see, okay, when did I upload this data? So I uploaded the list this record originally on December 6, and when did we get a correct number, the first initial call happened on December 20. I skip tracing on the sixth first call happened on the 20th. And then we got a correct number on the 20th. And I could listen to the voicemails, like if I did my job. And I can see where the problem happened here with this where you what you do in a deal review on a 20th I got a task and it’s still over, you know, it’s well, it’s not overdue, right now, actually, it’s due on the ninth to follow up. And I’m sure it says that in the message board, why but if I was overdue already, which most likely they will become just knowing knowing me, then then I would want to get on my own ass, right? Or get on my lead managers ask and figure out what’s going on. And there’s so much more of this lead management folders to make sure every single you know, Friday evening, your lead manager is filtering. For example, if I had a lead manager that was you know, working this this business only 90 days old, right this happy acquisitions. But if I had one and I had a property status of new lead, right at the end on every Friday, you should filter by anything that’s a new lead, right, that has, let’s say task status of overdue. And so in my case, that’s going to show up with 19 properties like oh shit, the lead managers to be like yo, red flag, there’s a bunch of new leads, we can’t, and we can’t go home until we call all these new leads and assign them a follow up task and everything else, and so on. And so, you know, there’s little QC things. So you want to make a folder for your lead management team to make sure that they can go through those and you create a recurring task under your current tasks to say, hey, you know, check three management, Friday overview cast, right, whatever you want to do. And that way, you can make sure that every Friday you’re going through and checking what leads don’t have TAs at all, across the whole system, I was on a strategy call, whenever users three days ago, they had 3000 leads and their system like leads. And 222 of them had zero tasks on them. So they’re not being followed up with at all, they have no follow up sequence. And out of those 20 of them were labeled as hot leads, okay, well, Are they hot? Or are they not? Because they’re, they’re hot, and they should have passed. If they’re not, then they should not be able to talk right and so on. And so these this is why businesses fail, and they go these systems that have built in KPI tracking, you know, and they think that that’s going to solve their problem. No, it’s not. Because what solves your problem is persistence, and habits. You can’t take and say, Oh, hey, you can’t like I can buy a bike all day. And it can sit there all fucking day, I can buy a trainer and I can get Zwift you know, to go ride the bike, you know, virtually in my office, but that bike wrote, you know, even if it had the ability to rotate on its own, it’s not going to affect me, and it’s not going to benefit me at all right? So I can get like a KPI dashboard, I can have all these automations doing all this other shit. But if I don’t get on it on every Friday, or every however, like I saw on it every day, I saw an evening for 20 minutes every single day, right. And if I don’t hop in the size, and I’m not going to sweat, right, I could turn it on all day. But I don’t get any, that’s a different story, right. And so the point is, is that don’t go seeking out things that you think that you need, when because you have bad habits, we do have KPIs that we are launching in here, I’m not talking much about it. But just just know if you’ve seen already, everything that we do have is pretty frickin pretty awesome. Tracking all the phone numbers tracking all the capability when you can start associating records with campaigns with the integrations with everything that we have, it’s gonna be super awesome, but I’m gonna leave it at that for now. And all I want you guys to walk away with this as a summary. Five things right? Never buy the same date twice. Never skip trace the same data twice until you’ve marketed through that data a certain amount of times and then skip tracing the second provider that does not get their phone numbers from the same location as a first make sure that you send mail to the records that you don’t get skip trace results from pain, we’re plugging holes here, right? It’s how we save money every single month and how we opt you know gain deals from opportunity costs that were that we’re currently not like seizing the opportunity on make sure that you’re bringing in data on a daily or weekly basis and doing what’s called niche sequential marketing call texts for voicemail work through those records have a flow for that. Our onboarding team here at RSA will help you out if you guys do decide to become users and do that. And lastly, make sure that you have a way for your team to wake up every day and say hey, what’s my task due today? What are my overdue tasks in what do I do if I don’t have anything that’s any of those two, okay, and as long as at the end of every day, all tasks are completed and you’re feeding in new data to your business and all your tasks are being completed your business will thrive and as long as those actions are tailored directly towards income producing tasks Any cool collecting correct numbers getting as many correct numbers as you can, your business will continue to grow. The only thing that will make it not is your ability to be a leader and your ability to manage money, both personally in your personal life as well as in the business. So I’m gonna leave you on that. If anything, maybe we add a note to just skip to the very end of this and just listen to those five things, or six things. And I think that your business will know your business will improve. Okay, lastly, I didn’t mention this. I think I have like 567 doors. So this process does work. I’ve used it all the time in my own life and 1000s of our users do as well. Um, if you guys have any questions, let me know. Reach out to me in discord and then as well. I’ll see you guys at the first Thursday of next month. Thank you so much, Jackie. And I’ll see you guys later.

Appreciate it, man. Appreciate it. And it’s 100% like, profitability is a huge key, right? Last year, I spent three and $1,000 on Facebook. And like we really didn’t do anything out of it. Right. He ended up a lot of our net profits. And so at the at the end of the day, that means that year my company looks like it’s not near as good as it should be because of the fact that we had a bunch of expenditures that didn’t yield any results right and So you want to really try to eliminate that as much as possible. But the really the big thing is just like plugging holes like it doesn’t have to be everything right away. If you’re doing a book marketing strategy right now, which is when you pull in data, like say you’re pulling 10,000 records every month, you’re skip tracing $2,500, every single month, you know, and you’re burning through that data. And you’re in that protocol are usually late, a lot of like cold calling companies, they recommend you say, hey, 10,000 records per call, or every single month, so you can call through them. Out of those, you’re gonna get up about on a good day on bulk dialing a good day. 5% correct number ratio is that means out of 10,000 records, and 50 correct numbers. That’s insane. And so, somewhere around there, intuitive 50 and 500. And so you’re telling me that the other 9500 people, right, they don’t need to sell their house like No, it’s because you’re not marketing in the right way. But let’s just say you do that through five attempts. And each attempt, you know, your correct number ratio goes down a bit. And so at the end of the day, after five, dial throughs of that list, which most people a lot of people don’t do, but let’s just say you and I’m gathering a total of 1500 correct numbers, right, you still have 8500 people that you haven’t reached yet. So they should probably, you know, have direct mail done, out of those 8500 people, there’s probably at least minimum 500 people where every number that you have for that seller is a wrong number. And so from your skip tracing provider, you got like, let’s say three phone numbers back all three phone numbers, they picked up the phone, but they said that was the wrong number. And you have no idea who those are. And those people you need to send direct mail to, you need to send them to the second skip tracing provider, right. So there’s little tiny things where if you are an operation that is crushing it right, and you’re spending a lot of money, just doing something very small, can drastically change the outlook of your business annually, because now you can capitalize on the opportunity cost that you don’t know exists, right? You know, and so this is really this is kind of like really, really important little things. Another big one, and I’m just covering kind of these principles that I want you out there that that anybody can take away and hopefully have an aha moment. Another big one is if you skip tracing a provider, and you get back records with no phone numbers everyone does, right. And so these these records with no phone numbers, what are you doing with those? Are you tracking those? Do you know what records you’ve skipped traced? And that didn’t come back with phone numbers? What are you doing with them? Do you have a system to easily say okay, well, those ones, let’s just send direct mail real quick, or let’s skip trace those in a second provider trying to get phone numbers, you have a flow for that. Because if you skip trace, 10,000 people and 80% of them, you don’t get even even 10% You don’t get phone numbers back that’s 1000 records. What if those 1000 have 500 vacant properties in them, or 250 vacant properties, and two of those vacant properties want to sell but it’s because they respond to direct mail pieces and not cold calling. That’s why you can’t reach him because they haven’t had a phone in 15 years. Who knows? Right? A lot of people make assumptions based off of what they think right in all of their experience in marketing. And this while they start this business in their business for like six months in or even a year or even two years, they’ve done the same strategy for others for at forever. And they think that like in all their intelligence that that seller just if they don’t answer by the phone, then that’s that that’s not called being a marketer, that’s called just not calling it anything really, it’s just it’s you being silly, right? Your your business has equipped, you put a halflife on your business. And so you can fix it very easily. And that’s what you know, what I really aim to do right is help people be able to do this in a more effective way. So that’s another big one is, you know, sending mail to the phone numbers, you know, getting your results back from another big one is, you know, focused on like portfolio deals like focusing on the people that are three to five properties that have a problem going on. So how do we see those people? And how do we market to those? How do we how do we do one marketing effort that small marketing effort that yields a higher result? Right? So how do we spend the same amount of time essentially dialing the same amount of phone numbers, but if we get a hold of somebody, our chances on making money is even higher, because now we’re getting two properties per contract rather than just one property per contract. For example, in 2019, we did 1.3 million off a 30,000 and adspend. We had 43 properties under contract but only 12 contracts. We are really focusing on just those three to five unit prop three to five property owns and at least one of those properties were tax delinquent. That was our thing. If at least one of those properties were tax delinquent, then we were hitting them if they own three to five and that way we could try to buy the other two to save the the tax lien or property which in most cases was the homestead. Okay, so save your homestead. So sell these other two properties and have the money to buy to save the homestead you know, So little things like that. And there’s so much opportunity for that. It’s just, that’s one of the problems in this business that there’s so much opportunity that people just choose one little spot that seems the simplest to them, which isn’t bad, but it can be simple the other way around. And so let me go ahead and divert over and I’ll go ahead and share my screen and I’m going to show you guys my flow for multifamily, right, this is another really good way for you to just to compound your results, right? If you want to make more money don’t fish in upon fish in the ocean, right? You want to get bigger fish? Don’t fish in the three foot pond fish in the 100 foot airship right? You’re just naturally there’s bigger fish in there. Right. And so, you know, instead of single family residences, you know maybe switch over to duplexes and quads or you know 16 unit buildings or whatever and so for me my real estate company is all about building just a portfolio now and so I don’t mark it for wholesaling. I’m market just for To multifamily, and so I’m on a mission to get every single correct number to all multifamily is in Okaloosa. County, Florida. And so right now out of the 10 or less units, there’s about 462 of those, we have 264 correct numbers, and 164, that they just haven’t answered any of our marketing period after we call through multiple times, skip trace multiple times. And so those need to be long term direct mail, and then researching family members, right. And there’s about 16 years, seven year whatever that we that just hasn’t finished that call sequential cycle yet. We’ll show you guys just a flowing gentleman, I’m gonna paint the picture of a daily operation and help you guys out for those who are like, Okay, well, I’m still pretty confused. I’m just talking about a bunch of stuff. There’s no visual aid, yada, yada, yada. Alright, so here’s my sift account. And so what you notice I only have 32,000 records in this one. And that’s because again, it’s really niche. If I go to my list page here, I only have a multifamily list total of 17 115 170 multifamily in Okaloosa. County, 462 of those are under 10 units. Okay, probates 2061, that’s a combination between here and Richardson, Texas. And then single family residence, same thing, a combination between here in Richardson, Texas. And so I’m working through primarily, you know, segmenting this right segment in this and marketing to it in a sequential pattern. Just a quick overview of sips. In general, we have our SIP line. So my lead management means in here we have, you know, we track any acquisitions, you know, dispose stuff, just different boards on the bottleneck in this business, by the way I make offers when I see a deal that I really like. And that’s pretty much it, your records page is really where all of your marketing management happens, right? It’s where we’re filtering by records, we can see that we have a certain, you know, statuses in here of what they are, like, I see I skip trace this 120 days ago, the status is prospecting, which means hey, this person didn’t answer and it’s a dead number. And that happened for a certain amount of times, right? And so what I want to do is I want to create a flow for my business. And so just sit down and ask yourself for a second, what is my flow, okay, I get data, and then most people skip trace right away. And that’s the first fall you don’t want to skip trace right away, you want to upload to something like REI safe, something that will normalize that data, because look at how many incomplete records I have, I have 4486 incomplete records. Some of it because it’s missing a mailing address. Some of it’s because the last name is just a C instead of the whole name. Some of it’s just not even a full name, a name some of its entities. And so you don’t want to skip trace this information. Because if you do, you’ll get back maybe even if you get back, you know, 75% of the phone numbers only, like very few of them are going to be accurate because there’s no way I don’t care who tells you they can skip here’s an LLC, it is not possible. Okay, I was a red team operator, part of my job was to find people for the government like like, it is not possible to do that through a data set. The only way that you can do that unless there’s unless there’s like a stir shaken or something like that database that you tap into. Okay, so fun little note there, just a little deep prospecting idea there. Most people don’t most companies don’t search anything like an LLC, like this isn’t going to start shaking their phone number. There’s no reason they’re not marketing, right. So it’s very, very few. However, if I research that LLC in the state, and they look at the owner of the LLC, and then search the owner’s name, and then find the owners mailing address, and then skip trace that now we’re getting some of that’s a lot of work, though, right? The lowest hanging fruit, right? Maybe I only focus on that for the people that own like this case, they own four or five properties, right? Cool. It’s probably worth it then to go ahead and figure out who this owner is of Strickland house LLC, and then offer they’re out of the out of state investor, maybe I can buy all three of these. This one’s on two or more lists one a single family residence multifamily. That doesn’t make any sense. However, that’s what’s popping up. That’s right. So maybe I spend the extra time to do that. Maybe if I end up looking at the record, you know, on Google, actually, I can just click this lightning bolt and go to Google Maps. Hopefully it finds it okay. Oh, hey, it’s this one. This was for sale by owner actually, literally not long ago, this corner right here. It’s got a tarp on it and everything. So obviously, maybe that’s an option. Maybe that’s something that can take can be something anyway, I digress. So I come over here, right. And I intake new data, I intake that new data, and right away, I want to know like, do I need to skip traces records or not. And so I create a folder here by creating a new folder, and I call it skip trace flow, and I just create some filters. So here’s my multifamily 10 or less so built in my multifamily list my tags, I’m just, you know, removing different types of properties that are multifamily. I don’t have any call attempts on there no phone numbers, the owner type is a person and the skip tracing is no and I click apply as of right now, there’s nothing here. But if I uploaded records, multifamily properties in any location in the United States right now, they would pop up here, you know, if they didn’t have phone numbers, if for whatever reason one of those properties were already owned by one of the owners that have the same mailing address, then it would automatically just merge with that person. I wouldn’t have to skip trace and spend money on it. So after I skip trace it, my next step is I need to ask myself, Okay, well, was there any that came back without phone numbers? So if I skip trace it and it came back with phone numbers, then it’s going to show up here because I’m filtering my records that were skip trace. Yes, numbers No. And so very easily. I just know that right away, I upload the list. They don’t have any phone numbers. Then I’m going to either to have two options, send direct mail right away, which is what I do right now or export and skip tracing the second location and try and gather those phone numbers so I can cold call. All right. So that’s the first thing no matter what business you are, if you’re doing bulk cold, calling cold. SMS any of those things, that is the first and foremost thing and that’s the standardized process you’ll be doing in your business upload data on a frequency doesn’t need skip trace, skip trace the ones that need it. And then the ones that don’t get voters back, send direct mail or skip trace and second location. After that happens. Now I have different data sets that I need to choose what kind of campaigns I want to do. If I’m doing bulk cold calling, then like we are for Richardson, Texas, 75080, zip code, then I’m going to create a some filters to track the marketing from a temp one through five, and then I’m going to have what’s called an RTM order or ready to market. So this is the data that came back, it doesn’t have any status on it, because if it had a status, that means that we reached the person, I’m going to talk a little bit about dispositions and marketing in a second, okay, I’m going to talk about that. So that’s really important. Understand the difference between a property disposition and a phone disposition is really, really huge. You got to track both okay, but right now, I want to see the data that we’ve never marketed to. And right now we don’t have any, it’s all sent for marketing, but it doesn’t have a status. It’s not assigned to anybody inside of REI sift to focus on niche marketing on it doesn’t have any call attempts, it has phone numbers, okay, results, zero, okay, but I can come in here and I could look and I can find, okay, well, where is that data at right now, or, you know, out of my book cold calling what’s been attempted three times, okay. And so I could click Apply. And as of right now, we have 4086 records that we have call that have not picked up the phone, because they don’t have any statuses. But I could click on one of these, and I might have a wrong number on, right. So if I want to see that, how many of these that are on their third attempt, just have wrong numbers, I could just do phone status. And I could filter by the phone status, wrong number and click Apply. And as of right now, 288 of these have a wrong number. So that’s a wrong number. And on call tools, which we use for cold calling, like these phone numbers haven’t answered, because if they did answer, then they would disposition it and it would come back. And if it was the wrong number, it would just update wrong number. If it was a, Hey, don’t ever call me again, if it was the correct person, the wrong person, there’s different DNC, you know, options. But if they say, hey, I’m interested in selling, then it would update as a new lead, and it would put it as a correct number. And you see, so what happens is, is as you’re calling like these people with wrong numbers, I select them all send them directly from here to call tools, but I won’t send anything with with a status. But if I wanted to send all my wrong numbers, and you know, try to get sued, and I can I can select just wrong number status and said only wrong numbers from these records. But ideally, I just send no status, right. And now I’m going to send back these records again for another campaign with phone numbers that haven’t been answered yet. And so that’s going to continue to trickle down. until ultimately, I’m sending less and less phone numbers or call tools. And I’m really squeezing out that both marketing. And if after five attempts and nobody answers. Let’s see if we have any that are five attempts right now on this campaign. Right now we don’t so after five attempts, if there’s still people, if we if there’s five, you know, records in here, I set them to call tools and they’ve already dialed through that campaign, then these guys, you know, can get sent to an SMS campaign to be bulk SMS for five times. So I can try to get phone correct numbers through that way. This business is about gathering correct numbers. That’s all it is. Don’t get it. Don’t be confused. You’re not trying to find people that are ready, that are ready to sell today, as much as they try to tell you that in a lot of places. That is not what you’re doing. You’re trying to gather correct numbers, you’re trying to gather as many not interested as possible. And this is really big thing I seriously can’t stress this as much as possible. You want as many not interested as possible. Right now I have not 897. And that makes me so happy. Why? Because I can call through these 897 every single month and see are they ready to sell yet? Are they ready to sell yet? You see most of y’all is marketing budgets are so expensive, because you have to spend money on marketing every single month. What if you focus on a specific niche, right? Like they’re real estate agents that focused on a specific zip code, and they live their whole lives off of that zip code, because they know hey, there’s 10% of the property sell in that zip code every single month. Okay, you have 10% turnover. And there’s 1000 properties, right, that’s 100 properties a month in that zip code that gets sold, I only need five of them a month. And so they just work really hard to become known in that community and they never move into another community. Right, you can do the same thing and wholesaling. And same thing in investing is you can literally market to a specific zip code, get every correct number, as long as you’re smart. And you know how to do multiple different closing strategies, you can literally just gather every crack number in that specific zip code and you can you can just follow up forever moving forward, you can send direct mail, you can just call them you can see what’s going on not interested, we do a 90 day follow up. So every 90 days you follow up, see what’s going on. We have a lot of users right now at the end of the year after a whole year of marketing to you know doing bold cold calling have 1000s and 1000s of not interested we have a user with 25,000 correct numbers in his market, he called back through in one campaign in December of 25,000 records and put out three deals right just by doing a non uninterested, just call him back through non interest, it’s really really simple thing to do that nobody does that can make a drastic difference on your bottom line. Otherwise, what you do is you end up reporting this record later and with all the phone numbers, because you re skip trace it again and then you have to re hope that the person picks up the phone to tell you it’s the right number all because a year ago, you didn’t save it when you already had it. It’s silly, it’s dumb. It doesn’t make any sense. And so there’s a smarter way to go about it. Okay, and so after I skip trace, if I get phone numbers back, what’s going to happen is automatically going to end up whatever flow you want ready to market and then you just move it through the flow and I have Have one at once. Every first Thursday of the month, I have the opportunity to come on here and just show you guys different things so I can break down. You know, whatever’s needed, you know that you guys want. So let’s talk about multifamily, though. So my multifamily property status is like, hey, there’s not new multifamily is coming out every single month, right? Like it’s not happening every every single day. But I’m putting it through cycle where hey, I bring him in, I market through them. And I get as many quick numbers as I can if I just do my multifamily list right now. So let me just load like this one, and then I’ll remove my status, or I’ll just remove this. Remove that remove that. I’ll say numbers, yes. And then I’ll do phone status. That’s correct. And let’s see how many correct numbers I have only one more tag, I want to filter by 10 or less units of multifamily 10 units or less, right click apply. So right now I have 121 credit numbers to multifamily properties, right. And you can see how many are not interested right now. That’s fine. I don’t care if you’re interested today, I have your correct number now. Okay. And I’m going to follow up with you. And I’m going to try to make an offer, again, on your property in the future. Okay. And I’m going to do that for every one of these. And I’m gonna track how many of these have been offered me. So I can come in here and I can go to offer offer count. One or more. There’s probably only like one of those. Yeah, right. So that means out of those 121 that aren’t interested, I can call through them, I say hey, we’ll kind of at least give you an offer. Maybe it’ll make sense, you know, and if they say sure, and so I want to be able to make an offer to as many as as I can, right. But I also don’t want to waste my time either. Okay, and speaking of that, like you do track offers here. So I’m not going to get into this too much for the sake of time, but we can talk about how to track offers properly. And what the difference between an accepted offer is versus an under contract offer, you know, sort of like I give an offer to somebody and they’re like, oh, yeah, I’ll you know, 150,000 for my property, I’ll accept that. And so you do say 80, just for the sake of this, right. And so you set submit it, they haven’t signed a contract yet, until they sign the contract. It’s not under contract in Rei Sif, we just go to like my record that I’m always doing this on. So that doesn’t mess up my system. So if I, if I say this 80,000 year, and then they go on a contract that that now converts from an offer to a deal. And so now in our eyes, if I can update that deal and say, hey, it’s a it’s gonna be a wholesale, and it’s for 15,000, we’re going to project it, we assigned it for 15,000. But we had to do with cleaning on it. And that was 500 bucks. I’m just putting whatever was already in here. And I save it. And so now if I update the deal, who ever clicked add on this, there we go save it, I have a projected cost of 500 bucks, assignment fee 15,000 Behave, a closed, save. And so Okay, well, once there’s been closed and deal finalized, well, when a deal closes, there’s still things that need to be done, okay. And you’ll want tasks to get automatically added to a record to track this, right. So after something closes, you want to make sure that you update your QuickBooks account, get the HUD and upload it to a location where it’s easily accessible for at the end of the year. And when you do your taxes, because everyone scrambles for that kind of stuff, right? And you can put automations in place to make sure those tasks get added. And then also a deal review. So you can look at the activity log and and figure out okay, well, when did we get this record? When did the correct member come? What did we do to actually close this deal? Deal reviews are so so important. Listen to the voicemails of the acquisitions that talk listen to the voicemails, and the conversations of the lead managers were integrated with smartphone and air calls. So you can listen to the voicemails, you know, through the activity log and, and just track what’s going on. And then once that’s done, you switch the deal finalized, and then you get your deal profit, right. And there’s so much more being happened there. I’m just gonna update this as deal fell through and then said was a test and save it. Okay. And so, you know, it’s all about making sure you have systems in place. And so I’m going to test something really cool because I don’t I didn’t know that we released this debate, I don’t even know if it works. We have a phone book feature we just launched. And so I’ll show you kind of like on the owners page here by filter by persons, you can see like some of these people own like 16 properties, maybe this person, okay, yeah, it’s not on this page yet. Maybe this person doesn’t want to sell, but maybe they become an owner, someone that’s like a lender or a buyer, we got a button here that will toggle and it’ll become a contact in the phonebook. And so we’re working on releasing that it looks like you just haven’t pushed the beta real quick. So anyway, that’s another way though, that you can do, you can market to just people that have multiple properties, you know, filter by persons that own certain amount of properties. Maybe like I said, Hey, these people own, let’s see, property count, they own, you know, three or more three, let’s say three, seven properties, let’s just say that there’s a phone status, they don’t include any correct number, right. And so I know I don’t have a check number for them. And so for me, that’s 170 properties. So let me call through these real quick and see if I can’t get a portfolio deal. So I just click next record. And most of these you’ve already called through next record, and this person doesn’t have phone numbers. So maybe I skip tracing really quick, and so on, there’s just so much I’m not gonna be able to cut I’m not covering everything in this one. I’m really just here to plant seeds. I’m not here to sell anybody anything specifically, I’m here to plant seeds. And hopefully you guys start doing little things in your business to start actually yielding the results that you should having the confidence in your business that you should have. And then you create systems and flows right like new lead. For example. Let’s say you have a new lead, I create a custom status called new lead. I have a sequence in place. I don’t use my sequences a ton, but I have a sequence in place to where when a new lead comes in. It goes to my lead management board and it adds the task to call On the lead, and so on in my sifl, onboard new leads, there’s, you know, 19 new leads, I need to call, I add a photo to mine so I can see it. And you know, I call him back and then really is just about making sure you’re doing your tasks. And right now, if I show mine, it’s pitiful, I have a ton of overdue tasks and all these leads that I need to handle. And it’s mainly because like, I work them at my pace and what I want if you’re legitimate, like you’re doing marketing, and you rely on them and everything else, that’s kind of cool area result, duplexes. It looks like a townhouse. Hmm. Anyway, look at the message board. And I can see my message board in here. And what’s really cool is like, I can come in here, and I can just look, I see, okay, when did I upload this data? So I uploaded the list this record originally on December 6, and when did we get a correct number, the first initial call happened on December 20. I skip tracing on the sixth first call happened on the 20th. And then we got a correct number on the 20th. And I could listen to the voicemails, like if I did my job. And I can see where the problem happened here with this where you what you do in a deal review on a 20th I got a task and it’s still over, you know, it’s well, it’s not overdue, right now, actually, it’s due on the ninth to follow up. And I’m sure it says that in the message board, why but if I was overdue already, which most likely they will become just knowing knowing me, then then I would want to get on my own ass, right? Or get on my lead managers ask and figure out what’s going on. And there’s so much more of this lead management folders to make sure every single you know, Friday evening, your lead manager is filtering. For example, if I had a lead manager that was you know, working this this business only 90 days old, right this happy acquisitions. But if I had one and I had a property status of new lead, right at the end on every Friday, you should filter by anything that’s a new lead, right, that has, let’s say task status of overdue. And so in my case, that’s going to show up with 19 properties like oh shit, the lead managers to be like yo, red flag, there’s a bunch of new leads, we can’t, and we can’t go home until we call all these new leads and assign them a follow up task and everything else, and so on. And so, you know, there’s little QC things. So you want to make a folder for your lead management team to make sure that they can go through those and you create a recurring task under your current tasks to say, hey, you know, check three management, Friday overview cast, right, whatever you want to do. And that way, you can make sure that every Friday you’re going through and checking what leads don’t have TAs at all, across the whole system, I was on a strategy call, whenever users three days ago, they had 3000 leads and their system like leads. And 222 of them had zero tasks on them. So they’re not being followed up with at all, they have no follow up sequence. And out of those 20 of them were labeled as hot leads, okay, well, Are they hot? Or are they not? Because they’re, they’re hot, and they should have passed. If they’re not, then they should not be able to talk right and so on. And so these this is why businesses fail, and they go these systems that have built in KPI tracking, you know, and they think that that’s going to solve their problem. No, it’s not. Because what solves your problem is persistence, and habits. You can’t take and say, Oh, hey, you can’t like I can buy a bike all day. And it can sit there all fucking day, I can buy a trainer and I can get Zwift you know, to go ride the bike, you know, virtually in my office, but that bike wrote, you know, even if it had the ability to rotate on its own, it’s not going to affect me, and it’s not going to benefit me at all right? So I can get like a KPI dashboard, I can have all these automations doing all this other shit. But if I don’t get on it on every Friday, or every however, like I saw on it every day, I saw an evening for 20 minutes every single day, right. And if I don’t hop in the size, and I’m not going to sweat, right, I could turn it on all day. But I don’t get any, that’s a different story, right. And so the point is, is that don’t go seeking out things that you think that you need, when because you have bad habits, we do have KPIs that we are launching in here, I’m not talking much about it. But just just know if you’ve seen already, everything that we do have is pretty frickin pretty awesome. Tracking all the phone numbers tracking all the capability when you can start associating records with campaigns with the integrations with everything that we have, it’s gonna be super awesome, but I’m gonna leave it at that for now. And all I want you guys to walk away with this as a summary. Five things right? Never buy the same date twice. Never skip trace the same data twice until you’ve marketed through that data a certain amount of times and then skip tracing the second provider that does not get their phone numbers from the same location as a first make sure that you send mail to the records that you don’t get skip trace results from pain, we’re plugging holes here, right? It’s how we save money every single month and how we opt you know gain deals from opportunity costs that were that we’re currently not like seizing the opportunity on make sure that you’re bringing in data on a daily or weekly basis and doing what’s called niche sequential marketing call texts for voicemail work through those records have a flow for that. Our onboarding team here at RSA will help you out if you guys do decide to become users and do that. And lastly, make sure that you have a way for your team to wake up every day and say hey, what’s my task due today? What are my overdue tasks in what do I do if I don’t have anything that’s any of those two, okay, and as long as at the end of every day, all tasks are completed and you’re feeding in new data to your business and all your tasks are being completed your business will thrive and as long as those actions are tailored directly towards income producing tasks Any cool collecting correct numbers getting as many correct numbers as you can, your business will continue to grow. The only thing that will make it not is your ability to be a leader and your ability to manage money, both personally in your personal life as well as in the business. So I’m gonna leave you on that. If anything, maybe we add a note to just skip to the very end of this and just listen to those five things, or six things. And I think that your business will know your business will improve. Okay, lastly, I didn’t mention this. I think I have like 567 doors. So this process does work. I’ve used it all the time in my own life and 1000s of our users do as well. Um, if you guys have any questions, let me know. Reach out to me in discord and then as well. I’ll see you guys at the first Thursday of next month. Thank you so much, Jackie. And I’ll see you guys later.