How To Write A Letter To A Real Estate Seller

Acquiring real estate properties can be tough since sellers get a lot of offers from different people. In this video, I’ll teach you exactly how to write a letter to a real estate seller so you can stand out from the rest of your competition!

Welcome back to the channel, everyone. I’m super excited to have you back. And today we’re going to be talking about how to write a seller a letter. And you’re probably wondering, why the heck would I write a seller letter? Well, guys, it’s gonna put you leaps and bounds ahead of the competition if necessary. So let’s dive in. I’m going to tell you how to do it, why you would do it all that let’s go.

By the end of this video, I’m going to explain to you exactly why and how writing a letter to a seller can help you get the house of your dreams by it. In this video, I’m going to explain to you why you should be writing letters to sellers, if you’re trying to buy their house, I’m gonna explain to you exactly how to write the letter to the seller. So it’s engaging and it gets to your point across what to include in this letter. So it’s appealing to the seller that you’re trying to write to? And is it even worth it? Does it even is even worth taking the time to write this letter to the seller. So what we’re gonna dive into right now is why should you write us a letter to a seller this strategy is was a little bit more important over the last two years or when you’re in a seller’s market over the pandemic, writing a letter kind of helps you stand out a little bit more when there’s a lot of competition if you had 100 People walk through your house and 50 offers, but saw one person that had an offer that was pretty much similar to everybody else’s writes you a letter that’s gonna get you to stand out. When you’re making an offer from real estate agents that represents you there’s there’s really not much that’s going to differentiate you or set you apart, especially when there’s so many offers coming across.

But when you write a letter that might tug on the heartstrings from of the seller and say, You know what, this person just wrote me a letter, they got a family, they’ve been looking in this neighborhood for a long time there’s their mother in law lives right down the street, it’s the best location for the schools that writing that letter and explain them exactly why you want that house might get you an edge up on the competition. Another thing you can do is how’s the best way to deliver this, how is the best way to deliver a letter? Well, I mean, it’s really up to you, you can a handwritten letter is probably better than an email or a text message. So you’ve got your different ways you want to do it. But I would suggest if you’re going to do it, if it’s possible, write a handwritten letter, nice little cursive letters, if you can do that, and just explain to them in your, your, your loving letters, that in your loving letter that you would love to buy their house. Number one, write them a handwritten letter, if you can’t, if you’re in a location where you can’t deliver them the letter, just send them an email, send them a tax, write it out, make it nice, put it on a Google Doc or word make it make it a nice little letter. But that’s how I would present a written letter, I would give them either a handwritten one or in email form and have either you can deliver it to them. Or you can have the real estate agent delivered to them.

Alright guys, so before I keep going, I kind of like to interact with everybody in the comment section and the people in the community that are watching these videos. So I want to know, comment below. If you’ve ever written a letter to a seller that you’re trying to buy their house, I’m curious. And if you even want to go in depth and deeper on your letter, tell us what you said, I think everybody would enjoy knowing what why you wanted to write a letter and what you said, if you feel like you can be that open with us. But hey, we’re a family here. So go ahead, leave a comment. And you know, I’ll read it. Okay, so what do you include in this letter to the writing to the seller, if you’ve never written a letter in general? Or if you’ve never written a letter to sell, you might be like, Well, what the heck do I write I come from a background where I wrote a lot of letters, I went on a mission for my church for two years. So I was writing letters all the time, whether that’s email or handwritten letters, so I’m pretty good at it. But let me just kind of give you some bullet points of what you need to write in this letter. First of all, you obviously need to introduce yourself and say, hey, look, this is, you know, my name’s Nathan. And you know, I have a family, tell them where you’re from, and give him a little background, let them know about you. So they can kind of connect with you. Maybe if you want, you can even leave some social media links in there. So they can check you out. But not necessary anyway.

So introduce yourself, tell them exactly why you want to move into their house, why is their house the perfect option for you why you’ve been looking around for so long. And this is the one exactly the property that you want for yourself. So introduce yourself, explain why you want the property. And maybe I don’t know if you can incentivize them. Like just be like, Hey, if you did this for me, I’d really appreciate it. Maybe I can bake you some bread, or give you some cookies or whatever. I don’t know if that’s legal. Maybe if as a real estate agent, I wouldn’t be able to do that. But maybe you as the seller, as the buyer and talking to the seller, you can do that. So that’s kind of it’s just a generic letter. Just introduce yourself, let them know why you want to move their house and maybe give them a little gift. And maybe you can even say this, Hey, look, if it doesn’t work out, you end up going someone else. I appreciate the opportunity. And I wish you the best of luck. But I would love to move in your house. So that’s kind of how you would write that letter. Right? So you’re like, why should I listen to Nate, what authority does he have on writing letters to people? Well, I actually did this.

All right, let me tell you the story of what I did. And so my wife is from Canada, okay. And one of our goals is to live in Canada during the summer, and then live in the United States during school time. We don’t have kids now. But when we do, or the goal would be, you know, have the kids in school and then in the summer go hang out with their family. So what happened is her sister, they live north of Toronto, right? If you if you know where Toronto Ontario is, so her sister has a really nice house. And she’s got about an acre and a half. And we love the area where my wife lives, because it’s like nice and farmy. It’s just got like, bunch of space bunch of fields. And I liked that a lot. I like space, I’d like to be able to see far out and I’m gonna Utah right now. So there’s mountains. It’s not like that here. There’s a lot of homes and it’s all like compact and long traffic. It’s not like that they’re they live in what’s called cottage country, right? Her sister just bought a house a couple years ago, and the house that’s right down the street became available for sale. Now this house, it was very expensive at the time. And it’s actually dropped down since since then now because we didn’t get it was too expensive. But we wrote a letter to the seller. Okay, we wrote a letter to the seller, exactly what I’m telling you to do, we did it. So we wrote a letter, we said, hey, look, we’d love to buy this house you’d like to make this offer. I know, it’s probably you’re probably getting better offers, but we’d love to move in. We’re from the United States, we come here all the time, we want to have our own place. And it’s literally like a month, not less than a mile, like whatever, it was very close, less than a mile down the road. And we’d love to live here. So please, please consider our offer. And, you know, thanks for the consideration. Now, the agent representing the seller also represent us right during the double dip strategy. And he gave the letter to the seller and the seller, you know, started going back and forth with us and talking to us. And we tried to figure out a deal. Now this this property was kind of a long shot, because we tried to get down on terms because the property and I’ll tell you what terms are later if you don’t know what creative financing is. I’ll tell you that in another video. But we tried to get it because it was such an expensive property had had like 131 acres. And at that time, the Canadian the real estate in Canada was freaking so high. So I’m kind of glad we didn’t get it. And it’s actually still for sale. So we might get it. Who knows. But we wrote a letter and we were able to establish that credibility with the seller. And there were some other offers, but at least we were in the running with a worse offer or offer not worse, but like it was less than the competition.

but at least we were in the running with a worse offer or offer not worse, but like it was less than the competition. So writing a letter got us, I guess the credibility for the seller to consider offer even though it wasn’t as good as the other ones. If you’re considering writing a letter and saying, Is it even worth it? I would say how long does it take you to write a letter for us? It took us maybe 1015 minutes before we sent it off. And we sent it on an email I at the beginning of video told you to write one. But we weren’t going to handle that right one and then mailed to Canada. So we just send an email and the agent gave them the email the letter we wrote, but I would say yes, it’s totally worth it if you really want something. And guys, this doesn’t even have to go with real estate. This is anything in life. If you want something, tell from someone, tell them why you do ask them for their help. People want to help people succeed in life. And I know this because I tried to put myself out there a lot with influencers and other coaches and people that are farther and further ahead than me in the game. And I reached out to them say hey, I’d love to talk to you. I was wondering if I could pick your brain and you’d be surprised how many people are willing to give you their lend you their time lend you their ear and talk with you. So this is not just something again, in real estate. But this is something to learn in life that if you want something go ahead and and go get it just don’t make an offer and just sit there and think you’re gonna do it. Follow up, write letters, tell people what you need. People want to help you succeed. If they’re, you know, if they’re good, I want to help everyone succeed. So do that. That’s why it’s definitely worth your time to write a letter.

This is more common in a seller’s market. Obviously, if you’re in a buyers market, and there’s tons of properties for sale, and there’s little buyers, and you’re not going to really need to write a letter. So again, in a seller’s market, this is way, way more prevalent, this is gonna happen a lot more is writing letters. But you know, have you thought about this, I’m going to tell you about one thing before we wrap up this video that maybe you haven’t thought of. So I got a great team behind me and they just told me Hey, this might be a good option to talk to people about other than writing a letter. We’re in the day and age of technology. So why not just send them a video, maybe like a little video chat or they have bunch of different ones like loom zoom stream yard, they got a bunch of these different videos, or you could just take one on your phone, send them a video of you in the family if you got a family, you know, make it really nice and cheesy. And you know, maybe they’d be able to watch that and be like, Oh, wow, I feel like I know those people. So that’s actually another great idea. So can you write a letter to a seller? Yes, but can you also send them a video? Heck yeah. So you got a handwritten letter, an email or now now that we’re in the age of cell phones and making it super easy to communicate through technology? Give them a video, check out the video that I talked about what is the seller’s market because if you’re not exactly sure what a seller’s market is, and how writing letter helps you in a seller’s market, check it out.


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