Marketing machine Paul do Campo – Payneless Wholesaling Podcast

In this video, we’re going to have a special guest, Paul do Campo. He’s a former flipper, a serial entrepreneur, and now a pro copywriter and “armchair” investor. Since 2015, he’s implemented practical copy and marketing techniques in his own businesses (land flipping, mobile home flipping, wholesaling SFRs, and info-publishing) and for other people’s businesses, including the renowned 8-figure investor, Ryan Dossey; and for big brands like Ballpoint Marketing, Call Porter, and large land developers selling hotels and 100+ unit developments. Check out this video to learn more.

All right, what’s going on everyone? We are live right now with the Payneless Wholesaling podcast. I have Paul though Campo, what’s up, man? How you doing?

Good man. Thanks for having me on. Appreciate it.

Oh, I love it. Yeah, and I appreciate you coming on. So just to let everyone know why we have this podcast and we’re gonna be talking today with Paul Paul is a marketing master. But what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna find out how he got his start in real estate, maybe some crazy experiences, maybe some deals that he’s done with with no spend and hopefully we can learn from his experience what he’s up to right now and how he got there we can learn from and take his knowledge and apply it because again, this is the Payneless Wholesaling podcast our goal is to learn from others so we don’t feel that pain as we go through the journey. So that’s why you’re here Paul is to help help us take away that pain that comes from the journey to the top. All right, we’re here to learn from experiences. So give us a quick 32nd intro on who you are and then we’ll dive into some of those questions.

Sure thing man so well first my active income is as I’m a copywriter that’s how we met and Ethan came to me we were in the same mastermind together we talked about some copy stuff some email stuff some marketing stuff that’s my main bread and butter today as an active my active income today right real estate. I started back in 2015 That was like my first entrepreneurial venture there not knowing a damn thing I was a W two worker I was in Southern California working in the utility company back then gas company I was a welder I was well there was a foreman pipeline construction all that jazz and I was decided to jump in real estate you know read Rich Dad Poor Dad like like a lot of people

dang and that book has done a lot for a lot of people a lot of lives yeah

so so yeah, it’s it’s since then it’s been a long different different ventures different different ideas and ending up today as a copywriter for real Sam just a passive investor today. private investor more so a private investor I hold notes from my previous ventures and land and mobile home right walkabout. I started off in Southern California which is a pretty competitive market lots of wholesalers there lots of sophisticated sellers specifically sellers and buyers so when I started and you asked me if there’s was any any marketing tips for making things painless making things even

yeah like yeah with no marketing spend yeah

yeah depending on what asset you’re looking at so with houses no because houses you know I started off with single family houses door knocking those like just straight up door knocking houses the only thing I just knew of I did direct mail which was like a flop for me my first few campaigns spent a lot of money in it saying yeah, and not to say it doesn’t work I think back then it’s when I look back it was I wasn’t following I wasn’t working the leads well enough it was one of those things where you know you got to call but you you get leads you direct mail brings you leads but it was one of those things where I have the leads in my CRM and I have to call them back and I had no system for follow up or anything I was just okay and I feel I feel like I need to call this lead back so I call the back and in the back of my mind I’m hoping that the lead isn’t answered you know, I had I think a lot of people have this feeling is they’re really hoping they don’t talk to lead no three rings they shut it off. And that’s it like I followed up I did my job you know, and that’s the feeling I had back then and no system at all it was all based off of how I felt. So you know, for anybody who’s starting off you know, even if you only have a small sample of leads, you know have a system in place and I know that sounds everybody says have a system in place well how do you do that? To be honest, it’s just it’s really hard to do you just it’s really just the work of of writing something down a plan you have in place to follow follow up so it’s not based off of feelings like every Saturday I’m going to drive you know if you live in a small home with a big family and you can’t follow up in their drive on this is what I did drive to the local Starbucks sit and sit in my car and just just dial away that is like as if you you’re working for somebody else and you have to perform that you have to perform right so that’s you know, that is my my I guess my two cents for for that you know

yeah you’re starting knocking man and knocking works that’s how I actually got one of my first deals. And so that’s cool. So it’s cool. You said you said maybe not for single family. Did you have another experience where you’re able to get out? Yeah,

so So I transitioned into mobile homes for cash flow game, okay mobile homes was a big thing. In Southern California still is big thing Southern California for cancer, the California because there’s a lot of mobile home parks there and the the model for that is what they call the Lonnie deal and it’s Lonnie Scruggs or scrubs forgot his name Scruggs, old school guy old school calf in the 70s who kind of developed this model where you buy a mobile home regardless if it’s in a park but he he chose in a park you know there’s this parks that you’re you pay for the for the space. You buy it for like $1,000 and then You relisted for $10,000 on payments. And that was my my model, that I jumped into transition into big cash flow game on that. And, yeah, that one, you can find those deals, just going to the park and talking to the manager, those those managers, those, those those managers are the you know, they’re the eagle in that park. They know everything that’s going on in that park, they can tell you who’s selling, who’s not selling. So that was when I first deals in the mobile home industry, just talking to managers, just talking to people inside of the park that cost any money. No, no, not at all. So you just pick a gas. Right? So Wow.

So you’re getting deals, you just went started talking to people on a mobile home park?

Yeah. And that’s the bottom I just started talking. I mean, that like can’t be said enough the activity, right. So today, so today, I don’t do any of that stuff. Today, I’m focused on other businesses, I have another business called Omni drip, which builds follow up marketing for investors for wholesalers and flippers. And that one, it’s the same concept, the same concepts are there where, you know, I have to rely on lead generation people coming to me. So I can book a call sales calls, and it’s the same concept I need leads I need I need, I need sales calls or appointments. The amount of activity is like proportional to how many leads I get in, yeah, no activity activity. Just I mean, when I say activity, even if you’re, if you’re brand new, everyone’s worried about doing the wrong activity, and you’re going to do the wrong activity. You’re just just you’re gonna do it. I mean, it’s just, it’s just a matter of just doing it quickly and finding out what works quickly and what doesn’t work quickly. And and doing the large amount of that. I can’t like stress that enough. I mean, I came into wholesaling, thinking, you just need to do a little bit like door knock 10 houses per week, that’s not enough. It’s really you need a lot of volume.

No matter what marketing channel, it is, right.

With direct mail, you can’t send out 500 pieces and expect results unless unless you’re in a very rural market. So yeah, I mean, I sent out I sent out I think a total of, like, 10,000 pieces at one point like a cumulative. Yeah. You know, and no results with that. And and that’s not saying direct mail doesn’t work. It just this is way back when I had no idea what I was doing. I didn’t know how to make an offer. I didn’t know how to follow up. Right. So I didn’t I didn’t you know, this is probably another tip. In marketing, we’ll just think about that everything is in stages split up into stages, like so a newbie entrepreneur, or marketer, salesperson or investor may come in and they just want to get the deal. They just that’s like, that’s all in their head. They want to get the deal. But that’s the last thing you should be thinking about. The first thing you should be thinking about is one well, how do I get the leads to come in? How do I find the sellers and then two, what’s the next sale for that is booking the appointment with that person that when I was following up with people from my direct mail campaigning, I didn’t think about I just need to get in the house, give them an offer. I was just following up whatever that means. It’s just a general follow up. I didn’t have any goals in mind when following up when I felt today, if I were to follow up with a lead the goal in mind is to I need to book an appointment. If he’s selling if you saw I need to get in the house. build rapport with that person to give them an offer. That should be like the first sale you need to make. Right The First Sale isn’t get the deal. The first sale is is get them on? Yeah.

Yeah. Like in the CRM, you have different stages, right? You don’t automatically just go to close you can’t right you got to take them through a process.

You got to make the little little sales little like so if I’m door knocking the first sale is I got to get the answer the door right. So I mean, it’s it was brain dead and simple. But I got a knock on the door. That’s my first sale I got, then I got to introduce myself and then introduce what I’m doing and then ask the question of if they know anybody that’s looking to sell. And then if they do getting that information, or if they’re selling, giving them a cash offer, right or viewing viewing the house, that should be the next sale after that. So little sales is what we’re trying to make. So there was I remember seeing a form a lady asking or saying that she’s struggling with cold calling, because she can’t find any deals off of it. And my response to her was my reply was was forget about trying to find deals while you’re cold calling you all you’re looking for is a seller and that’s it. And when it comes to copy this is I’m going to transition now to copy because this is this is relevant right here. People sometimes ask me for some copyright advice to write copy for the direct mail pieces to be honest when it comes to lead generation for investors. Copy is just plain and simple is what works best because because the thing is we’re not trying to persuade anybody sell we’re just we’re just trying to weed through the our list and to find a seller in that list. That’s just telling me or somebody So timing is as important as your as your list timing because I just did a campaign my personal campaign And to find a primary residence, I just moved to Idaho and looking for my my primary residence out here. I don’t like the rates up right now. So I want to see if I can find something creative. So I pulled the list of 200 people that in an area that I like free and clear houses 90% equity and wrote a letter and and mail them now, what am I getting out? This is copy but the point of the point is that message, your message on there, right my message for that I was 100% Honest myself that it that I might not get any response out of this, because I’m mailing 200 people, or they’re not, there may not be there’s a good chance there might not be a single seller in that list. So timing is also important. So when you when you send a small mailing like that, understand that, you know, it’s just the roll of the dice if you don’t get any responses because of the volume factor the numbers game you’re playing there, you’re you’re looking for a seller and just by that timing, you might not have known might not have been a seller with that list.

Yeah, no, it makes sense. So let me ask you this when you send out copy on mailers Are you saying something specific like hey, we’re just reaching out we want to buy are you selling just trying to find out who’s selling because you’re obviously not being like Yeah, you tell me like what does copy look like sometimes on

Yeah, so yeah, I work at one of my clients is ballpoint marketing so so direct mail company and we’ve we’ve tried out different things. So we’ve tried a long form copy that didn’t work too well. The short copy has always worked best and what do we mean what is the like little factors that help with response one that what has worked for a lot of markets is letting them know that you’re local somehow something in there that that lets them gives the perception that you’re local that has worked pretty well for most markets and then to since it’s short, I don’t want to do long form I always include one feature or benefit into that so what I mean by that is you know depending on like so back last year back two years ago when the market was hot you know people are getting a lot of these like cash offer type of advertising in their face so in the MLS and outside of the MLS so what was working pretty well is copy that was saying actually no realtor fees so that was like the benefit there’s no realtor fees you come to us you get an offer from us and that offer comes with no realtor fees. So that’s like the benefit that we were including in copy which is working pretty well at the time because people are getting this cash offers left and right so cash wasn’t like necessarily a big benefit to sellers because they can get anywhere right right diluted so so instead we came up with will no realtor fees in this offer. Right? Which we all know I mean, that’s like that’s like okay, obviously when when you’re off market investor, that’s what you’re going to give but sellers don’t necessarily know that right? We assume that cat that the seller knows what cash means. But it a lot of people don’t their cash what it means to a seller can mean that the saves them from embarrassment of putting a sign on the phone because they’re losing their house saves them from the embarrassment of people walking multiple buyers walking through their house, their neighbors walk through the house, and it’s a hoarder house is full of junk, right? So all these little things we need to communicate when you’re face to face and communicate, I communicate it and copy when it comes to like follow up marketing like when I build that for clients, but all these little things of what is the benefit? What are you bringing to the table? You know, this is this is something that that a while back back and ultimately better had me do and it’s probably one of the best exercises I’ve ever done for myself. He told me to sit down and write down at least 100 I couldn’t come up with 100 I think I came up with 5050 ways that you benefit a seller because Yeah, cuz you know a lot of us think you’re just gonna come to the house, give them a cash offer and boom, and that’s it, it doesn’t you need to give them a reason of right this cache is going to bring to the to the livelihood.

Right right the benefits like what’s how’s it gonna benefit them to work with the one like that man like that? I wanted to ask Do you have anything else to say that I wanted to ask you a question? Someone else?

No, go for it man. Shoot.

Yo so I wanted to ask you because I know a lot of people in here they want to know about them crazy stories you tell tell them about a crazy experience or interesting story you had from working with those mobile homes or in real estate because we all got them. Tell me Give me one or give me one

yeah. So yeah, land I did land as well. That was that was a profitable business for me. There’s not a whole lot of stories that’s pretty cut and dry. Mobile homes if you do mobile homes long enough. I mean, when I say long enough, you’ll find a story in three months. Yeah. But you get some nasty homes you really do. So the worst I have to that depending on you know what your what your fear is but care factored in your factor. Yeah. One of them was a mobile home in this I turned this deal down because it was it was going to be too much of a headache but you They called me from my website. So I at the time I was building up a website building up SEO and I got a website ranking. So they call me from our website and one of those 55 Plus mobile home parks, so I visited them I went to the house but the lady who owned the house lived next door. It was right when I went there talk to her to go yeah, that’s my house from 10 years ago. My husband died 10 years ago. I don’t live in anymore but my five cats living that out. Okay, five cats. Okay, so, alright, she’s like, Yeah, I need to sell it because I’m not paying the rent space for 10 years and I’m not doing anything with it. And the plan was for anybody who doesn’t know the plan was to buy it for I don’t remember the numbers let’s just give an example. Buy it for 10,000 Put another another 10 $15,000 into rehab and then resell it for like 50,000 60,000 on a note so finding a buyer who’s gonna make the payments on it and so walk through the House have to walk through the house as soon as I open that door stench of you got hit hatchet P and she walked like she walked through it like as if it’s nothing you know, it’s just another walk through the kitchen here and as soon as you open the door you see the mounds aisles and every corner so so they didn’t they they didn’t go outside to shit and pee. That was their living quarters and it was the restroom too. So she was immune she was immune to it brother hit her nostrils or burn her nostrils so much that she didn’t smell anything. So yeah, I walked through the laundry room you went inside you didn’t say because I was trying to be like you’re trying to be polite Yeah, walk through I take a right and she was like okay, so which way do you want to start like I think you know I think this gives me a good idea I think this is good so yeah, I didn’t I ended up not buying it do because they had to give it they would have to give it for free in order for me I wonder who bought it man I’m wondering who bought it got I think the park trashed it for them. Yeah. The park trash for them?

Yeah, I’ve been in situations like that to where it’s like why did I even go inside I knew I wasn’t going to buy it I knew I didn’t need to go inside I had when I was a newer investor to I was like yeah let me go see the guy you want to come in it was a terrible house like that. It’s like Sir I don’t need to go in I don’t need it you know but oh yeah. All right. What else you said you got another one right

yeah, yeah, so yeah, it’s kind of a not It’s not sad it’s nothing but to see how people live sometimes it is kind of sad you know Yeah, yeah had one that again through my website they call me and it was living a good deal good Park. good cash flow on it but I ended up not buying because the park didn’t let there’s these every once awhile when you run you run into this when you’re in this this model of of buying where you’re buying in a park but the park actually doesn’t let you buy it. They’re just so because they’re they do it themselves. So I don’t want any competition here. So get out. So anyway, the did a walkthrough met them in front of the house. They live there. So open the door. This was broad daylight and open right I opened the door. Everything’s on lights are on and there’s cockroaches, baby cockroaches adult confidence throughout the entire floor. Like it’s not even like it was. Yeah, and they’re crawling on the kitchen to the crawling of the kitchen. The pots.

There is a bug bomb, bro. That’s as easy as getting a bug bomb. Right?

Right. So yeah, there’s kids living there’s kids living there, like Oh, man. I mean, I was gonna buy it. I mean, because I mean, we have costs on that, you know, just you know, netting the plate, you know, tenting the place I mean, turning the place and no big deal but yeah, I mean feel bad for the family leaving those usually they weren’t embarrassed at all. I think that’s another another aspect of what you bring to the table as a buyer. Yeah, nationalism right like that. I’m sure that a seller would be fair for a retail buyer that right but if you come in as a professional you know it calms the nerves down like you’re not there to judge it’s just there to do business.

So yeah, we’re talking about it now but I guarantee you you me in that house we’re not making anyone feel uncomfortable ashamed for what they have. That’s not how we will because this that’s that’s what we expect, right? We’re buying homes that are you know, distressed but it that’s that’s tough, man and it’s honestly I hate cockroaches brother.

I did go on that one. I did. Your professional I’m gonna be professional about it. You know, so you got to be professional about it.

I respect you you went in the boat dude. That’s how you can raise your hand up high.

Yep, yeah, I mean, I mean just imagine that’s if you’re in this business. You got to be professional about it like when you hire a carpet cleaner. They come in with a nice with a polo your cleaned up. I mean, at least if you hire a reputable company, they come in, they don’t care about what your house is just coming to clean the carpet. That’s it. Same with us. We’re doing a service coming in with we’re helping alleviate their, their whatever problem they’ve got. So you got to be professional. We got to be a man about it and just

100% Yeah, I love it because I’m the same way like, you know, I, I’ve had situations like, where people, you know, it’s like they don’t have that skill set or that that, that ability to understand like, hey, yes, this is a weird situation but you’re not going to make that person feel uncomfortable, right? So I’ve been around people that are like, for example, when I was on my mission when I was like 1921, I had a companion on my mission that was like, some old lady made us a nice bowl soup. She was feeding us dinner and and there was a hair on it right? And what do you do? You take the hair out? You don’t say anything because you’re grateful, right? Like, you’re thankful for the lady. And my companion who’s from Peru, he was like, an Amana? Like, because you’re speaking Spanish. She’s like, sister, there’s and I was like, Dude, don’t you dare say anything. This is a nice, sweet lady. And it’s kind of the same aspect, right? Some people just don’t know, they there’s no reason to bring that up the ladies no brainers and say, Hey, you got cockroaches, which you didn’t. But that’s again, professionalism. Very true. And that’s why people are successful. I think they they’re able to read the room. And they’re there. They’re good professionals about it. Yeah. Thanks for sharing that with us. So hey, I know I’d love to keep talking. But I know you know, we kind of we started a little bit late. I want you to throw your plug in, I want you to let you know, let people know what how you can help them because you’ve helped me out. We had to talk about copywriting and marking, you helped me out a lot for what I needed to do. What what how can you help out my audience? Brother?

Yeah, I mean, so like I mentioned briefly kind of do a do follow up marketing for investors, we deliver drip sequences for them. If you want to check some free samples out, you can go to REI, Omni rei Omni Check that out. You can get free samples by opting into my my email list

Omni drip doc, Rei, Omni And those are, those are follow up campaigns that you guys

are yeah, those are drip sequences that any investor can can try out. There’s some. I mean, obviously, I sell the whole package. I sell total a total package of custom made trip sequences for you, but they can get a couple samples that they can plug in for themselves email and SMS.

So man, that stuff is so important, because really, like if you have one dude on a follow up campaign, like one VA, they can only do so much right if you can have a drip sequence rolling. That’s huge. Right? Definitely. Well, Paul, I was awesome. And I had a good time chat with you did and it’s been about 25. I could go longer because I love talking but we got to roll out. Is there anything else you want to leave with the audience before we head out?

That’s it man. Just I hope I you know, communicated enough about activity mindset volume of what you got to do. Because you told me you got to yeah, there’s a lot of new investors out there. Not not just in your audience, but in general, a lot of new people coming in on board with wholesaling takes takes a lot of just takes a lot of activity. I know that may discourage people, but I mean, if you make realistically if you make $15,000 on a wholesale fee, you might have worked five hours, six hours, even 10 hours. You’ve made you made half of somebody’s annual income. Yeah, in hours, right.

So what doesn’t take a lot activity be real, like most people aren’t rich in this world because they don’t take action. And if they take action, they you make money. That’s just that’s just what happens.

Yeah, don’t be just don’t be discouraged. They mean everything out of all the 10 activity, things that you do, you know, one of those succeed, but it’s just some matter of doing doing as much as you can. Fast quickly.

Time. Yeah. Well, Paul, appreciate it, man. Let’s keep in touch. And for my viewers, check them out. Check out his website. One more time. Throw the the website on there.

Yeah, I appreciate that. Rei Omni

You got it. All right, Paul. Appreciate it, man. Thank you, man.


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